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Hey Dane!


Just read the article on Komo. So sorry to hear about your cancer. You're a fighter - I know you'll overcome!




Since many of us know Dane from here, I thought it'd be nice to show our support for him. He's helped me a great deal in gearing up for climbing, choosing gear, general advice and I'm sure others here have been helped by him. Anyhoo, I thought it'd be nice to show support.



Edited by CaleHoopes
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best wishes dane, very heartfelt, so sorry to hear the news. But you'll pull through it and bring even more perspective and depth to the world. And thanks for your PSA about the vaccine.


keep the camp fire of hope burning strong!


my pops made it pass late stage malignant melanoma about..23 years ago.


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Thanks everyone. Round 2 of chemo is next week. Which gives a whole no definition to the term suffering, trust me on that one.


Ivan?..BTDT already made all those jokes myself :) "I got freakin cancer from skanky WHAT ?!" :rolleyes:


Interesting factoids as I naviagate this...


40% of the girls brought in for the vacine between 10 and 12 years old already have HPV. So being sexually active isn't the entire background of this virus. No numbers on the boys yet.


Most importantly according to the Federal CDC, HPV P16 driven cancers are is literally at pandemic proportions for men between 30 and 60 today. It will get much worse very quickly within that population and the age will drop.


More interesting to me and likely most reading here. All of us are at risk.


My family Dr. after looking twice couldn't find anything wrong with me after getting back last spring from the Alps.


But I knew from my slow recoveries (noticed with a HR monitor) after a couple of our climbs that something was wrong.


(there are other likely symtoms, I just didn't have any of them...none!)


If I han't followed up and pushed the issue on this I'd likely have a terminal prognosis in 9 months or less instead of a likilyhood of a total cure. My cancer was stage 4 when finally found in Sept. And I knew some bad shit was happening since April! In August I was told, "no worry, we've checked and it is not cancer!" Talk about a dumb ass medical community. I just couldn't put a finger on it until the minor swelling on the side of my throat showed up.


And finally thankfully it is a HPV driven throat cancer (sex jokes aside) anything else in the throat found at stage 4 and you likely have zero options outside a pine box and a 6' dirt dive.


My thought is, trust no one...and follow through yourself if you suspect something.


Just like in climbing be your own best advocate and pay attention to the details of your own health. No one else will! Vaccinate if you can..other wise get an education if you are at risk. Anyone, man or woman with more than one sexual partner is at a higher risk. The higher the number the higher the risk. (including the sheep obviously Sobo and Ivan are gonna die and thankfully I am not contagious ;)


Helps to know where your partners have been as well. But it is only part of the whole story and only the surface of this one.


Feel free to turn this into a educational discussion on the cancer if anyone wants more info. There isn't a lot of info available but I know more than I did in August and will share.

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Damn, that is harsh Dane. Best of luck with it all.



BTW ... last summer while visiting a friend who's brother like to hang out in Thailand he told a story of being advised that if he wanted to engage in oral sex he should put a condom over his tongue! I thought it odd but now I can understand.

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BTW ... last summer while visiting a friend who's brother like to hang out in Thailand he told a story of being advised that if he wanted to engage in oral sex he should put a condom over his tongue! I thought it odd but now I can understand.


Yeah, but to do it right you've really got to use your lips, too. Probably just best to not do that kind of thing with a thai hooker.


Take care, Dane. Rough stuff.

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