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About rob

  • Birthday 12/18/1978


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    Single father
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  1. i never left. the footprints are when i carried you
  2. rob

    Amber Alerts

    Using the internet to post about having no phone, so hipster
  3. rob

    Amber Alerts

    blah blah blah Nokia 925 blah blah blah I know it's not as much fun as complaining, but why not just turn the amber notifications off? (http://blog.laptopmag.com/turn-off-amber-alerts-windows-phone) p.s. fw has a windows phone?????
  4. He's damn lucky whether he was wearing a helmet or not
  5. Yes, when they arrest you for THC or other DUI or warrants or... Just another excuse to pull you over and see what they may dig up... I've no idea how much the state/county gets paid for each DUI but I'm sure it's a lot. Good thing I've never had to find out. But hey, at least those dangerous criminals won't be slowing us down in the fast lane anymore. I would never, ever, EVER drive under the influence. But I could see why drunk or high drivers would be against traffic laws that might result in them getting caught committing felonies, though, and I could see why these same people would prefer that existing traffic laws NOT be enforced I agree drunk driving is a terrible crime. However, to believe your local PD is doing this as a "public service" is not entirely believable. Maybe, the cops/law makers caved to so much public pressure on the issue, like what happened with MADD and tougher DUI penalties. Cause, like, I'm sure that this has been a huge hot button political issue on the forefront of we citizens. To think that is the case in our ever increasingly nanny state with bigger gubment and freedom after freedom being whittled down in the name of "protecting" us citizens. I think my theory is much more plausible and even more likely. Sure, pot is legal, but a lot of people don't realize that caught while driving high can and will draw a lot of income to the state/counties. I'm sure Oswald acted alone with JFK, too... Fuk'n conspiracy nuts... I don't even know what you're talking about anymore. Are you saying that the police are incentivized to enforce traffic laws for the income from citations? Duh. Or are you suggesting that it's a bad thing for them to use traffic violations to hunt for drunk drivers? Or are you saying it's only bad if they do it just because of the money? I don't get the controversy here. What trick is the man pulling that I'm not getting? Should we not allow traffic fines, due to their corrupting nature - corrupting in that they encourage police officers to enforce laws?
  6. Yeah, he's been tried in the media and that's good enough for me!!!!
  7. Yes, when they arrest you for THC or other DUI or warrants or... Just another excuse to pull you over and see what they may dig up... I've no idea how much the state/county gets paid for each DUI but I'm sure it's a lot. Good thing I've never had to find out. But hey, at least those dangerous criminals won't be slowing us down in the fast lane anymore. I would never, ever, EVER drive under the influence. But I could see why drunk or high drivers would be against traffic laws that might result in them getting caught committing felonies, though, and I could see why these same people would prefer that existing traffic laws NOT be enforced
  9. Yeah, but what will people rage about then?
  10. All signs point to yes BTW, I stand corrected -- you don't sound angry at all. I don't know where I got this idea from!
  11. OMG EVEN THOUGH I'M IN A CAR I'M STILL IN SUCH A HURRY!!!! Bob, is there *anything* you're not angry about? Is it a polish thing? Maybe I shouldn't make fun of you if it's a cultural thing.
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