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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    festivus in february

    the pusillanimous piriformis muscle, miserable cur he must be
  2. aww, i miss me too - the world went and got Awful Silent
  3. ivan

    staff meeting

    them zebra stripes make more sense when you dwell in the middle of the herd
  4. ivan

    Alpine BUCKS

    reckon we can give you way better beta on hunting goats
  5. no fair having snow to melt and booze to be drunk - we did that back in the day in saharan heat with nary a drop to drink - the descent in particular was a horrorshow of zero viz in clouds and getting lost in bear-tunnels complete w/ fresh blueberry-studded bear-turds congrats though - for the legendary "blue-collar trifecta" you need to add the ne buttress of j'berg and nooksack tower, if'n you haven't nailed them already
  6. next step when you're done https://www.mountainproject.com/route/113377948/rapunzels-back-in-rehab
  7. yup, folks definitely get killed on that steep snow section below the false summit, and it stays there pretty far into the summer as i recall
  8. reckon you just have to pick which part of the hike will potentially suck, the middle or the top - there's no time like the present though
  9. i gave up on tr's b/c i was either too drunk or too dumb to figure out how to make photos work anymore after the gallery fucked off - how durst one do this these days? how do i make the magic picture-thingy in my smart-thingy talk to the great-big-cc.com-daddy in the sky? large font descriptions explaining how to do this with less than 6 words a sentence and photos with picture and arrows and paragraphs explaining what each one is would be swell.
  10. Is that the Matt who got hurt on Stuart a couple years ago?
  11. south side of hood seems right for what you're looking for - or the cooper spur on the north side if you want it to be a little cooler (and use them skis)
  12. ivan

    staff meeting

    this is all an excellent example of something, i'm just not sure what
  13. ivan

    staff meeting

    ya can't take from me what was never mine man, fucking-off in a zoom staff meeting just doesn't have the quite same je ne sais quoi...
  14. wait, when did we start listening to englishmen? don't they hate us for our freedoms? aren't they kinda soft on the nazi question? isn't choosing tea over coffee a symptom of latent homo-ism?
  15. the scheeple...try to keep up, eh don?
  16. if you're ten foot below the summit, but eleven foot stoned, then ya summited
  17. i like how the look on this lady's face tells you all you have to know and thus absolves you of any responsibility to listen to a word of it
  18. the constitution, meh, i'm more a fan of the twelve tables of rome, them bitches really knew how to organize a shindig
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