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Suck weekend


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I'd love to go climbing. All I can do right now is go for long walks. At least I'm getting stronger so when I can climb again, watch out.


Long walks on the beach? sickie


Kurt, there's a free pina colata waiting for you at the next pub club...


That sounds good as long as it's a NA pina colata. :) Anything hard core will have to wait till the future.

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Sweet weekend, right? Amazing weather, avy conditions are great, etc. So stoked.


And then my wife and I get into an argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass. Happens -- nuff said. Anyway, we make up and I manage to get the OK to leave on Sunday -- which turns out to look like the better day anyway. The wife and I make up, etc. So everything works out, right? Phew.


Saturday night, my wife's sister calls and says she's in labor. So now, I can't go out cause I'll have to watch the kids. Which sucks, but I can't really be pissed off about that, right? Oh well, I guess I gotta suck it up, she's having a baby.


Except now it's Sunday morning, too late to really do/go anywhere, and now it looks like maybe the wife's sister is not in labor after all. Oops.


Weak. :tdown:

Feel your pain...my partner for St Helens on Sunday bailed at 3PM Saturday.....sounds like it was an epic day.

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saturday - worlds biggest z-clip....


...short-fixed city park at the intermediate anchor to test the system and suss the solo routine. barely made it to the top anchor. halfway up we realized i clustered and had a loop going from me thru the intermediate anchor and back up to me. it reached.



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Sweet weekend, right? Amazing weather, avy conditions are great, etc. So stoked.


And then my wife and I get into an argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass. Happens -- nuff said. Anyway, we make up and I manage to get the OK to leave on Sunday -- which turns out to look like the better day anyway. The wife and I make up, etc. So everything works out, right? Phew.


Saturday night, my wife's sister calls and says she's in labor. So now, I can't go out cause I'll have to watch the kids. Which sucks, but I can't really be pissed off about that, right? Oh well, I guess I gotta suck it up, she's having a baby.


Except now it's Sunday morning, too late to really do/go anywhere, and now it looks like maybe the wife's sister is not in labor after all. Oops.


Weak. :tdown:



welcome to my life, buddy...

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And then my wife and I get into an argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass.


I got two kids and a wife too.


I get out....even this past awesome weekend. Don't get in fights no more. Why? I realized it aint fucking worth it.


Hint...a little piece of you must die before you can live.

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my climbing partner is a poo so i didn't get out at all. so saterday i slept in til noon because i was massively hung over from the party i went to friday night. then i went to work and worked all day. i went home and did laundry. sunday the guy i have been dating on and off came over to pick me up and take me to lunch. he suggested we be more on than off and said he doesn't want to date anyone but me. then we went and looked at houses, saw smokin' aces which was a pretty decent movie and then had dinner and i went home and did more laundry. outside high light of my weekend, a 4 mile urban hike early sunday morning. pretty blah weekend on the wahhooo scale, but i have a boyfriend again and that is pretty cool.

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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And then my wife and I get into an argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass.


I got two kids and a wife too.


I get out....even this past awesome weekend. Don't get in fights no more. Why? I realized it aint fucking worth it.


Hint...a little piece of you must die before you can live.

word - my experience is just say what you're going to do and go do it - try to avoid the dates that will immediately get you divorced - try to be superman when you are aroudn to make up for it


wear a helmet!

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say what you're going to do and go do it


that is all i really want from a man.




don't blow sunshine up my ass or tell me shit that you think i want to hear. tell me how it is what i can expect and what you are willing to do and then do it. if i know what to expect i can work with that and so can any woman worth her salt.

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say what you're going to do and go do it


that is all i really want from a man.




don't blow sunshine up my ass or tell me shit that you think i want to hear. tell me how it is what i can expect and what you are willing to do and then do it. if i know what to expect i can work with that and so can any woman worth her salt.

I'll give you some salt, honey ;)
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say what you're going to do and go do it


that is all i really want from a man.




don't blow sunshine up my ass or tell me shit that you think i want to hear. tell me how it is what i can expect and what you are willing to do and then do it. if i know what to expect i can work with that and so can any woman worth her salt.

I'll give you some salt, honey ;)


Yes please :moondance:

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i think some of you men with wives, need wives with hobbies/friends of their own. my DH tells me he's going skiing/climbing/etc and one of 2 things happens 1) i ask where he's going and decide if i want to go too or 2) i say "great! get out of my hair." that means i can go do whatever it was i had in mind that didn't include him.


now the caveat to this is that he's an excellent cook , he has plenty of skills, and on a FEW weekends a year does a project around the house w/o being asked. we usually just wait for a lame weather weekend though.

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i think some of you men with wives, need wives with hobbies/friends of their own. my DH tells me he's going skiing/climbing/etc and one of 2 things happens 1) i ask where he's going and decide if i want to go too or 2) i say "great! get out of my hair." that means i can go do whatever it was i had in mind that didn't include him.


now the caveat to this is that he's an excellent cook , he has plenty of skills, and on a FEW weekends a year does a project around the house w/o being asked. we usually just wait for a lame weather weekend though.


And your point is.....

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ok dumbass--my point is that there are a lot of people whining about not getting out b/c their wives won't let them. total BS. tired of hearing about it.


Minx, that came through on paper sounding like a loud screechy harpy bitch. :eek:


Might have been my misinterpretation of your words however, but right now I'm feeling some symapthy for your Signifigant Other here.

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ok dumbass--my point is that there are a lot of people whining about not getting out b/c their wives won't let them. total BS. tired of hearing about it.



Well. In a way its true. I mean. Wives blame the hubs and hubs blame the wives. If the huby does not get out it usually means the huby understands that if he wants a calm home front, he better not even ask. Hopfully the men will “choose” not to go or ask. That was it is a choice they are making instead of the wife making the choice. But in the end……we all know the wives make the rules……why? Because the women hold all the cards. They have what we (men) want. It all boils down to sex.

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Dude, you might need to work on the negotiating tactics. Remember that there are other women out there and available. Staying with one woman is a choice that a guy can make....or not. Reminding a SO that you have choice reinforces the equality that should be present in a relationship IMO. I've been hit on by other women in view of my wife, and it makes the relationship better cause it reinforces this fact.


I did get some grief for being in Red Rocks over the Thanksgiving holidays and telling her after the plane tickets were bought though.......*cough* cough*. Rightfully so since she was planning on a big family dinner at our house.


I heard it was good. (Ujahns day before thanksgiving signature pic follows:-)

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ok dumbass--my point is that there are a lot of people whining about not getting out b/c their wives won't let them. total BS. tired of hearing about it.


Minx, that came through on paper sounding like a loud screechy harpy bitch. :eek:


Might have been my misinterpretation of your words however, but right now I'm feeling some symapthy for your Signifigant Other here.


i am definitely a screeching harpy and you should feel sorry for my significant other. h/e that dumbas comment was directed at kevbone. i have no patience today for his in ability to make an obvious deduction from my post.


many of us--husbands AND wives--have domestic obligations that prevent us from getting out every w/e. i just get tired of the blame the spouse game. i'd like to get out more than i do. sometimes i don't get out b/c of my husband. i don't whine about it. we talk about it and figure out how to get it done. its definitely harder when kids are small but even then there's middle ground. sometimes the yard goes unmowed and the carpet doesn't get vaccuumed. oh friggin well.


so if that means i'm a loud screeching harpy--so be it. i'm just not in the mood today to spell things out for kevbone.

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