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What didn't you do this weekend?


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I didn't climb anything at Vantage on the way home from Spokane. In the parking lot at the Feathers ... the following discussion took place ...


Matt: "This is gonna be sweet."

Brianna: "Heck yes it is."



(Insert dramatic pause ... )



Brianna: "Is the rope in the backseat?"

Matt: "Why ... isn't it in the trunk?"

Brianna: "No ... did you grab it off the bed?"

Matt: "No ... I thought YOU did."


(Insert frustrated mumbling and clanking while throwing gear back into the car.)


Stupid rookies. smile.gif

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We didn't summit Ruth Mt. for various reasons. Snow was suck, lots of recent avy debris (even heard one go off), running out of time, weather moving in, yada, yada, yada. I also didn't ski down very well. We didn't have good snow. But we didn't have a bad time either thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.giffruit.giffruit.gif

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