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About Dave_Schuldt

  • Birthday 10/27/1963


  • Occupation
    Steel Detailer
  • Location
    Seattle Wa

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Trip: MT Margret - West Side Date: 1/22/2012 Trip Report: Plenty of coverage now. Did 2 runs with a nice up track. Gear Notes: Rondo. Approach Notes: Pruning has been done along the west side of Wolf Creek.
  2. Trip: Chinook Pass - Laps Date: 7/2/2011 Trip Report: Took Brian from Florida up for his first taste of back country. Lots of sun cups but if they get soft or there's lots of tracks or it's steep turning is no problem. Slide show http://gallery.me.com/dave.schuldt#100419 Gear Notes: Skins not required, booting is good. Towing snow boards works great. Approach Notes: Roadside
  3. Is it firm enough to walk on with out sinking too much?
  4. Good back country beginer area is Sas Ridge by Lake Cle Elum. Part of this ridge is voluntary no snomo.
  5. Dave_Schuldt

    Fuck Jesus

    The pope sucks.
  6. Just thought I'd drop by to share the latest in my favorite scandal. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/06/ted-haggard-starting-new-church-gay-people-welcome-gay-marriages-not-so-much.php All sinners welcome. Speaking of good scandals what's Tappy McWidestace (Larry Craig) up to these days?
  7. Should have quit sooner, sad to see such a great player sputter.
  8. Gear swap? I may have a few odds and ends I want to get rid of.
  9. Funny stuff, run out and buy some shoes so they can come up with more great ads.
  10. I missed it last year. Are there any plans this year?
  11. One really old pair, needs glue job may be good for old school light tele gear. No tail hooks. One pair about 180 cm for skis w/ side cut. Glue in good shape. No tail hooks. Rubber tip connection w/ spare pair. PM for number.
  12. Was up there on Sunday XC style. This is the first time I've seen lots of other tracks up high. Had some good snow over there. Things got wet and heavy in the afternoon. Tired legs from contra dance and trail work plus icing up made it not one of my best days. My friends used skins but all I had was grip wax which worked most of the time. The Daytona 500 will keep the snowmos to a minimum, I think it's next weekend. Slide show. http://gallery.me.com/dave.schuldt#100077
  13. MF Snoq info http://www.wta.org/trail-news/signpost/middle-fork-road-reopens
  14. What's the deal with the parking? Can you park at the tunnel entrance?
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