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specialed last won the day on July 13 2021

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    Ripped and Gripped

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  1. They let you drive your car in the mall?
  2. specialed

    Geek magnet

    Oh my fucking lord...! Do you set yourself up for beatings on purpose? Are you really waxing philosphic about your pathetic inability to get laid after the abuse you just took last week?!!!! You are too funny. Note to gary: The reason you are attracted to bohemian chicks is because they appear "cool" and "mysterious" to right-brain troglodites like yourself. Furthermore, the reason you are conflicted about having children versus chasing after an independent, carefree woman is that you are still an idealistic boy sheltered under the nuzzling teat of academic complacency. The way to a woman's heart is not through her computer screen. Get out there a try getting some.
  3. specialed

    Geek magnet

    clearly, it's this attitude that has given sp'ed his reputation for being great in bed or in his case, outstanding in his field. You couldn't handle my moves.
  4. specialed

    Geek magnet

    I just don't think its true that men will have sex with anything that moves. Movement isn't necessary.
  5. yep...last winter was pretty much the shit!! With the added bonus of listening to all the skiing faeries whining... And a nonexistent winter snowpack is great for the environment too. I hear Ford 150s are worse I hear living in Portland is even worse than that since you have to drive half way up or down the coast to get to any REAL mountains.
  6. specialed

    Geek magnet

    The ones that have a pulse.
  7. yep...last winter was pretty much the shit!! With the added bonus of listening to all the skiing faeries whining... And a nonexistent winter snowpack is great for the environment too.
  8. You pulled an all nighter to prepare for watching a film on human reproduction? Interesting.
  9. I bet G.I Joe could kick Action Man's ass. Action Man sounds like a fag.
  10. You mean manage the micro
  11. I've heard incredible stories of vast undeveloped climbing south of the border. Down there I think its a sport only for the borgeoise or visiting / expatriot gringos. Sounds like your trip was awesome!! BTW
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