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Everything posted by Bug

  1. We score worse in Math and Science than almost every industrialized nation and have done so for decades. Our kids don't know shit about History or Geography, just to name a few subjects we lack in - woefully. Gee. I guess its a good thing that we have decimated federal spending on education with each successive republicon administration. We don't wanna waste waste no money on your dumb kids. Yes. Your dumb kids. They are part of the statistics you are talking about. You implied it. I typed it. Do I think it is OK? Hell no. I think you are proving that republicons have failed our children. You might want to flesh that one out. How can we import homegrown talent? Just in case this clears something up, I work with people of many nationalities and races and I really can't say that any of them stand out as being ahead of other nationalities or races. You don't know anything about me except that I acknowledge how shitty this whole right/left polarization is. We are all dung-beetles who post here. Civility is the primary casualty of the anonimity of internet forums. The truth is, if democrats or republicans were able to dominate the federal agenda for more than a decade, the country would fail. The muti-party system was one of the fundamental building blocks of this democracy. "Checks and balances." Only a fool would claim we could do without either party. So I will not piss off. Lick sack.
  2. Bug


    Not at all. But I think you're mistaken if you believe blacks like the liberal patronizing version of racism any more than the redneck kind. Why do over 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats? Why do the vast majority of Jews vote for Democrats? Why do Hispanic whites split more evenly? Don't know, but I'll bet it has less to do with reality than traditional fictions. So you don't think it could possibly be because they read the papers and understand what is going on? Of course you don't. That would be unrepublicon of you. Every good republcon knows that minorities ain't smart. But they ain't racist!
  3. Bug


    Are we all going to rope-up? Everyone pick a costume. Here a partial list. Feel free to add to it. Obama. Bush. Bush. Socialist. Communist. Union steward. Republican Drug Czar who likes black people.
  4. We score worse in Math and Science than almost every industrialized nation and have done so for decades. Our kids don't know shit about History or Geography, just to name a few subjects we lack in - woefully. Yes, or GNP/GDP is great - we are a large country with a lot of talent, but that talent is focused on the top, just like our Health Care, right? And we import all the talent we home-grow, as I am certain you can attest to by looking around at your co-workers. I am as pro-education as you get, and am sure I exceed your educational background in both scope (breadth) and knowledge (depth) on balance, so piss off, dung-beetle. I led 5.12 trad.
  5. Lowest ROI? So you are saying we are behind other countries? Which ones? And their GDP is better than ours too? I mean, if we are so poorly educated, we must be doing poorly in the marketplace too right? Oh wait. That's right. You're a republican. Education sucks. Never mind.
  6. Bug


    It's all padding. Dry off.
  7. In Chicago, 1904, both of my great grandparents were killed in an "industrial accident". Some undisclosed number of other unfortunates died with them. It was some kind of gas is all we know. My grandmother was 11 and her oldest sister was almost 13. They raised their three younger siblings together with a little bit of help from kindly neighbors. There was no compensation of any kind from the company. They did not even send a representative to the house. Without unions we would still be in that state of affairs.
  8. You do know of course that unions are socialism? Maybe now Seattle can return to a free market society. What a win for capitalism.
  9. in other words "dinner" - for a dung beetle I originally registered as my real self and quickly learned that a cess pool is a step up from spray and even much of cc.com. So I re-registered as "Bug" which was going to be a dungbeetle, "scarab" actually, but my daughter shortened it for me. She asked what a scarab was and I began my explanation of dung beetles followed by Egyptian mythologies to which she interrupted, "So yur a bug?". I had to say yes. But still I claim identity with the dung beetle as there is so much SHIT here on cc.com. It just makes sense. I mean, I even read and respond to your posts.
  10. No, we, will not, unfortunately. We'll get a turd wrapped up in pretty wrapping paper. Right now, too many American citizens with jobs and families are not able to afford health insurance. That is not even viscous enough to be a turd. Never mind the wrapping paper.
  11. A turd by any other name is still a turd.
  12. I just bought a 96 VW Passat TDI wagon. I got 54mpg on the freeway driving it home from Montana. 36 mpg city. Anything that does not get at least 30mpg is a worthless piece of shit designed to keep the oil companies' stock holders rich and justify going into Iraq or any other oil rich country that doesn't play nice. The cash for clunkers program was a total farce. I know people who turned in a 14 mpg car for a 19mpg car. I customized a 1960 Ford Falcon van in my back yard and it got 27mpg. That was in the mid 80's. So I can do that in my back yard and none of the car manufacturers can do it in their factories with huge teams of engineers? Bullshit. It is careful planning. Don't be stupid.
  13. Coming out of Fred Burr (Bitterroots) creek one day, a full cammo jeep with a full cammo jerk pulled up to us and leveled his 45 semi-automatic at my face. He said"If I ever see you in this canyon again I'll blow your fucking head off". Then he calmly drove away. I didn't go back until after the raid. Out on the flats at the mouth of the canyon was an old ranch turned whacko compound. They refused to pay taxes or get licenses of any kind. They claimed Fred Burr as their own and harassed everyone who entered. Finally two Blackhawk helicopters hovered over the compound and told them to come out of the buildings singe file with their hands on their heads and go directly to the waiting vans. There was a breif commotion as one building was identified as having combatants and was promply leveled. The other buildings were vacated shortly after in the recommended fashion. That was in the Reagan years when events like Waco were off limits to the press.
  14. Bug


    You would probably get more responses in the gear critic forum.
  15. Bug

    What have you dropped?

    In the Winds, a friend of mine came down with a powerful bad stomach problem. He had to drop trow before dropping his pack and then just pointed sideways off the trail. He blew freezable materials at least ten feet. Maybe someone could go to the Winds, find the micro-organism that affected my friend, and market that.
  16. 2 buck chuck is only 4 blocks away. And I have to get buy two bottles so I has some left when I get home. So I'm already payin Woodbridge prices.
  17. I just helped my mother through her last five weeks of life with the help of Hospice. Hospice prevented what otherwise would have been intense and protracted agony of the worst kind. Get them involved if you have someone close to you who wants to die at home. It is very unlikely that you can do it without them. Now please resume spray.
  18. Bug

    favorite handhold EVER!

    Time to back away from the crack pipe Pink.
  19. Good Christian products.
  20. In Montana they shoot dogs that ugly.
  21. I took my kids once. The x still talks about it.
  22. Time to break out the poly-pro and gaters.
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