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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Mt Vernon! Si!

    the dude looks like a queer NTTAWWT! What are the trademarks you are referring to?
  2. Bug

    Dropping a Tree

    Enough spray already. Start the freakin saw!
  3. First, Lynn Hill had every right to rename the Nose. Personally, given the era and the personalities involved, "Clitoris" would have been such a perfect choice. Second, my favorite first ascent was about 10 pitches and included aid. All I cared about was getting to be the first to free the splitter through the 15' roof that was 1800 ft off the ground. The FFA team left the name intact because the roof was the defining pitch and the bolt protecting the crux (lower down) would have been impossible to place without hooks. And a whipper would have been certain death on a jagged ledge. Even so, they freed it and would have been well within traditional ethics to rename it. Free vs Aid, they just are not the same climb imo.
  4. I was just over there. Got robbed by meth-heads every other day.
  5. Oh yeah. I heard they exposed a new granite wall at the bottom of the pit.
  6. Go to Bozeman. All the climbing is around Bozeman.
  7. Montana SUCKS! Dick is full of it.
  8. Oh wait. Where is his right hand and why is that cherub all scrunched up?
  9. Clearly not Michael's concept of heaven. Look where his hands are.
  10. Yes. Aluminum pons would be perfect up there right now.
  11. PM me for explicit directions. Even better, we can exchange phone numbers and maybe even meet to draw a map.
  12. Glad you are OK! What kind of bolts and hangers were they? Old 1/4 inchers?
  13. I was on the snowfeild right below the glacier on the morning of the 19th. Snow was soft enough to get a purchase with light boots in places but melted down to hard ice in other places. I backed off.
  14. I failed. I got a packfull of stuff from the toe of the NR but had to leave it on the trail out due to severe heat exhaustion. PM me for location.
  15. I am going up there to try to retreive the gear today. Cheers.
  16. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    So are you saying that since we can't be perfect we might as well not even try to do better? I mean no disrespect. I do not see your point. I see why you disagree with the absolutism of Dawg et al. but I do not see where you draw any limits or describe any ethics of your own. Cheers.
  17. Reagama. Can we survive the pendulum?
  18. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I had a mold made once a long time ago. But it broke the last time I tried to fit into it.
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