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Everything posted by Bug

  1. can't you tell that's all just satirical humor? Someone tell KKK about this before he makes a fool out of himself claiming republicans don't use racial slurs! Oh never mind.
  2. Dear Dick, The connection here is that pounding in a bong and drilling a hole in rock both create permanent damage. Even though a "route is created for all" with bolts, it is not the end of all technological progressions in rock climbing. To bolt everything that can be bolted is no less selfish than the guy with the bongs. Bolts will be to the next generation what bongs are to us. And our "shiny litter" will be everywhere while the bong scars will fade. You're welcome. bong scars fade?!? :lmao: you got some kind of cool rock no one knows about???? bawahahahahaha that is funny, keith.... They don't shine like bolts do. And stop trying to change the subject with objective stuff..
  3. Another dollar. Dude....are you getting the point yet? He reads every word.
  4. I played it in highschool until I discovered pot. Then I was, like, all, whatever,..... man. Didn't have that urge to maim anymore. Ruined my carreer.
  5. Poop-n-scoop and sell it again!
  6. Missoula Montana. Follow your nose.
  7. Bug


    I've always wanted to launch one in a water ballon slingshot.
  8. i know a few people whose bong scars will never fade... That is so sad. I know a few too many. Here we are at fifty and they are still suckin down a bong first thing in the morning.
  9. Bug

    never rob a ninja

    Don't move to Chicago. Detroit. NJ. NY. . . . . . . . .. I have lived in many of these places and the odds are 1) you'll never be faced with that kind of problem and 2) the robber doesn't want any kind of problem. Yup. Odds are in your favor. Odds are you could free solo triple colouirs and live too. But it just takes one chunk that does the unexpected......
  10. Dear Dick, The connection here is that pounding in a bong and drilling a hole in rock both create permanent damage. Even though a "route is created for all" with bolts, it is not the end of all technological progressions in rock climbing. To bolt everything that can be bolted is no less selfish than the guy with the bongs. Bolts will be to the next generation what bongs are to us. And our "shiny litter" will be everywhere while the bong scars will fade. You're welcome.
  11. Safe schools, safe buses (if they are part of a district's funding). Pretty fucking simple. And if it ain't free its because them libtards f't it all up.
  12. no doubt - most communities can get schools within a few miles of their students though - my district recently went round and round w/ parents over the busing issue - we could have solved all our budget issues by simply making everyone w/n a mile walk to school, but parents were up in arms about how cruel and dangerous that would be, so the school board caved... My God man! You may be onto something. Its them damn communists infiltrating the busses!
  13. Don't obfusate the issue with facts libtard.
  14. The methane will start to adle you in ten,... nine,... eight,.....
  15. No. I biked to school. If our kids are on public school buses they should be guaranteed to be safe. Then we'd have to get the guvment involved. And God knows, only commie libtards would want that. That's the fucking problem, Einstein. The schools are public, kids are bussed, and the government runs it all - and guarantees nothing, not even that kids will not get the shit beat out of them. Can't wait for that government health care. Maybe if we funded the Defense department the same way republicans fund education you would get a clue. Retard.
  16. If our kids are on public school buses they should be guaranteed to be safe. BWAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA! Another retarded statement by a stalwart supporter of the party that decimated the funds to even provide the frickin busses.
  17. Common boy! Use the n-word. You know its oozing out of every pore.
  18. I agree with some of what you say Matt but you seem to have made the assumption that bolting is not damaging the rock. Or that it is somehow immune to the judgement of future climbers. Yes, anything that damages the rock is poor style to some degree and will be seen as such by future generations. Just as some here are scoffing at this old fart for using outdated equipment and being curmugdonly in general, so too will future generations berate US for not leaving ANY unbolted quality routes within 3 days hike of a road. Why can't he see that no one is using Bongs and generally destructive tactics? Why couldn't they see that there would be alternatives to using Bolts and generally destructive tactics? Same arguement imo.
  19. Sounds like a hate crime to me. I'm sure the Feds will be prosecuting it as such (fat chance). It's great to know that our PUBLIC school system with its PUBLIC bussing has such a great control over the kids that they can beat the shit out of each other (no matter what the race) freely with no intervention from the driver. Now would be a good time for racist libtards to drop a few N-bombs - for illustrative purposes of course. Maybe if the federal funding of public education hadn't been reduced to a trickle by our "race-blind" republican presidents over the last 30 years, we could afford more supervision and social training. Is this guy retarded?
  20. Bug

    never rob a ninja

    Don't move to Chicago. Detroit. NJ. NY. . . . . . . . ..
  21. What does that have to do with busses and racial slurs?
  22. Bug


    Nope. No pickin ther noses. Or,...were they each picking one of Rush's nostrils? Note the blurryness of the fingers.
  23. Thank you for moving this discussion to its appropriate forum.
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