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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Obama has failed us. It is ALL his falt.
  2. Blame it on the Christians, Jews, and Muslims. "Go forth and multiply and subdue the earth". Of course, in those areas where there is no welfare of any kind and "retirement" depends totally on one of your kids surviving long enough to take care of you, having large families is an insurance policy.
  3. Bug

    Getting Old sucks

    Pretend to care.
  4. Down the North face? It is a big wall. Take lots of pitons to leave behind.
  5. Bug

    Getting Old sucks

    Your carilege is not regenerated the way it used to.From 35-45, males lose about 50% of their cartilege regeneration. We shrink. We feel all the bumps and ridges from old wounds. We have to try not to wine. Vitamin B, C, and D, plus a little E every week. REGULAR stretching. Speaking of regular, outmeal with fresh ground flax seed and fruit every morning. Warm up before every workout. Don't expect to lope alongside the pups in the pack. They have something to prove more often than not. You should have already proven it.
  6. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I knew that. Your narrowminded power trips are destroying what makes this site worthwhile. Open discussion should be allowed. You should be banned.
  7. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Perhaps you're not familiar with the modern vernacular, but when I wrote "dope post" in response to Nolse's posting of the Messner interview/article that means "thanks, great post", you anachronistic coprophag. Actually, I did not mean to respond to any of your posts. This was a rant directed at whoever moved the thread to spray and anyone who agrees with them. Carry on with your spray.
  8. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    "No, dude...the future is going to judge the current legitimization of sport-climbing as a Dark Age in which the "leave no trace" ethic, adopted by most outdoor pursuits during the last 40 years, has been recklessly ignored for convenience and self-gratification. And mostly on public property....enjoy it while it lasts, because it's not going to last forever. P.S. It has nothing to do with being "bad ass"...I also face climb just fine." This is a legitimate claim. You may not like it and you may not agree with it. But eventually, your "bolts everywhere" standard is going to be cut off by legal means. You moderators are chicken shit assholes for moving this to spray. CascadeBolters.com is on its way out just like spandex climbing tights. Fuck off.
  9. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Off_white is definately one of the best moderators and contributors and it pains me that he might think I am less than perfect.
  10. How on earth did you infer that from a worthless BBC article on nutrition? Keep reading Prole's posts. There are often comparisons between capitalism, socialism, and communism. The relative short-comings of capitalism are more often the point. In other words, it was an inside joke. Or a trol. But I like his posts. They offer a different perspective that we insulated americans so often lack.
  11. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    So go grid-bolt Index Mr "fucking" sound-bite What a joke. The "sound bites" I hear on this topic come from the broken record anti-bolt nazis. Well for what it is worth, I am not "anti-bolt". But I do recognize the right to disagree with my bolt acceptance. I do not see it as any different than building cabins in the wilderness or allowing wheelchairs. It is counter to the ethic and principle that the wilderness bill promotes. Further, outside the wilderness there are many different ways that a rock can be appreciated. Those who would bolt every face in the valley or JT are the ones who are changing the landscape for their specific purposes regardless of the effects those changes might have on others now and in the future. The fact that other people find value in a pristine environment is taken as an affront and bolters become militant in their defense of the permanent change that will make their way the only available choice.
  12. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Hey. Have you and 5K been secretly climbing together?
  13. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    So go grid-bolt Index Mr "fucking" sound-bite
  14. Yeah, his quote, "they report in their analysis that there are higher levels of beneficial nutrients in organic compared to non-organic foods" would appear to undermine the oh-so-important attention-grabbing headers. You're missing the point of printing the headlines. So trollers and talk-radio hosts will have something to latch on to? Gawd. You must be a bolter. No. The point is that you can't run an efficient corporate farm without mass produced fertilizers and pesticides. Bolts help too.
  15. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Sorry. Over-reacted.
  16. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Keith, I enjoyed meeting you at the spring picnic awhile back, and I'm generally congruent to any old timer climbing parent, but you're full of it in this quote. Go back and re-read the first post of this thread and then tell me with a straight face that this was anything but spray from the moment Don watched that clip from an old Star Trek and thought it was a perfect example of the sport/trad paradigm. Neither PP nor I moved this to spray, but to assert that this thread was any sort of serious discussion attempt is ludicrous. What does Sport vs. Trad mean anyway? I clip bolts, but I also just did an alpine route that offered an average of two dodgy placements per 50 meters. Am I sport or trad? I recently did a friction climbing pitch with one bolt in 100', and in the same week climbed a 5.8 crack where I put in seven cams and nuts in the same distance. Am I sport or trad? Blake Herrington (or a dozen other posters here) clips bolts, but he'll kick your ass, Raindawgs ass, or my ass in onsite alpine adventure climbing. Is Blake sport or trad? From the very title of the thread this is a bogus parsing of the world into us and them, the pure and chosen versus the infidel and unworthy. You think the moderator's respect for plurality has alienated a large sector of the climbing population? Hardly, it's more that the long chain allowed to abusive narrow minded ideologues generates a level of discord that inhibits the average person who considers themselves simply a climber, who engages in a variety of climbing activities, and doesn't want to be made fun of for clipping a bolt, using a bouldering pad, or roping up for some exposed 4th class. The normal, average, non-cc posting climber certainly doesn't consider themselves some silly partisan reenactor in a civil war that was over for most climbers decades ago. Wave your Confederate flag all you want, and make your assertions of inferiority about those gay sport climbing darkies like Blake or myself (does clipping bolts an eighth of the time make one an octaroon?), but the world sees that sort of thing more like a foaming psychotic ranting on the subway than any sort noble sermon. Raindawg's disparaging rants do his cause nothing but disservice, and mostly invite only reaction, not conversation. This thread is no different than scores of others over the years. You are a Sprad climber. Raindawg is Raindawg. The conversation can go on without him. But, as in most cases where a bolt or bolting is called into question, the bolting community, more than well represented on this site, come out in angry droves. You miss my point by asking me how I label you. I am simply pointing out that opening a discussion about bolting ethics on this site is no different than calling any and all bolters total assholes who should be shot on sight. I have put up several routes that I would not have been able to do without bolts. I regularly climb trad and sport routes. I have good friends who are totally into sport and those who are totally into trad. Yet, because I bring up the need to be more open to those who do not like the pace at which bolted routes are being developed, I am "labeled" a bolt hater? I think you secretly agree with me but don't want to be hated by Porter and his locker-room buddies.
  17. Yeah, his quote, "they report in their analysis that there are higher levels of beneficial nutrients in organic compared to non-organic foods" would appear to undermine the oh-so-important attention-grabbing headers. You're missing the point of printing the headlines.
  18. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    He probably beleived the hype on the organic foods thread.
  19. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I'm surprised NetFlix hasn't sent it to me when I ordered The Sound of Music. They usually come up with the most interesting titles. Anything but what I order.
  20. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Well I didn't know it would be you specifically but you were on the short list. Other names on the list were Turd, Scrooge, Rumr, and Frodo.
  21. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    This thread is too predictable. The Hummer drivers are coming out in droves.
  22. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    True dat. Zombiism hits hard. Your snorkel seems to be attached to you on both ends. This would explain your confusion.
  23. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    One would think so.
  24. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    OK, then he's also, a Dumas. Hey look! There are handholds all the way down. When you two are done dorking each other for cash you can climb down and start on yur mom. (Thanks for the idea Bill )
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