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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    Anyone have a good recipe for kalirabbi? It liked the summer we had.
  2. I have climbed with a few people who exchanged flames with me. It worked out quite well. We kept flaming each other and kept climbing. Trading perspectives with someone who dissagrees with you is a good thing.
  3. I still think you two should go climbing sometime.
  4. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Because they are points worth discussing. Also because the discussion can be conducted with a modicum of reason. Well done.
  5. Alpine climbing is as dangerous as you make it. If you take the time to understand the objective hazards and then choose routes that have none of those you are left with the same odds as golf. Taking into account that removing all objective hazards brings the definition of "climbing" under scrutiny, you have to measure by increments of risk factors offset by increments of increased pleasure. The subjectivity of it all weighs heavier or lighter when you consider how often someone gets out on something they know is more exposed to objective hazards offset by their ability to minimize time in the highest risk zones. Clearly, at some point, you get into the realm where objective hazards are constant but vary by degrees. It is then that you have to start calculating the risk factors of the options. Climb the gulley to be fast but risk getting taken out by a rock or avalanche? Or climb the ridge where virtually no rock or avalanche can get you but the climbing is more demanding and you risk getting nailed by a storm. Or whatever the tradeoffs might be. Getting taken out on Torment or in that general vicinity is a risk in the category of "constant objective hazards". When I had kids, I knew that my time would be limited and to do any of my favorite sports safely requires practice. I decided to give up everything except climbing so I could keep some semblance of tuning. Even at that, my time was limited and my climbing suffered which further escalated my safety concerns. I spiralled downward for a few years. Then I realized that I had reached a point where I was just not happy. From there I started building up again. My risk tollerance is still nowhere near where it used to be but I get out in some cool places. My girls go with occaisionally but mostly I go solo or with a few friends selected for their attitude pertaining to risk. I might die in the mountains someday. That "edge" is part of what makes it interesting. But I beleive it is more likely that I will be taken out by the combination of odds from all the other possible risks outside of climbing. Having a nearly dead mother and nearly dead sister-in-law from the ravages of cancer leaves me thinking that death by mountain, at least at some ripe old age, ain't so bad.
  6. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Yes, you're probably right about that route. Inappropriate bolting next to cracks and ridiculously close bolt spacing does happen, and I'm not a supporter of that sort of thing. I just wanted to make the point that pictures don't tell the whole story. Even with the bolt there, I'd thump on that flake before I yarded on it. Thanks Bill for providing a concrete example, that's just the sort of thing I had in mind. Hold on there OW! You have be TOTALLY for or TOTALLY against bolting in this thread. The sport climbers have made that very clear. Pick a side and stay there.
  7. You are in the wrong thread. But while you are at it, why not chip some holds, I mean, big honkin buckets, so we can all be safer on a 5.6?
  8. Nothing like getting stuck on a stick to say "vacation".
  9. But Fairweather, if you loan your gun to Tvash, how will you protect yourself from rightwing dipshits?
  10. Hey pork, travel much?
  11. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    did you lick your lips? Dung beetles don't have lips shit-for-brains.
  12. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Look close.....smith rock at its best. Kimmo project 1. Kimmo project 2.
  13. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Another seriously serious angry sport climber.
  14. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Only not as angry as soundbite.
  15. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Seriously fucking serious.
  16. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Because I'm so serious.
  17. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I'm serious about being serious. I was serious. I even put each sentence on it's own line for dramatic effect.
  18. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Seriously though, Do any of you guys actually work? (Not counting TTrash.)
  19. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Sorry I just visit. I don't live here. But just to be clear, the pile of shit I have crash-landed into is called CascadeClimbers.com/Spray
  20. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Nothin wrong with that. Right guys?
  21. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I just ran into this guy that said he'd like cc.com, but that guy Bug is just too hostile Were you kicking his ass at the time?
  22. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    No. Too busy posting here. you seem angry Fuck you. I am not.
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