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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    It already is. Just different assholes hogging the keyboard.
  2. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Nothin wrong with that! Right boys?
  3. That was you with the severed bionic hands?!
  4. Bug

    Making moss Grafitti

    I've never felt so plain.
  5. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    F&X#@ing Canadians, giving Raindawg some grist. Looks like a great crack, whats the story Drew? C'mon Bill. Get out the pic of that drill you're so proud of.
  6. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Nothin wrong with that! Right boys?
  7. Bug

    Making moss Grafitti

    If your boyfriend used a condom, your ass wouldn't be slimy like that. You have sprouted a new, akhalteke-style, personality. Unless someone with clearance has hacked their way into our emails and violated the public trust. I accuse you of being an akhalteke-nodder. Far more boring than the sum of its parts.
  8. Not to denigrate Spandexboy's talents, but that wasn't much of a feat. I think Spandex boy owes us all an apology for his callous disregard for the human rights of the less endowed.
  9. Bug

    Making moss Grafitti

    I once trained a slug to write "STFU" in slime. Unfortunately, he was stepped on. So his last statement looked like a drawing of an asshole.
  10. Alk wants us to beleive that Obama asking people to submit emails they get from people and organizations that are spreading misinformation about his health care reform is the same threat to our constitutional rights as when Bush ordered wire taps and terrorist lists.
  11. You seem very angry.
  12. Bug

    guess where?

    Emmons, just above camp Curtiss.
  13. Oh wait. You do qualify. Carry on. I use that one sentence per line thing for dramatic flair. It also helps the other deficit thinkers here to understand things that go beyond STFU, or "Drill for the thrill". Well maybe not. But I like to think I'm a better person for making the effort.
  14. No shit. You're not allowed to post here unless you have the mental capacity of a one year old with a mental deficit and the vocabulary of his dad. Maybe you should go post on backhackers.com or try the club sensitivo forum.
  15. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Jeeze. I go climbing and come back and you guys have been bitchin at each other the whole time. It's the weekend. Oh, by the way. I met a guy by Bears Breast who said he used to like this site until it became dominated by sport climbers. Another eletist old fart. I sure do meet a lot of those.
  16. Now you have too much beta. I think Orbit is a 5 star route. I give MJ dihedral 3 because of the flake.
  17. Then you go up the inside of a rfc for a move or two, then traverse out right on the face to turn the corner again. This is the section I was "warned" was run out but it took two small wires easily. And up around that last corner is a bomber ledge that takes 2.5 inch pro.
  18. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Well now both 5K and you have brought up religion so we have about another 40 pages to go. Religion would solve this whole mess. Soon as I get a little better at Yoga, I'm not even gonna need rocks. God willing.
  19. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Primarily. Maybe in the out of doors but here you are primarily assholes. Which pretty much sums up everybody in spray. So stop staining yur undies.
  20. Bug

    Hey Billcoe

    It will have to feature adds for special offers on tools for untying intertwined chest hairs.
  21. Most goats don't travel much.
  22. Toward a global society.
  23. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    This dead horse is going to get up and gallop on your face someday. The inevitable outcome of unlimited development of permanent anything, is government intervention.
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