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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I like to think I could too but the reality is, you are moving really fast really soon and then you are pretty much screwed (whether you have screws or not). A fall on hard ice/snow has to be stopped immediately. Your likelyhood of stopping a fall into a crevass hoovers near zero after 2 or 3 seconds. Good call not going up!
  2. Bug

    Bill Coe come back

    Don't live up to your reputation.
  3. Bug

    Pig Roast

    Dig a pit. Line the pit with rocks. Build a roaring fire in the pit. Burn it hot for 3 hours. Move the fire and embers out of the pit. Wrap the pinapple stuffed, honey coated pig in a wet burlap bag with a few sprigs of cloves. Bury the pig in ashes and embers with 3 or 4 inches of cover on top and restart the fire. A 50 lb pig will take 5 or 6 hours.
  4. Yes. They definately have my respect. Just musing here but I disagree with getting a visual under their circumstances. First there is the risk of falling in a crevasse balanced against the small chance that he survived. Second, after cutting the rope I would feel like shit. Then getting to the edge of the crevasse and looking down to see a mangled remnant of my best friend would be demoralizing to say the least. In short, if you have to cut the rope to save youself, then save yourself. Don't waste both of our lives looking for my remains. Not meaning to be coarse about it. Just matter of fact.
  5. Bug

    Bill Coe come back

    Tvash has no conscience. He is like a smart KKK.
  6. How were the liver and onions?
  7. There have been a few bear maulings in the Cascades over the last 20 years. They happen in the spring when the bears come out of hibernation, get pushed around by the bigger bears, and are just plain desperate, hungry, and used to fighting. Then you are better off with bear spray cause while you are being mauled by a bear there is no telling which way the bullets will fly. Oh, and don't bend over in the woods without a quick look around.
  8. Bug

    proud parent

    Prolly bolted a bit too much.
  9. Bug

    To my friends:

    Nothing could have prepared me for this.......
  10. Bug

    fear me

    I try to ban myself but I am sooo weak.......
  11. Once you get used to that stairstepping thing, grab a couple of 10 lb barbells and lift them from a full hang to a full up position as you step up. Start with one at a time. Great calorie burner.
  12. I like gortex for cutting the wind. It is better than anything else I have used but I have not used dryclime. Jake, how do driclime and gortex compare for cutting wind? I really do not know.
  13. I use a light base layer and have a extra one (dry) to change into when I get to camp.
  14. You keep getting blisters. I think there is a section in Freedom of the Hills on that. You can probably fix that with different socks or better fitting boots. Maybe get some good footbeds. Get your feet taken care of or they will not take care of you. Keep it coming! Great stuff.
  15. There was a previous thread on this. It raged on for many pages and days. Nobody won.
  16. perhaps you should turn your aramaic translator off too? i'm only celibate when i'm oregon, which is rare. Ah. I thought you were a teacher in Pertland. But now I find out you were in fact the whole state.
  17. uh, okay, perhaps i should turn my ancient-aramaic transalator off? didn't think i was being coy, but perhaps i'm wrong? have you had a head injury lately? Somehow I doubt that you and Aramaic are closely associated. people frequently confuse w/ me w/ jeebus, so i'm sure you're mistaken Consoling someone for being celibate for a few years is not necessarily the same as confusing you with "jeebus". But since you are in Oregon I will not bet any money on that.
  18. Riding a bike is a great calorie burner. Be careful about those shorty bikes tho. If your knees are too high, or never really straighten out at the bottom of the stroke, you can fry them pretty fast. Especially at 5x.
  19. Bug

    Palin Family's Value

    The Palin masses will congeal and flush. I too look forward to it.
  20. uh, okay, perhaps i should turn my ancient-aramaic transalator off? didn't think i was being coy, but perhaps i'm wrong? have you had a head injury lately? Somehow I doubt that you and Aramaic are closely associated.
  21. Bug

    Attn Pope

    What a tool. Right Kimmo?
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