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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    In Utah co-eds do it anally so they retain their virginity. And almost all of them are republicans. Ask Layton! Why do we care what a tv talking head does any more than folks on this board? Or should we start a poll? An th th th that's all folks.
  2. Bug

    Attn Pope

    "The brave mountaineer skillfully placed his boot on the iron rung."
  3. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    Hopefully they are busy with the last eight years. They would have to be as careful as the perps were.
  4. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    Don't get snippy with me Pat. I'll take draconian measures. Or just remind you to stay on topic.
  5. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    So you are saying that raping 13 year olds is no worse than selling drugs? Isn't that what a huge percentage of the prison pop is in for (drugs)? I would not put them in the same category. The woman who wants the issue to go away does not want it to go away because it doesn't hurt anymore. She wants it to go away because it hurts so much. "But who cares?" Is that what you are saying? The prisons are full of drug dealers so lets let the first time child rapists off easy? Her life is changed forever because of what he did. There are lots of rape victims who do not have any semblance of a normal life afterwards. Nothing Draconian about that though right? They're just women after all eh?
  6. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    Lots of countries have non-extradition treaties.
  7. That was fake. Fat kids don't eat apples.
  8. Yeah. I sent them all to my wife so I wouldn't be tempted to act one out.
  9. Same could be said about the people who took the time and spent the money to put all those bolts in. Just sayin....
  10. I want to see a remake of "Leave it to Beaver".
  11. ".... and I am BUG on the internet...."
  12. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    I don't know that I'd give "normals" that much credit either. I do not consider that normal. Sick and twisted definately.
  13. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    and we all know that if polanski is not extradited, then all hell breaks loose and every perv sees it as a green light. Noooo. You almost got it then fizzled at the end. I have two daughters 12 and 14. I also have 2 step daughters 15 and 16. Not one of them is street smart enough to keep out of the grip of a determined pedifile. And I'm not talking about your standard nobody who happens to take advantage of situations when they occur. We are talking about a rich and smart adult who planned this out and followed through on it. This was not a little mistake. This is his mo. I would bet good money that this one we know about is a scratch on the surface. Pervs are pervs because they like a specific age and that age is not legal. If it were one of my daughters, I would have visited France by now. I don't care about "deterrent". There is none. Perv's are incurable.
  14. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    no, not a little mistake. but hey, 32 years later, if the victim wants the whole case dropped (which in this case, she does), isn't that a sign that it wasn't the worst mistake ever? i don't think there are too many holocaust survivors who feel that way. Men who rape 13 year old children should have their nuts scraped on a cheese grater followed by an application of 12 Molar nitric acid. but will you have enough left over for the child killers? does this include all them mormons who rape kiddies for jeebus? At the risk of agreeing withh KKK, Yes.
  15. Dang Bill. You shoulda posted on the gear reviews forum before you did that.
  16. Are you oozing out of the tops and bottoms of all your garments?
  17. Bug

    Like a Virgin

    I just wondered where they are sold.
  18. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    Kaggles. Do your kaggles.
  19. Bug

    "A little mistake"

    Gutless slimeball should be brought back in chains to face his accuser.
  20. Great thread. Anybody know when layton's book is coming out?
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