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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Never jump off a cliff. Especially not with crampons on. If you think you have to jump across a huge abyss, you are off route. Don't climb with rich egoists. Unless they are paying for everything. Hide your diamox. Don't cut the rope.
  2. Nobody mentioned there were going to be two girls there.
  3. From the col, facing DT, traverse up and right. The snow field will either be gone or be very thin. In dry conditions it is a gulley with loose rock here and there. From the top of the gulley downclimb the opposite side and traverse the base of the cliff toward DT. And alternate and more fun way is to exit the snow gulley before you get to the very top and traverse left to avoid topping out on the horn. Continue along the ridge until able to exit right. Airy traverse and pretty easy 3rd class for the most part.
  4. I won't be at ropeup but if someone wants to swing by Redmond I'll hook you up with a 100' chord.
  5. A much worse mistake was taking a girlfriend on an alpine trip once. Somehow she got the idea that we were backpacking with a rack and rope. Haven't heard from her in awhile....
  6. 5th time by the DC route 8th overall. I had climbed for a few decades by the time I climbed Rainier so I haven't ever used a guide. The guide services are great up there if you have the money. Lots of great advice on this and the other thread. Read, practice, ask questions here and everywhere else. btw, I sent you a PM.
  7. The one time I left a detailed description of where I was going with my wife, she freaked out. "Why this time?" "Is it more dangerous?" "Why can't you just go and leave me out of it?" Tally HO!
  8. It was worth all the suffering to be with my daughter on the summit. Now we talk about it once in awhile and she still doesn't really get how big a deal it is. She made it on her first attempt!
  9. I can clear a gymnasium with one fart.
  10. Ditto. The first two weeks are the hardest. Set your goals easy for the first month at least. Eat healthy but eat plenty. Don't make this "suck balls". It doesn't have to. I'll be folowing your progress...
  11. Are you the majority? more importantly, what's to misunderstand about a poorly written, massively boring, 2000+ year old work of at first psycho-violent, then wierdly wimpy fiction? The Bible. Why bother? Unless you buy the bull, of course. Are you of the ilk that beleives Raindawg is just a graverobber? The Social-Scientific approach to deconstructing the Bible is a great history lesson. And as a bonus, when you read the original versions, what few there are, in their original language, their value as literature is more profound. Furthermore, the Bible is a treasure trove of phsycological history. Much of it parallels contemporary phsycology and thereby lends a great deal of "clinical study" to the methodologies. None of this is to say that the Bible is the "WORD of God". In fact, my belief as a Christian is that Jesus taught us to avoid such "codefication of the law". The Bible is an anthology of literary works from vastly differing cultures and periods. Much of it has been edited by successive religious and political interests (read "Propaganda"). And as we have read before, If you do not know history, you are doomed to repeat it. Not all that much has changed in ten thousand years with regards to social evolution. As evolution goes, ten thousand years is a mere blink. To discount the writings that identify each of us as westerners is simply refusing to look in a mirror. Everyone you interact with in other cultures will know you are from a "christian" society. Why not know what that means? Not in terms of religion or spirituality. But in terms of your cultural heritage (why do we "need" political leaders?). And do not worry. There is nothing in the Bible that will secretly tempt you to become a fundamentalist. Only you can choose that path wether through science, religion, or any other doctrinal pursuit (Fox News).
  12. I have ascended the Colchuck in late season and would prefer to not descend it. This time of year would require crampons and ax. With those tools on board it would be much faster to descend the east side snow field and Asgard. I have not done the rap but would plan on it if I were doing DT this weekend.
  13. The gross misunderstanding of the Bible by the vast majority of Americans, Christian or not, precludes any reasonable discussion. Marketing will save us. All Hail the New demi-God Marketing!
  14. All else remainng the same, sure. But given the massive changes in social structures being brought about by global communications, internet access, and physical mobility, those of us willing to be agile will remain in comfortable digs.
  15. Bug

    The Plot Thickens?

    I just look at the ads.
  16. Well done! Nooooo don't say iit........ Headlamps are aid.
  17. Hugh, what people are thinking is that you need to stop being such a prick by calling everyone else assholes (like this post) and post more trip reports. Bug had a real concern. He's being nice and reaching out here, so don't call him an asshole OK, it's fucking offensive. (spoken in a Miss Manners voice) Maybe we should be taking this over to cafe sensitivo? Thank you Bill. I stand corrected.
  18. Hmmm. Where were you guys when Hugh Conway talked about "caping" me and Porter thought it was funny? Selective sensitivity to violence methinks. Choada and Hugh and people like them will eventually close this board down. All it takes is one person reporting a reasonably justifyable case of threatened violence and all the data and all the servers will be "evidence".
  19. Please lead them to the baptismal.
  20. Bug


    Republicans are so cute when they lose.
  21. Bug


    Finally a good use for bolts.
  22. Let's do it during hunting season. Everybody bring big bore guns.
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