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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Hey Billcoe

    If you come to spray more than once you are an asshole.
  2. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    You have to print very clearly on this site or too many people will not be able to read it. No dramatic effect intended. But this is spray so no matter what we post, some one will call you names. You are good at spray.
  3. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Sorry Porter. Just have to spray since we are in spray. So you get the point. Its really not that big of a deal tho right?
  4. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    So many of you hold Dawg responsible for the ideas he supports. He is just one of many, and almost certainly not the first, to hold those beleifs. Same goes for the attacks of his profession which were cheap sidetracks for lack of wits as Bill pointed out. And the repeated attacks against me for "being for labels of sport or trad" or "against bolting", both of which are bullshit. I think there was some great discussion here even though Porter was too spineless to keep it in the forum it belonged in. The discussion will come back. You cannot expect to keep bolting and have no one else care. At some point we will have too many grid bolted walls and too many permanent bolts in national parks. It will affect ALL climbers. But hide out for now. Bury your head in the sand and pretend you can do this forever. Call us names for wanting to discuss it. Revel in the youthful extemes you pursue. It will pass.
  5. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Don't forget to brush your teeth. Pleasant dreams.
  6. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    There you guys go again. Tandem.
  8. Obama drags his kids to the crag. Obama is a hang-dogger. don't get excited Bug, I said, "dogger" not "donger" Did Kimmo teach you that term? nope, not enough syllables for him/her/it OK. Well that's cleared up. You're not friends. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  9. Obama drags his kids to the crag. Obama is a hang-dogger. don't get excited Bug, I said, "dogger" not "donger" Did Kimmo teach you that term?
  10. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    no, but you're responsible for looking like an idiot. btw, excellent humor with the gay stuff there, guy. top shelf material! You seem upset. I find it curious when assholes spew a bunch of shit all over and then act offended when some one confronts them with the same bullshit. Did you flunk kindergarten? They covered it there.
  11. Global warming explains this picture.
  12. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  13. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    I am not responsible for your assumptions. And why do you and 5K keep posting in tandem? Are you gay or just friends?
  14. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    Wow, this "discussion" on bolting, sports climbing and ethics is getting better and better. I'm glad I participated. Fling poo. Eat poo. Its Biblical.
  15. First time up there I just slept with the mountain goats. Most people get it wrong. Sheep go "Baaaaaaaa" But Mountain goats are very different. They say "Heeeeeeee."
  16. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    No. You have to read the thread or you just look stupid. Or in your case, be yourself.
  17. Can we please just focus on the positives here? Americans can still get away with anything as long as we wine loudly enough.
  18. OK. I get the analogy to dueling banjos. But which one is the inbred appalacian?
  19. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    if this had anything, Anything, to do with donald's position, you might have something, but since it doesn't, it's just pissin in the wind. F+ Pay attention!
  20. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    see Ivan's post. if you don't "get it", so be it Gee. Let's look just a little deeper that typical spray for a second. Even at the risk of exposing the ignorance of an Ivan post. Rare I know but true non-the-less. A guy who studies macro-sociological processes by exposing their ruins is now the least qualified to comment on a sociological process like "the development of bolted routes vs climbing styles that utilize non-permanent methods". Chime in here Ivan. Do a) permanent bolts or b) a "leave no trace ethic" seem more like the earmarks of ancient Egypt? If you get that one right, move on to the next one. Which one is a famous quote that is used to justfy the study of history? a) "History repeats itself.", or b) "Who gives a fuck!" With me so far? Probably down to 50% of the class here but let's try one more. If we don't want to repeat huge mistakes that were made by previous societies, should we a) Learn from past societies' mistakes, or b)Permanently alter another pristine cliff while sailing on LSD?. I know Ivan. Trick question. Take your time.
  21. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    yes. it was all I imagined it would be Sorry again soundbite. I wasn't talking to you. then PM someone. you posted to the forum - free for anyone to respond to Relax. I have come to enjoy your soundbites. You are always welcome to spew another. Just don't expect a sweet response.
  22. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    yes. it was all I imagined it would be Sorry again soundbite. I wasn't talking to you.
  23. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    You previously posted that you were going to work on an excavation in the Valley of the Kings. I can't think of a worse example of raping the rock than the Egyptians carving out that monstrosity all in human vanity. Now that the earth has retaken that soil, you are eager to uncover the blemish. In the mean time you harp on with your anti-bolt crusade while you adore the Egyptians. The hypocrisy is laughable. If the connection is not clear, than your mental process is as addled as JH's, Kevbone's, or Kimmo's. Sorry K but your understanding of archeology is exposing a distinct ignorance.
  24. Bug

    Sport vs Trad

    So now you are having the bolting discussion that you criticized me for trying to have. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves for entering this horrible wasteland?
  25. Descend the gulley to where there is a ledge sytem to the left that goes through trees and brush. It is most of the way down but looking left it will look like you are still a long ways up. Continue a down and up descent leftward across boulders and the start gullies then down the narrow ledge to the base. Always moving left ward.
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