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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    never rob a ninja

    Hopefully just holler he was going to fuck him up to get the robber to run. It's what I did when it happened to me ~20 years ago. By the time I got downstairs, he was gone. On the other hand, it is not wise to take only a loud voice to a gun fight.
  2. Bug

    never rob a ninja

    The racist pig Prole once again interjects race. Like fish in a barrel. If you don't bend over he'll put you on ignore. Just sayin.....
  3. I would think so since nobody chooses being a dumbfuck. BUT, not all morons have their radio show syndicated across America. Limbaugh's radio show, thanks to corporate America's generosity and unlike 99% of radio shows, is free to any station that wants to air it. What a deal, free airwaves (thanks taxpayer) and only corporate sponsorship to cash in, and the consequences for everyone else to worry about. Limbaugh is syndicated all over America because he is so popular. Just ask FW and KKK.
  4. Well I am just feeling uplifted from reading another one of Dick's cheerfully enlightening posts.
  5. Bug


    Couldn't you find a bigger picture?
  6. Bug

    Corn picture

    You've already been around too long to be anything but chicken spread.
  7. Jimmy stirred this up. Why can't he just grow goobers in peace?
  8. My father took me up there in 74. The afternoon thunderstorms were shocking. Our hair stood on end and there was a constant humming sound broken only by deafening claps of thunder with flashes of blinding light all around us. The only way to describe it is "Sheer terror".
  9. Let's camp on Logger's ledge. Bring yur guns!
  10. Aren't these kind of whack-o arguements supposed to be moved to spray? One guy pissing on another guy's style is just going to raise the dander on a bunch of reasonable folk. Wankers.
  11. Bug


    99% of coders must be smoking crack - at least that's how it seems from the shit I've seen over the years. How many computers can you get under a rock?
  12. Both links seem to be close to middle ground overall. If anything, they favor Deisel. Did I miss-read something?
  13. I eat vitamin B, C, E, and D and therefor am immune to mere human diseaes. But I get the flu shot anyway.
  14. Like I said, Smoke something. That and illegal drinking will be the answer.
  15. Cool TR. More liberal baiting. Slide way over to the right for the quickie fix.
  16. Passat TDI has the same engine capacity as regular Passat. The only reason these cars get better gas mileage is not some superior drive train efficiency, but energy content in diesel fuel vs regular gasoline (which is close to twice). Popularity of diesel in Europe is due to the price point of diesel, which is cheaper. In the US diesel is only slightly cheaper, and the pollution created by diesel is much worst then pollution created by gasoline. Going towards natural gas/propane systems would make much more sense. Propane/Gas would indeed. But this is rated 9 out of 10 stars for reliability (96 ONLY). And 54mpg means I burn 1/2 as much fuel as the 25 mpg vehicle that opened this thread. Are you saying that deisel pollutes twice as bad as regular unleaded? It's over 20 times worse. This says it is only 15% worse for emissions per gallon but 30% better mileage. And in the case of my 96 Passat TDI it is more like 66% better than my little Toyota that got 36 mpg. Do you have a link that says otherwise?
  17. When I was in grade school the eight grade teacher would get too high on downers and pass out at his desk. The 7th grade teacher had a brain tumor pop up half way through the year and rather than die as a vegetable, he drove off a curve at 104mph. His replacement talked about how he had to fight with his students during his student teaching. One he even used a lead pipe. We all wondered how these guys got through college. And in those days we outscored the asians in Math and Science. Maybe teachers these days just need a lead pipe.
  18. Bug


    I'm done with you. Welcome to ignore. Aren't I supposed to get a carebear? What a jerk!
  19. Bug


    More polarizing bullshit from Bug. I thought he was "above the fray". Guess not. Typical avoidance of the issue. Republicans repeatedly cut funds for social programs that would help minorities and create programs that target minorities. On the opposite side, Democrats spend too much on trying to help people who need to put more into helping themselves and tend to be too soft on hardliners. Identifying who is is who does not have to polarize. There are up sides and down sides to both parties and the obvious solution would be to meet in the middle and check each other for fraud and corruption. Instead, we get soundbites from dorks. you are so full of shit You are so full of negativity. Smoke something.
  20. Bug


    K you are posting almost constantly. Are you working?
  21. Passat TDI has the same engine capacity as regular Passat. The only reason these cars get better gas mileage is not some superior drive train efficiency, but energy content in diesel fuel vs regular gasoline (which is close to twice). Popularity of diesel in Europe is due to the price point of diesel, which is cheaper. In the US diesel is only slightly cheaper, and the pollution created by diesel is much worst then pollution created by gasoline. Going towards natural gas/propane systems would make much more sense. Propane/Gas would indeed. But this is rated 9 out of 10 stars for reliability (96 ONLY). And 54mpg means I burn 1/2 as much fuel as the 25 mpg vehicle that opened this thread. Are you saying that deisel pollutes twice as bad as regular unleaded?
  22. You better get busy and find a mechanic, who knows how to work on a diesel VW, as they are notorious for hard to diagnose electrical problems. Owed 2 of them and never again. Also good luck starting a diesel in a middle of winter in Canadian Rockies at -30C. There is a reason truckers don't turn their engines off in the middle of winter when they park their riggs. Re-check your research. Specify 1996. Not any other year.
  23. Bug


    More polarizing bullshit from Bug. I thought he was "above the fray". Guess not. Typical avoidance of the issue. Republicans repeatedly cut funds for social programs that would help minorities and create programs that target minorities. On the opposite side, Democrats spend too much on trying to help people who need to put more into helping themselves and tend to be too soft on hardliners. Identifying who is is who does not have to polarize. There are up sides and down sides to both parties and the obvious solution would be to meet in the middle and check each other for fraud and corruption. Instead, we get soundbites from dorks.
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