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Please send good vibes to Rob


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Hello, this is Rob's wife Cassie. As some of you may know, we are travelling in Thailand at the moment.


We were scheduled to head home yesterday but life has once again thrown us something unexpected. My hubby has been hit with the Dengue Fever (also known as 'Bone Crushing Fever' to give you an idea of the pain he's been in). You can easily google it for more info.


He is in the hospital as I care for our two children at a little guest house here in Bangkok. We try to get over to the hospital to see him once or twice a day. It is a difficult situation, but the kids and I are doing ok and I am doing my best to care for him while looking after the kids.


His fever is low now, which is good. His platelets are very low so he will need to stay in the hospital until they stabilize. We've re-scheduled our flight to head home on the 10th but I honestly don't think we'll make it. He's in bed 24/7 and can barely walk. He has definately improved though so I'm staying positive about the situation which is easy to do here in the beautiful land of smiles.


He's super bummed about missing out on much of the ice climbing season as it will be a couple of months of recovery for him, and then he'll have to work hard to build up some strength to start climbing again.


Please send good positive vibes our way and I will relay any messages you may have for him. It would really mean alot to him to have the support of this community which he feels so connected to.


Also, if anyone wants to call and shoot the shit with him, tell him stupid jokes and help cheer him up you can give him a ring at:


001 1 2281 1422




001 1 2281 1100


room number 438




Peace and love,




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Helluva of a curveball Rob and Cassie! :(


We had a mishap in Thailand and the medical care there was great. I hope you guys are having a similar experience.


Here's wishes to a speedy and complete recovery for Rob and for Cassie keeping the family running smoothly when far from home.



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Rob, thanks a lot for your help with improving my rock skills last year. I’m happy you’re on the rebound from this bug and I look forward to more good times at Index next summer. (and maybe Darrington too, right?) I got sick in a foreign country once and man, even if you are still under the weather, you will get a huge boost when you step back onto U.S. soil. Keep your chin up!


Best wishes,


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Thanks for the support guys! I've printed this off and I'll be heading to the hospital soon to give it to him.

His platelets continue to lower, but the fever is gone. We are just waiting for them to start going back up so we can get him out of the hospital.




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Just got this after being out for 4 days. We're all praying for your dengue to get better. Cassie, what were you thinking when you let Rob out loose on the town in Bankok alone? I guess this gives the phrase "love you long time" a whole new meaning. Bone crushing fever indeed.


I love you, man!


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. They really helped. It's nice to have friends.


I was enough of a pain in the ass for them to finally kick me out of the hospital, so now I'm resting until my flight leaves on the 14th. Luckily, I think that's just enough time to catch malaria.


Dengue fever turns out to be an excellent way to lose weight quickly, by the way. Can somebody post this in the weight-loss thread?

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