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Dino Rossi


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Well, I'll probably be a little disappointed next week, but I admit I'm looking forward to the newly-elected Republicans bringing some fresh ideas to Washington!


Fresh ideas? WTF?


.........I don't care who gets in, they need to address our burgeoning debt and import/export trade imbalance (primarily with China)

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import/export trade imbalance (primarily with China)

Although they shoot off at the mouth about the yuan. They're far more interested in their corporate pimps interests to do anything about it. They and their pimps are primarily concerned with the bazillion consumers in China, and to actually thinks that the PRC will kowtow to US pressure is fantasy. As long as the consumer nation continues to buy the products, the Chinese will continue to take a dump in the US market. Xie Xie.

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Well, I'll probably be a little disappointed next week, but I admit I'm looking forward to the newly-elected Republicans bringing some fresh ideas to Washington!


Fresh ideas? WTF?


.........I don't care who gets in, they need to address our burgeoning debt and import/export trade imbalance (primarily with China)



That will all be fixed as our dollar Devaluates

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Well, I'll probably be a little disappointed next week, but I admit I'm looking forward to the newly-elected Republicans bringing some fresh ideas to Washington!

you dumb fuck! fresh ideas? how about addressing old problems?

and reduction of 100 billion doesn't even touch the 1.3 trillion deficit. It would be like trying to pay off 60k on a credit card bill by adding 10 cents to your monthly payment- doesn't do squat. i guess math was not your strong subject at school. so unless you start cutting from military spending, medicare/medicaid or ss programs you can't even start addressing the problem. and of course you have to raise taxes, as somehow we all have to pay for happy republifaq handjob 2000-2008.

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Well, I'll probably be a little disappointed next week, but I admit I'm looking forward to the newly-elected Republicans bringing some fresh ideas to Washington!

you dumb fuck! fresh ideas? how about addressing old problems?

and reduction of 100 billion doesn't even touch the 1.3 trillion deficit. It would be like trying to pay off 60k on a credit card bill by adding 10 cents to your monthly payment- doesn't do squat. i guess math was not your strong subject at school. so unless you start cutting from military spending, medicare/medicaid or ss programs you can't even start addressing the problem. and of course you have to raise taxes, as somehow we all have to pay for happy republifaq handjob 2000-2008.




OMG, I'm glad this one's on your side, Prole. As the saying goes: with friends like ggk...


As for his quant comp math, well, I'd say 1:13 most certainly is greater than the 1:600,000 example provided by our local mathwiz dimwit.

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Thing is, Mr. Fairweather, your "dimwit" is correct. Anybody who says they can balance the budget without touching military spending and medicare and medicaid, without raising taxes, is either lying or extremely ill-informed.


The sad truth is that, really, we all should know this. Ever since Regan made it big we've been hearing politicians tell us they are going to "cut government waste" and there have been plenty of attacks on wasteful programs like environmental protection and public education and it hasn't solved the problem. In fact it hasn't solved ANY problem. And then we cheered on a bunch of yahoos who led us into two extremely expensive wars while giving us tax breaks.


Sadly, nobody either on the campaign trail or even comfortably in office can address reality here. It completely astounds me that Americans seem to demand that our leaders lie to us.

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Sadly, nobody either on the campaign trail or even comfortably in office can address reality here.


This is an important insight. The reality of crisis and ungovernability for them is far too disturbing. Politicians and technocrats lack both the analysis to address the nature of crisis and the will to address it squarely. Western politicians either blindly continue to believe in the technocratic administration of life-support to a terminally ill patient, are hanging on for dear life through wedge issues enabled by the 24-hour politicoinfotainment echo-chamber, or are simply and openly robbing us blind. My "fresh ideas" comment is a sick joke, the political class as a whole is utterly clueless as to where to go or how to get there at any level.

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Nope. My wife already told me how to vote... I mean: I've already voted.


On the Dino Rossi race? No doubt there. Patty Murray has her problems, in my view, but she still has a lot more going on than THAT guy.


By the way: I believe Murray was one of very few elected officals who said, before the invasion and when it was obvious, that the Iraq invasion was not only based on false pretenses but ill advised.


You, Fairweather, argued that both ideas were anti-American and naive.


Your pal Rossi spews the same "government is bad" and "we hate taxes" nonsense that I described above.


You're being smart-assed here but I'm serious: do you think I'd waste a vote by not voting against HIM?



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You're being smart-assed here but I'm serious: do you think I'd waste a vote by not voting against HIM?



Not being smart-assed at all. You regularly try to portray yourself as a fence-sitting moderate, but we both know this isn't true. You like to throw in an occasional "they're all corrupt" quip, but when challenged to put your money where your mouth is, well, just refer to the above.

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You're being smart-assed here but I'm serious: do you think I'd waste a vote by not voting against HIM?



Not being smart-assed at all. You regularly try to portray yourself as a fence-sitting moderate, but we both know this isn't true. You like to throw in an occasional "they're all corrupt" quip, but when challenged to put your money where your mouth is, well, just refer to the above.

this makes sense to...uh...you! there is practically nothing moderate about the republican party.

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Not being smart-assed at all. You regularly try to portray yourself as a fence-sitting moderate, but we both know this isn't true. You like to throw in an occasional "they're all corrupt" quip, but when challenged to put your money where your mouth is, well, just refer to the above.


Have I ever once claimed to be a "moderate?" (By that I assume you mean "middle.")


Yes, I believe the Democrat politicians can be "political" just as the Republicans can, and I presented here as examples of my disdain for Democrats how they mostly went along with the Iraq war or are now afraid to talk about deficit spending in an honest fashion.


I don't know the actual thoughts of anybody who claims to be a "moderate" except a few friends of mine who say they are "moderate" but are in fact totally uninformed and are so at their choosing: they are not at all engaged. I think Prole may be more or less right that "moderates" are frequently (I'm not sure always) more "ignorant" than the hard right.


On the issues of the day, for example, you cannot seriously argue that the Republicans have any credibility at all in terms of being likely to balance the budget but the dedicated are simply that while the "moderates" are choosing to be blind to history.


From your posts here I deduct that you think that anyone who has distrust for both parties should vote as if they were the same and vote for some third party candidate who has no chance or not vote at all. Given our system, that's foolishness.

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Wish we wur az smart as them NaderRaiders. They really moved that progressive ball forward. LOL


'course, the guy had a habit of not payin' his staff (I know one...lack of payment was standard procedure for the Progressive Messiah Who Shits Stinkless White Turds)


I'm sure there's a valid explanation us dumbshits simply can't comprehend...

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