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Fairweather last won the day on June 18

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  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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Choss Jockey

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  1. This thread did not age well...
  2. The trip's high point was 4100' and the total elevation gain/loss was about 7600'. The coolest part was crossing the two large icefields--knowing we were on an island. Lots of fog and mist added to the mysteriousness of it all. On day two, we climbed the "Bear-case"--big bucket steps up a cliff-side forest made by brown bears over thousands of years. The biggest surprise was traversing the north side of Mount Bassie. USGS maps show no permanent ice--but we crossed two large, very active alpine glaciers. The last day involved a 2600' bushwack/cliff descent from the alpine down to Baranof Lake. hanging from cedar branches and huckleberry boot-tapping for a flat spot. Warm Springs, at the end of the route, is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
  3. I've thought about this one for years, but I can't remember how I got the idea. It's done occasionally by Sitka locals. I'd be happy to share my track via PM. Next up: a packraft traverse of Admiralty Island, or maybe a climb of Peak 5390--Baranof Island's highest point in photo #3.
  4. A friend and I did a four day traverse of Baranof Island last August--starting just south of Sitka at the Medvejie Fish Hatchery dock, and finishing the route on the east side of the island at Warm Springs four days later where we were picked up by float plane. Plenty of Brown Bears, bushwhacking, meadows, glaciers & icefields, alpine lakes, and spectacular ridge-walking. Pure joy.
  5. My dream climb! I wondered if it was even doable nowadays after The Smiley Project showed it deteriorating severely some ten or fifteen years ago. Thanks for sharing your trip with a now-62 year old guy who will likely miss this one in person. 🙂
  6. Yikes! Seattle bubble? You haven't changed a bit in the ten years I've been gone. Poster boy for my favorite WFB Jr: Liberals claim to be open-minded and wanting to give a fair hearing to all points of view. But are soon shocked and horrified to discover there are other points of view. Enjoy the dank!
  7. The post-mortem on this website will list olyclimber as the cause of death. He just couldn't help himself.
  8. Well said, Dylan. I hadn't heard about this bear issue, but it sounds rather common. I think the NOCA notice sums up what I've been trying to say here. They really do think it's "their" park. Also, love the all-caps in their public notice; I can almost see the NPS uniformed feminista standing on the bridge, shouting into the bullhorn at cars as they travel up the river toward her sacred domain.
  9. Can't believe I just noticed this. Incredible climb!
  10. Someone is having too much fun again; get Harvey and those NC3 people on the phone immediately! Expanding NOCA into RLNRA and Washington Pass will put a stop to outrages like this once and for all! 😎
  11. Drones are motorized--but the para gliders aren't. It boggles why anyone would have a problem with an unpowered wing that makes absolutely NO noise, emits NO exhaust. Two words come to mind: orthodoxy; doctrinaire. Two outstanding climbers finishing their trip in grand style. Just WOW!
  12. It's like a restaurant mob fighting over the desert bar while the buffet table remains almost untouched!
  13. It's not 1872 I have a problem with. It's 1916. And the way those idiots have been interpreting 1964. Since 1973. And no, dogs are not allowed on NP trails--even if they're on a leash.
  14. I was responding to your statement about NPs and being able to escape. And I was just saying that they are best avoided anyhow. But I agree, not being able to bring your dog is a real drawback to spending time at Rainier, Olympic--or North Cascades NP. Particularly ironic, since Stephen Mather had all the wolves (and mountain lions) eradicated at Mount Rainier NP in the teens, 20s and early 30s. IMO, dogs are just modern proxies for the beautiful animals he and his national park administrators had butchered almost 100 years ago. I digress. Sure, the parks were a great idea. In fact, most of the big, popular national parks--like MRNP--are older than the National Park Service itself. But times change. There are better ways to "manage" wilderness I think. Another example, Civil Service. It was a great idea too--better than Spoils. But fast forward 130 years and we have a bloated, dangerous bureaucracy full of overpaid career idiots who think they're somehow above the voters they serve. Full circle, NPS.
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