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Spend your money wisely

The very last person you should seek advice from when it comes to spending your money is "you know who." Her monthly food budget alone equals what you and I will make in our entire lifetime, and that's only if we live to be 110 and work until the day they put us six feet under. No sir! If you need advice about spending your money wisely, then ask anyone over 75. They'll tell you stories about when times were REALLY tough. How they had to walk five miles to school, in the blowing snow, without socks and a coat, only to be told, "Can't you see the weather's too bad to have school? Come back tomorrow, and you better not be late."


They'll tell you stories about how they ate potatoes for weeks, and were happy about it. They'll tell you there was no money for Christmas presents, so they played with their fingers and toes and counted themselves lucky. They'll tell you they lived quite well without watching rich people on television talking to other rich people about what it's like to be rich and how the rest of us can live richly just by watching them.











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God Bless Oprah. She started with nothing and via hard work, luck and pluck, became a multi-millionaress.


Proving shes smarter than both of us X 110 or so with a few extra zeros put in there someplace. Love Bill Cosby for lots of things too, speaking truthfully was another trait they both share. At one point, Cos was the richest show biz dude - black or white, and a lightning rod because of his honesty.

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I'm not sure what's more tiresome. Celebrity blogs or blogs about celebrity blogs - or just blogs in general. Who has time to write or read this drivel. Another standard of the self-infatuation crowd. Please, please find some useful outlet for your over abundance of free time.

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Wow really? Who cares. Shes rich and has her own tv show. I would spend lots of money on all sorts of things if i was rich. Why wouldnt she spend lots of money if she has it? If you had tons of money and your own tv show would you just let it burn a hole in you pocket or would you buy more climbing gear... or food...or cars???

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You really don't like black people, do you?


I'm sure Pink would never say it out loud, but he does appear to dislike blacks.


He is "Pink" after all.


BTW, not related to the thread, but I just got the album "pink" by Boris and I really like it!

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You really don't like black people, do you?


I'm sure Pink would never say it out loud, but he does appear to dislike blacks.


I can give u a list of white peeps i don't really care for.... there just so happens to be few of African Americans in the news these days that i think are full of shite...


Feck, were u dropped on your head as a baby? just curious....

Edited by pink
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God Bless Oprah. She started with nothing and via hard work, luck and pluck, became a multi-millionaress.


Proving shes smarter than both of us X 110 or so with a few extra zeros put in there someplace. Love Bill Cosby for lots of things too, speaking truthfully was another trait they both share. At one point, Cos was the richest show biz dude - black or white, and a lightning rod because of his honesty.



so why do minorities and poor people feel like the mans keeping them down when oprah and cos rule the roost? i'm happy for oprah and her success and starting out with nothing. i feel like it's obama who trying to tear down that american dream. but really, who really needs all these fucking pep talks... not me... do u?

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so why do minorities and poor people feel like the mans keeping them down when oprah and cos rule the roost? i'm happy for oprah and her success and starting out with nothing. i feel like it's obama who trying to tear down that american dream. but really, who really needs all these fucking pep talks... not me... do u?


When I was in high school, 60% of the elementary schools in the south were still segregated. Really what that means in real life, is that the best (well paid) teachers taught in the white schools. Blacks were part of a system that would NOT let them get ahead in life. They were conditioned that they couldn't do it. My buddy Joe went through basic at Fort Polk Louisiana. He said if there was a few blacks waiting to buy something at the corner store, every white person would walk in front of them and take cuts. White people would give him dirty looks for standing behind the blacks who were there first. This bullshit permeated the culture. YOU CAN'T do that, YOU CAN'T do this. Many Blacks who got ahead would find that his white neighbor had found a way to steal his farm or run him off. As whites, we never saw any of it. We saw "equality", but that's not what was really there on the other side of the color spectrum. Oprah is really part of the first generation where getting ahead is really there, it's not just some bullshit mumbo jumbo out of the back side of some crackers lips. She (and Obama too) are a beacon for millions of disenfranchised people that they too, might truly, really have a shot at the brass ring. Myself, I rarely watch that kind of TV, and I really liked Phil Donahue -who started that genre of TV, but Oprah is uber-rich, and Phil Donahue is gone -and he was a sharp dude too. Whats that say about Oprahs smarts? (other than she listed to Roger Ebert:-)




There's still plenty more to go, but it's getting there. I don't need a pep talk, cause I got them all my life. Course I'm white. As far as Obama, no president is gonna make everyone happy. He can run intellectual circles around McCain, and frankly, our country needed that more than we needed Grandpa Simpson with the reins in his sleepy little hands. I expressed my reservations about the man pre-election on this board, but frankly, he's done a much better job than I though he would. Bush had a $700 billion dollar bailout package prepared and he handed it off and walked out the door.


ps, do you want to see the groups I got at the range with the new PTR-91 .308 yesterday? Pretty sweet.

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Leave the damaged bitch alone. The poor wall-eyed thang was abused seriously by her daddy and ain't over it yet (kinda like Kevpwn).


Hell, her daddy still haunts her in that the name he gave her (and which she still bears in shame) was his effort at onomatopoeia of one of his more boisterous farts.

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