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What Did You Do This Weekend?


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minx asked:

Alpine K--


does this mean there's no more raptor closures? are they done rapting for the season?


AlpineK replied:

I didn't see any signs about raptor closures...so I guess they're done or we didn't go where they're still in effect.


Minx, et al:


Tim Pond Wall, Royal Columns, Tieton Wall, and The Bendwere closed until April 1. They are all now open. The bad news is that we didn't get any "takers" on the eaglets.


So, climb on!

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Just gotta say - Jesus - enough with the NOLSe bashing. I ran into the guy in person at the last Smithfest and thought he was a good guy. I suspect most of the bashers would feel the same way if they met him in person instead of online.


bigdrink.gif NOLSe.

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I'm sure he is cool in person, but he has made an ass of himself on this website few times. Not that he is the first to do that, but you ask and you receive....then you ask again, and you get it again.



Never met him, but he seems to be a great guy with an ego he stuggles to keep in check (at least with his online persona). We all have our own little problems. snugtop.gif


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I'm sure he is cool in person, but he has made an ass of himself on this website few times.


Could you be more specific Olyclimber? I'd be interested in understanding which specific instances (links would be best) you felt my behavior was conducted in a manner that led you to conclude I am an ass… especially when one considers what is considered common courtesy or decency on this page.


Additionally: why don't you use the ignore user feature if you dislike the slant in my posts so much?




Edited by NOLSe
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I'm sure he is cool in person, but he has made an ass of himself on this website few times.


Could you be more specific Olyclimber? I'd be interested in understanding which specific instances (links would be best) you felt my behavior was conducted in a manner that led you to conclude I am an ass… especially when one considers what is considered common courtesy or decency on this page.


Additionally: why don't you use the ignore user feature if you dislike the slant in my posts so much?




Since you seem to have a habit of deleting your all your posts after the fact, this would be hard. yellaf.gif


But....I don't think that you're an ass (anymore than I am). There is a difference between making an ass of yourself occasionally, and being a straight up asshole. I'm sure you know the difference. I don't think you're that latter, I think you just don't have the gift of expressing yourself too well online.


I would also like to point out that I twice said positive things in my post above. Rather than continue this drama here, I would be glad to meet you in person to discuss. thumbs_up.gif


As for ignoring you? I wouldn't miss your posts for the world! wink.gif

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I don't think its the difference in opinion that gets everyone so worked up but rather the tone of how you present that different opinion. You come across in the written form as a bit pompous. I've met you in person and from our limited interaction I would say that what comes across as pompous on here is really a combination of your sense of humor and genuine sincerity at wanting to be helpful.


You seem like a nice guy. Maybe instead of feeding the flames you should just ignore the flamers.


I, for one, think the NOLSe bashing (while entertaining at times) is getting pretty tired.

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And as for the subject of this thread, I went to the John Day area and did some exploring around the fossil beds and Painted Hills, then camped out in the rain. In spite of being born in Oregon this was my first trip in that area and it was magnificent. Wildflowers in bloom, contrasting beautifully with the ruggedness of the terrain.


I may take up kayaking just so I can float through there.

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You seem like a nice guy. Maybe instead of feeding the flames you should just ignore the flamers.


Thanks for the insight. I have attempted to ignore the flamers for some time now but when they spray on absolutely every thing you post (from requests for climbing partners for the weekend to giving a recommendation on mtnhigh as a landlord) it makes it difficult to ignore.

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You come across in the written form as a bit pompous.


To put it mildly.


However, I tentatively agree that the shelf life for such gratuitous flaming has perhaps expired. Though it is important to get as much mileage out of these things as possible, of course.

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smitty. first time back in awhile. the whole place was taken over by mazamas and cc.com'ers. funguy, brock, tex, ursa eagle, ireneo. mazamas were everywhere but had nothing but good experiences with them this weekend.


You should have seen them at Cinnamon Slab. "This is such a great stance"... yelrotflmao.gif


NYC007 and I were there too. I've got a couple pics that might end up on here later.

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Just gotta say - Jesus - enough with the NOLSe bashing. I ran into the guy in person at the last Smithfest and thought he was a good guy. I suspect most of the bashers would feel the same way if they met him in person instead of online.


bigdrink.gif NOLSe.


ahhh...this is all just funnin'...he's ok...AND he has a knack for setting folks off... grin.gifevils3d.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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smitty. first time back in awhile. the whole place was taken over by mazamas and cc.com'ers. funguy, brock, tex, ursa eagle, ireneo. mazamas were everywhere but had nothing but good experiences with them this weekend.



You should have seen them at Cinnamon Slab. "This is such a great stance"... yelrotflmao.gif


NYC007 and I were there too. I've got a couple pics that might end up on here later.


I know I know, we got shut down on Karate Crack, b/c someone was taking a bit too long to get on Cinnamon Slab and we didn't want to cause any headaches. Everyone starts somewhere. They were all nice and reasonable the whole weekend apart from the intermittent episodes of gaperdom, and we've all been there.

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What often happens here to you is much like what happens when sharks smell blood in the water. You become the focus of a feeding frenzy. My advice is to follow one of 3 courses of action:


One is to walk away. This can be hard to do, but it is the easiest thing to do if you don't have the temperment for the next 2.


The next strategy is summed up by the best defence is a good offence. Go on the attack; don't try and be logical just go for the throat. This strategy is most effective if you can develope allies. A hint...you don't have to always get along with your allies.


The third strategy is to deflect the attack. This is often the the most subtle one to pull off; so you may want to forget it till you've mastered #2.


If you'd like advanced training I suggest spending a weekend with CrazyJZ, Rat, and a pallet of beer. At the end of the weekend you will either be strong enough to take the abuse head on or need to spend time in a mental ward.


Anyhow for my part I'm going to try and walk away from bashing you; you're just too easy to get to. wink.gif


You're enthusiastic about climbing, which means you've got some big positive points in my book. bigdrink.gif

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