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plab nicknames


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Red Balls






The Wop (althought not origanal)




Fresh Socks


Wyatt Errp (althought not origanal)






Leshawn - for a skinny little white girl


The White Gook - sorry for the racial slurr



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Bee Hay


A bunch of us were sitting around camp 4, coming up with other phrases that began with our initials. Brad Hughes said "big head" and as soon as the words were out of his lips you could tell he regretted it. He did have a largish noggin, and being his friends, we instantly began calling him Big Head which wound up being slurred and shortened to Bee Hay.

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Off_White said:

Bee Hay


A bunch of us were sitting around camp 4, coming up with other phrases that began with our initials. Brad Hughes said "big head" and as soon as the words were out of his lips you could tell he regretted it. He did have a largish noggin, and being his friends, we instantly began calling him Big Head which wound up being slurred and shortened to Bee Hay.




Excellent. There was a girl at the PRG a while back who was dating one of the hardpersons who worked there, and she quickly earned the reputation of being a bit on the dim side. Someone, naturally, pointed out that she was dumber than a bag of hammers. This was, for the sake of convenience, shortened to B-ham, and she was referred to as such thenceforth, at least when she wasn't around.

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Friends of mine from high school:


James Baby Traffic Master -- for his backseat driving skills, whether requested or not.


Johnny Hellfire -- (actual last name Himmelburger) for when he stole an old lady's full food bag outside a grocery store and she yelled after him, "May you burn in an eternal Hellfire!"


G.T.A. -- for my friend Bill after being arrested for trying to steal an engine part from under the hood of a Chevy Duster parked on a street. Other nickname: L.D. (stands for Limp Dick) because he couldn't get it up one night during a one night stand.


Me, I was Colonel Klenk, for obvious reasons {Hogan's Heroes}. Actually, I still get the Colonel Klenk moniker on occasion.


Yep, we were the WSP's -- the White Suburban Punks. We even had our own silly little gang sign of a 'W'. To make this sign, hold your hand in front of you (back of the hand away from you) and bend your ring and index fingers toward you leaving the other two straight. The middle-ring-and-pinky fingers form a 'W'. Hey, I told you it was silly. This was during the heyday of the Crips and the Bloods in L.A.


I finally grew up a couple of years ago.

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I worked for an investment company while I was living out in Colorado, and after a reshuffling I ended up sitting next to The Whitest Man in America, both in color and culture. Grew up in Vail, looked and sounded like a young Will Farrell (the big white guy from SNL), etc, etc. I started calling him "The Jive" as a joke, and it stuck instantly. He seemed to dig it, but I was never sure if he was in on the joke or not...

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fern brings up a good point. i didn't know these were my nicknames!!!


"i have many names some they call to my face"




i never had a nickname that i can think of???? always been eriK


i just made the other ones up!! great now i am all self concious and shit! cry.gif




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erik said:

fern brings up a good point. i didn't know these were my nicknames!!!


"i have many names some they call to my face"




i never had a nickname that i can think of???? always been eriK


i just made the other ones up!! great now i am all self concious and shit! cry.gif





"that know it all walking guidebook guy" yellaf.gif


at one job I had my boss was Jewish... and I shaved my head the day before I got hired... he started calling me Neo-Nazi then Nazi Boy... is that racial discimination? i better sue before the statute of limitations runs out


I have had various friends known as


Ed Bot Model 99

Greasy Mexican

Half Breed


Long Hair Hippy Scum


Stiff Pilot



also one guy not really a friend we all called Marshmellow cause he reminded us of one... white and soft and unable to rebound quickly when poked

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