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Everything posted by rbw1966

  1. Au contraire. If you are, in fact, guilty and just trying to mitigate your penalty yuo are wasting the court's time. Here in Portland, they've started RAISING fines for those thinking that if they just show up they can reduce the penalty.
  2. there are a couple of tiny patches on the north side.
  3. With icecream or whipcream? Wonder what kind of pie Obama likes? Hair
  4. I think their packs are a bit heavy and too gimmicky but their tents, sleepings bags and technical clothing all appear to be comparable to the other manufacturers. What specifically are you referring to?
  5. rbw1966


    And how did you learn of his gay-ness, Mr. Sobo Craig?
  6. I've only been on it once and I am not sure if its in those pics or not--visibility was bad and I didn't actually see it until we were at the base. The route we did was on the climbers right of the buttress. Do a search of Benthos on here.
  7. I've read infinite jest twice and will likely read it a third time. Its easily one of his best works. He has a few collections of essays and short stories that are all compelling reads. Sad news.
  8. Excellent feat of athletic endurance! Good job guys.
  9. I agree with Bill. The cold war was not won by diplomacy alone. Nor was the Cuban Missile Crisis. Had we not a strong military things might be dramatically different today.
  10. Fixt
  11. it sounds simply FAB! Since we're on the topic, do you wear pearls with corduroy?
  12. rbw1966


    as opposed to a candidate who plays up his POW status ad nauseum? The RNC spent more time talking about that than any actual issues or policy positions. If you think one party plays the image card more than the other you surely aren't paying attention.
  13. What year is the ANAM?
  14. Yeah but you will spend an hour there waiting to pay.
  15. I went for a run.
  16. with lipstick!
  17. Yet again the election comes down to a choice between the lesser of two evils. A self-described agent of "change" (riiiiigghhtt) tempered by a career politician and beltway insider versus another career politician who makes Kerry appear steadfast in his convictions paired up with Ted Nugent in drag. This is awesome opera buffa!
  18. Buying that would effectively be signing my own death sentence. I may be in trial in Albany on the 15th but if not, the first round is on me.
  19. Pimp that ride!
  20. I recommend the Fusion pass as well. The ski school--for kids only--at Ski Bowl is Mogulbusters and they really try hard to teach the kids and have a good time doing it. You also get the flexibility of skiing T-Line or Ski Bowl. You can also use the pass to ride the lift if you are going out of bounds for touring.
  21. You have to ask the pharmacists. They keep them behind the counter.
  22. rbw1966

    noo poo thread

    Also known as browncapping, as in, the wave is about to break. Also known as 'crowning'
  23. How to invite sanctimonious rantings, part 12
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