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About tanstaafl

  • Birthday 01/01/1928

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  1. Oh you and Rolf, whatever, you purists! I like the BETA OVERLOAD because I got sick and tired of coming home having accomplished nothing except beating myself to a pulp. (Hence the "Hey, got a GPS point for that creek crossing?" emails -- thanks, by the way!)
  2. That is a stellar slogan for the catfood (though I can't help but feel that eating like Fred Becky *must* include many tiny packets of ketchup). Maybe I should get a dehydrator and start experimenting. I recently discovered that freeze dried meals have improved drastically since the 90s, but damn they are expensive (and usually at least a third more than I can eat anyway).
  3. I find it hilarious and humbling that you consider yourself to be "well rested" after that alpine wedding trip! Also, I am so intrigued by Chad's Backcountry Catfood: is this a proprietary thing or are you willing to share what's in it?
  4. Finding my way from the upper Mustard area to the ridge leading to Frenzel camp was surprisingly complex. I feel like you could sub in any two place names in the above statement and it would describe every Pickets experience I've ever had! Glad we could be of assistance in your exit; and thanks for the stellar write up and photos; I'm always impressed by how much detail you all remember and put into these reports. Before we even got back to Big Beaver I was already asking Gordy, "How long did it take us to get from Luna camp to Luna col again?"
  5. You guys are amazing; still trying to wrap my mind around covering that much ground that fast. I'm only through the itinerary so far, but looks like we just missed each other; it was probably your voices we heard on the summit of East Fury on Saturday.
  6. Ah ha! Just saw your signatures in the Luna Peak register on Friday and thought, "Isn't it about time for another trip report from those guys?!!?" Also, now I'm pretty sure I know who "the party that repeated Mongo Ridge" was that another Picketeer told us about on the boat ride out yesterday. Congrats on your wedding, may you have a long and happy life together. Thanks for posting this, and I hope Emilio writes up Mongo Ridge.
  7. Glad to see you're still getting after it, and that is an impressive dedication to skiing! I decided after a failed trip to ski Glacier a few years ago that I am just not up for more than a couple of hours of carrying skis and boots on a overnight pack; ouch.
  8. Nice! I did that back in 2017 with Chuck (RIP) along with True Grit on Vesper after another party just beat us to the base of Mile High Club. Quite enjoyable as I recall. More brushy and less snowy for us though. It certainly looks like you had more snow than R and I found in the Tatoosh on Saturday. Here's to more coverage soon!
  9. Not in her immediate future, but an option for the future instead of lead, fix, rap, TR solo would be if you could enlist a friend -- I once happily led all the pitches on Das Toof while my buddy Ken and his 10-year old followed on doubles so he could climb beside her the whole time. It was a fun day out. Also, this guy has some hilarious kiddie trip reports: https://jimherson.com/climbing/tr.html
  10. In a successful attempt to find solitude at Frenchman Coulee, went out to Running Gear Death Wall this weekend and found some new moderate bolted/mixed bolted and gear routes just to the south of the routes listed in the Yoder book. A quick look at Mountain Project didn't reveal anything; anyone have any info on these?
  11. Well next time be all internet stalker-y! It would have been great to actually meet you finally. If you ever put your own photo in your reports maybe we would have recognized you.
  12. Hey! If only I'd known. V and I ran into you as we were on the way down. We debated biking but biking that road on a road bike (my only option) with an overnight pack sounded not that fun. We did not summit as it turns out my summer of moving my mother into memory care and getting zero exercise and V's summer of mountain biking instead of hiking uphill with a pack resulted in us wisely choosing to forego the summit in favor of chilling out and reading while sitting on a rock, camping with a stellar view, picking a whole lot of huckleberries, and swimming in Silver Lake, topped off with delicious potato tacos in Lake Stevens. I can't regret it.
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