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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. It's a mammut.
  2. Marmot, not Mammut. http://marmot.com/products/product.php?cat=cloth&subcat=74&style_id=I5028
  3. Mr_Phil


    Again proving Seahawks a dipshit. The native americans are illegal immigrants as well. They snuck across the border during the last ice age.
  4. Dude, really. Too much information.
  5. The reason you still have it is that you are asking way too much for it.
  6. Bagging Buddies? Try Kevbone.
  7. It'll be on ebay soon enough.
  8. Sure is smoky in here.
  9. You should be ashamed to be associated with censorship.
  10. DAS parkas are onsale now at Patagucci. $159.
  11. Eat a box of dick, PussNuts.
  12. Mr_Phil

    sleeping bags

    Dwayner, tell us the story!
  13. There's a court order against showing you mine.
  14. I'm in.
  15. Tis getting a bit warm for ice climbing.
  16. You bring the condoms, he brings the lube.
  17. Whatever you do, don't bend over to pick it up. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  18. He rides with the seatpost up his ass.
  19. Sounds like a job for MattP.
  20. Good dog. Good dog.
  21. Never stopped you in the past.
  22. Depends on what kind of rock. I dont know about out there, but its common ethic not to dry tool on established rock climbs. And when possible, climb in rockshoes to minimize any scarring. Is it possible that someone down the road would want to establish a climb on the now scarred rock? Just asking! This is a pretty stupid question. You're asking folks to predict the future with certaintly. Is it possible? Of course it's *possible*.
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