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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. Mr_Phil

    Ethics Question

  2. People who drive to work are responsible for the War in Iraq.
  3. Beep, beep! Beep, beep! Yeah!
  4. Not always. No one would call your activity with Kevbone "dating".
  5. Saying leftist intellectual in Mexico is redundant. All the rightist intellectuals have escaped across the border to the US.
  6. Western Mountaineering makes 7' bags in some models. Check their website. Feathered Friends will make whatever you want in 6" increments. Heh, heh. 6 inches.
  7. Was she HOTT?
  8. Mr_Phil

    Gotta Love Americans

    How many kids you got?
  9. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
  10. I read through the review and didn't find any useful information that wasn't available elsewhere.
  11. Kevbone is from Oregon !?!
  12. Apparently not. 120 on the IQ test?
  13. What the hell is "LIECHTENSEIN" ?!?
  14. Double-bagging one less so.
  15. This also suggests that they miscounted on the 120+. Must have been copying off their boyfriend's IQ test.
  16. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
  17. "Wha choo talkin bout Weezy?"
  18. Highly professional, eh?
  19. Yeah, what he said.
  20. Oly's stuff has already been packed.
  21. I'll assume ED is short for EDucation.
  22. Vertical World has the highest concentration of routes in Seattle.
  23. Because successful sales reps in the medical field always wear suits when meeting clients.
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