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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Is that what you call the woman superior position? Praying mantis, eh. PS SWEET CRAMPON WE GOT YOU A FUCKING DATE BY MAKING FUN OF YOU!
  2. Oooh a spitball straw... you know what those are? I thought that was a closely guarded dirty secret. Billygoat. Please send me a copy of the book. I would performing a spitball straw on Stink very much.
  3. Hey Crampon, I fancy professional men, I'm everything you're looking for... plus I have a penis.
  4. E-rock

    Spray bitches...

    Spray bitches, get your shit over to Climbing Partners when you get home. Enjoy
  5. Uhhh, you didn't actually expect people on this board to respond seriously, didya?
  6. pretty pretty pretty PLEASE sucky sucky sucky CHEEZE fucky fucky fucky WEEZE PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE
  7. So what...? You spend your days in the mountains surveying other people's attitudes towards fixed gear. Jesus christ you're obsessed! I suppose none of those people would have been there if it weren't for those bolts you described right?
  8. This has gotta be the gayest thread ever! How many different unsolicited products can one person market?
  9. E-rock

    whatcha reading?

    Wow, Stink writing about his favorite subject.... Stink. How interesting. It oughta be at least a little better than I expect because I expect it to be pretty goddamn aweful. Have you gotten to part about his Tantric Yogic skillz and his "4 hour (or is that "between orgasms") endurance"? It's clear why he would WRITE his book (and he even self-titled it, what a rock star). It is, however, completely unclear to me why a heterosexual male would READ it. (Or a homo for that matter, what gay man wants his ass pounded for 4 hours?)
  10. What begins with a bang, ends with a wimper.
  11. Pope proves himself incapable of discussion and resorts to posting cutesy "narrative" photos in response to one-liners taken out of context from other people's posts. Skuzzy gets all pissy and tells everyone to go climb trees. Read all about it.
  12. E-rock

    Grizzly Movie

    If it's directed by Herzog, it's probably going to be excellent.
  13. E-rock

    Boxes for moving

    I raided the cardboard dumster at office max in Ballard when I moved.
  14. E-rock

    My rant for the day

    Next time call OSHA. They'll be out there in a jiffy and shuttin' those bitches down. They LIVE for that shit.
  15. Why does every thread degenerate into Rudy flirting with whatever avatar will pay attention to him?
  16. The horror. Indeed.... You know.... this one time, i accidentally unclipped from the anchors... oh yeah I already told you that one.
  17. E-rock


    Since it has not been FULLY EMPHASIZED in this thread. There is SANDSTONE CLIMBING RIGHT IN SNOW CANYON.
  18. Drul and SprecialBoy. The proper spelling of a thin, tabular body of intrusive rock is "dyke" if you consult your McLane guide. Apparently, it's not a derogatory term afterall.
  19. I think everyone here is aware of that information.
  20. What!!!???? Fuck you, guys. The poo threads are some of the most important content on this board.
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