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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Hey Stefan, you big, dumb douche, I just heard of a buncha lazy stupid welfare cheats that were found as corpses... all 130 of them, in a nursing home. Guess those fucking black grandmothers should have taken more responsibility for their own lives huh? You're a dick, Stefan, and I'd tell that to your face.
  2. Your compassion overwhelms. Are you including the gang-raped 5 year old in your blanket statements? Huh? People who want help becuase they chose not to leave is hypocritical. Those people who were stranded need to take responsibility for their own lives. Pretty banal statment to make when you're confronted with such a disturbing question, don't you think? What actions entail "taking responsibility for their own lives"... "Looting" grocery stores for food? Because, you know, the President says that behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances, leading to the logical conclusion that everyone still in the city should wait for outside aid. Or does "taking responsibility for their own lives" entail starving to death rather than "looting" when proper aid does not (which in many cases it hasn't) arrive? Perhaps you belong over on ass.com, where Trask and Fairweather are busy calling everyone left behind in N.O. a bunch of dumb "niggers".
  3. How did the people get to the Superdome? How did the people get to the Convention Center? Why don't you do a little fucking research on that instead of making assumptions about people's mobility and then blaming them for wrong-doing? You set a group of rigid rules ("I is responsible for ME") and then judge the world based on your overly simplistic (and completely tiresome) model of reality. Then you erroneously split hairs when you commit philosophically equivalent lapses in judgement ("the government wasn't OBLIGATED to rescue my sorry ass because I intellectually assured myself that they don't have to save my sorry ass" - See the circularity?). I suppose they could have decided to leave you to die? I don't think so. You are guilty of making your interpretations based on your hypotheses rather than your data.
  4. E-rock


    In wanna be gangsta news, Barbara Bizzle said, "Let tizzle eat cake", n last night I wiznent ta wizzay on mah ingrown hizzle which wizzy in fact, an inflamed, clogged hair follicle. Wizzy hair follicles on mah face is clogged fo` a long-enough period of tizzle tha hizzle grows out white n almost transparent. Whizzen I pizzle tizzle they is usually ensconsed in a sheath of dead skin n oils. Howeva when I gots a hold of this one, right at tha surface of tha skizzin, it resembled a long, thin tendon (like you see in a piece of cooked beef, or even in a piece of fish sometizzle whizzich emerged slowly from tha inflamed pustule. At tha end I found me wide-eyed n surprised at tha ENORMOUS mucousy bizzle of dead skizzin n oil thizzat emerged fizzy tha follicle. I found an anemic shawty clear hair inside of this mess. I fizzy asleep ta fond reminiscizzles of a clogged hair follicle removed.
  5. E-rock


    In other news, Barbara Bush said, "Let them eat cake", and last night I went to work on my ingrown hair which was, in fact, an inflamed, clogged hair follicle. When hair follicles on my face are clogged for a long-enough period of time the hair grows out white and almost transparent. When I pull them they are usually ensconsed in a sheath of dead skin and oils. However when I got a hold of this one, right at the surface of the skin, it resembled a long, thin tendon (like you see in a piece of cooked beef, or even in a piece of fish sometimes) which emerged slowly from the inflamed pustule. At the end I found myself wide-eyed and surprised at the ENORMOUS mucousy bulb of dead skin and oil that emerged from the follicle. I found an anemic little clear hair inside of this mess. I fell asleep to fond reminiscenses of a clogged hair follicle removed.
  6. E-rock

    Let them eat cake

    Barbara Bush: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans By E&P Staff Published: September 05, 2005 7:25 PM ET updated 8:00 PM NEW YORK Accompanying her husband, former President George H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them." The former First Lady's remarks were aired this evening on American Public Media's "Marketplace" program. She was part of a group in Houston today at the Astrodome that included her husband and former President Bill Clinton, who were chosen by her son, the current president, to head fundraising efforts for the recovery. Sen. Hilary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama were also present. In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to Houston." Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
  7. I was lucky enough to see him play in 94 also, on the waterfront in Philly. He fucking blew me away like noone ever has, and he was sitting down, pounding the drum with one foot and tearing the speakers apart with his arms. The next year I went to one of his shows in SLC. My friend Rich and I were the only people to sneak beer into the show (it was at a fine arts auditorium on a dry campus). We arrived late, got front-row seats anyway, and dammit R.L. was sick. So the late, great Junior Kimbrough closed the show and I learned that FatPossum was what blues was all about. A friend of my has a funny story of forcing her way into R.L.'s trailer between sets at a blues fest in Oregon. She was so drunk that when she finally got in, R.L just laughed at her.
  8. Below is a great primer to the music of FatPossum if you've never been initiated... and all I can say to that is, "Why NOT!?" Link link link linkity link
  9. James Gregory reports: Celebrated blues singer-guitarist R.L. Burnside died at St. Francis hospital in Memphis, Tennessee Thursday morning, following an almost 3 week stay. While no official cause of death has been announced, a representative from Burnside's label, Fat Possum Records, explained that he had suffered a heart attack the previous year, and "never fully recovered." Burnside was 78 years old, and is survived by his widow Alice Mae, twelve children, and multiple grandchildren. Born in Harmontown, Mississippi, Burnside was primarily a farmer and fisherman for much of his life, performing intermittently from the 1960s onward. While known regionally for his live shows, he gained mainstream exposure after becoming the first artist signed to Fat Possum in 1991. Burnside would go on to release ten critically-hailed albums for the label between 1992 and 2004, with his last studio LP A Bothered Mind issued in August of last year. His eclectic blues shuffle and openness to experimentation (via indie and hip hop flourishes) attracted the attention of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, who backed Burnside on 1996's A Ass Pocket of Whiskey. His 2001 album Burnside on Burnside received a Grammy nomination for best Traditional Blues Album, and his music has been featured in numerous films and television shows, including HBO's “The Sopranos”. A post on the Fat Possum website notes that memorial donations for Burnside’s family are currently being accepted, and can be sent to the following address: Freeland & Freeland Trust Account Burnside Memorial P.O. Box 269 Oxford, MS 38655 * Fat Possum: http://www.fatpossum.com/
  10. So we can expect a poo thread as soon as the coffee hits your colon? Go eat a quart of cherries and a couple cobs of corn and then sit back and wait for the ass bomb. That'll give you some quality spray time. I was at a pig-roast this weekend. All backed up and nowhere to poo.
  11. But I'm not billing my time so WTF does it matter? If'n you're not billin', you're not makin' money for the company. Speaking of... It's past lunch time here and I ain't done shit yet.
  12. Busted, Beeyotch. You better hope your boss doesn't read this thread Drul.
  13. E-rock

    That's my dog!!!

    This thread from a man who's offended by cartoon penises .
  14. Or more likely: "What the hell is wrong with that guy? Don't slow down! He's probably a serial killer or mass murderer or something..."
  15. Hey, Armchair fucktards. "Rockfall" is not a broken hold in the author's context. "Rockfall" is a catastrophic mass-wasting event. You can't go FIND a "rockfall" unless you are extremely lucky. You can only study the conditions that you think lead to rockfall. A "rockfall" of the scale the author is interested in would do quite a bit of damage to him, helmet or not. I see no logical inconsistency in his decision not to bring a helmet. So shut the fuck up about that stupid point already.
  16. 5.25 a bail? It's less than 3 round here.
  17. In other news: Check out Gang of Four's reissued debut, the Futureheads, Pinback - Summer in Abaddon.
  18. Yeah, wouldn't want those jungle bunnies listening to something that they relate to and has great rhythm, would we?
  19. Thanks for the link. Finally something worth checking out rather than a bunch of Moldy Oldies, "Down-Tempo" electronic (read mood music for yuppies), and hippy-dippy funkity funk funk funkity SHEEEITE! Attention CC.com dinosaurs, please stop posting your high-school eight-track collection on threads requesting refreshing new ideas. PS MisterE that means YOU. Eric Clapton . Gawd you're a pussy.
  20. Colonics Tie Die French Perfume Jammy Jammy funkity funk funk funkity funk hippy bands Double Anal Double Vaginal and Internet Porn
  21. Spray was getting kind of fun today until this turd came along. Stop wasting our time. I wonder how many of PP's posts are merely "LINK" Suck a dick bitch.
  22. E-rock


    Edit: I don't want to pick on kids. If you like their music good onya James. I listened to Van Halen when I was your age. RELIGIOUSLY. Now THAT's gay.
  23. That bitch can't climb. Look at her footwork! Deplorable.
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