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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    I got deleted....

    About the same thing as what's on there already.
  2. Uhhhh last I checked being a "competent 5.9 climber" isn't a feat that merits "competent 5.9 climber" snobbery.
  3. E-rock

    I got deleted....

    In the SHOUT BOX!!!????? WTF?
  4. E-rock


    Only boring people get bored
  5. "Fast" parties should start OS late in the day and hike out in the dark. "Slow parties" will always show up early.
  6. Selkirk, The short answer is that Outer Space is the perfect route for a 5.9 leader who has not yet broken into 5.10. You will be challenged, but you will succeed.
  7. Can't argue with ad hoc reasoning. The issue of a Jewish state and its right to exist have NEVER been opposed by myself or any other "liberals" I'm aquainted with. The modern issues surrounding the Isreali state have little to do with the Judaism of its citizens as far as Americans are concerned. You must be right! Fifteen year olds can never become later students of history, particularly those who became victims of an oppressive regime. Furthermore,I'm sure Ann Frank didn't offer any special knowledge to the history or policies of the period because, afterall, she was only a teen when she died. [b/]
  8. What's that? Did I hear your heals click?
  9. My scrip says any more than four and I need to call a doctor.
  10. …Today, by law at least, aren’t all citizens equal? So were the Jews of Germany in 1933… Is there a parallel to that in the U.S.? Are the Jews seen here, also,as the cunning power brokers? Certainly by most extreme right wing elements. But the American target of mass persecution likely will not be the Jews; it will be the masses who are denied access to the American dream. Millions of Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated in this, the most violent of all industrialized countries, where large sections of most major cities have become crime-ridden no-man’s lands. How are we to deal with the thousands of unsalvageable adolescents, possessed of a smoldering resentment to all forms of authority? What are we to do when our cities are again aflame in riots? Are we going to open concentration camps to protect ourselves from the steadily rising wave of criminals? The undeniable moral decline of the United States in the past [40] years parallels the despair that seized so many Germans during the ‘20s and allowed them to fall prey to Adolf Hitler’s promise of stability and protection. In this country, with its shocking indifference to domestic policies, where half of all eligible citizens don’t vote, a demagogue of Hitler’s hypnotic charisma could easily set citizen against citizen or minority against majority, with the promise of easy solutions. Perhaps more dangerous than the threat of a [foreign attack] may be the fear and frustration developed during a steep economic slide, as was the case in Germany. -Alfons Heck, Author and Lecturer, Former Hitler Youth
  12. Cocaine users, drunks, and pot-smokers don't have random flashbacks, and are not generally susceptible to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses induced by the drug usage... of course I guess that's what makes LSD the "best drug" in the words of a cc-com'er. Marijuana is considered the leading environmental factor contributing to schizophrenia. But keep on tokin', and keep on believin' that it'll never be you.
  13. Dude I just found Van Halen's "Fair Warning" under ther car seat the other day.
  14. That joke already got played out in much smarter fashion 10 posts ago.
  15. I think personal safety devices should be worn close to the torso, not in the backpack. You don't put your transceiver in your top pocket do you? Just my 2-cents.
  16. You ever see what a horse can do with it's pussy. Watch a mare some time after she gets done taking a piss. I'm talking WAVES of pleasure, baby. WAAAAVES.
  17. My first pair of climbing shoes were my buddie's stinky pair of twice-resoled mythos, still warm and slimy with sweat from his lead. How 'bout that!
  18. Psh. Wanker. Clip some bolts, eh? Dude, I like onsite 5.7+ on the east coast. Obviously I don't need the accelerated technique improvement that sport climbing has to offer. And I do it smooth too, no elvising or anything.
  19. Summer, 1995: First time climbing: followed a 5.6 A month later, 1995: First lead of a 5.6 Fall, 1995: First leader fall on a 5.6 (fitting eh) Spring, 1996: First onsite of a 5.6 Summer 1996: First free solo of a 5.6 All TRAD, beeeotch!
  20. E-rock

    washing rope

    1) Wash on cold with Woolite. 2) Tie up your rope in an electricians braid (this takes a while) or it will tangle all over the spindle. 3) I would also suggest using an industrial front-loader at the laundromat for the job to avoid any possible damage you might incur upon your home washer.
  21. Well crystals have energy, and the energy field created by plants is what gives them sentience, so I would conclude that rocks also have emotions, and thoughts, and bolting therefore is a a heinous crime committed on our kind cliff-neighbors as sure as boiling a lobster is a guaranteed trip to hell in the afterlife.
  22. Boy do I have a book for you to look into: Plants HAVE FEELINGS TOO!
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