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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    I'm PISSED

    And I thought my night of diarrhea was rough!
  2. E-rock


    Lars, you're never very sure of when you've been trolled, are you?
  3. E-rock


    how? random number generator? (don't most labs gather data?...) Dear RobBob, Although certain types of data can be GATHERED (for example strike and dip measurements on a bedrock outcrop, or the number of bald eagles along the shore of lake superior) some data are not obtainable through DIRECT OBSERVATION. These data are often produced in a laboratory after careful sample preparation and analysis. In many stable isotope labs the data is produced from gas and water samples using MASS SPECTROMETERS. Your rather semantic point of vocabulary is clearly not fully informed and merely a cheap jab. Many laboratories around the country PRODUCE or GENERATE data that can not be directly observed. And the word "produce" is widely used. Understand? As for the albedo argument. Decreased albedo from soot, rising snowlines, and faster snowmelts does contribute to global warming. However soot is produced by much more than hippy bio-diesel, as Fairweather's links point out. Also it's still unclear to me how Fairweather is suddenly convinced that ANYTHING anthropogenic contributes to global warming.
  4. E-rock


    REEEEALLLLLY, so you're now convinced that anthropogenic hydrocarbon oxidation does contribute to nefarious global warming?!!!! But only the stinky hippy kinds like bio-diesel, right? As far as I know (and I'd say I'm a bit more educated on the topic than the average bear having worked in a lab that produces climate change data), our understanding of anthropogenic Carbon increase in the atmosphere is based on stable isotope studies. Please tell me how "scientists" can tell the difference between biodiesel exhaust and gasoline exhuast. Furthermore, please enlighten me on how that Carbon is migrating towards and hovering over Greenland where it somehow locally enhances ice cap melting. Or were you speaking metaphorically?
  5. E-rock


    Why is it that all you right wing fucktards ramble about crap like "moral fiber" and "I pray". What a long-winded piece of galvanized tripe. Tell your "friend" to take a comp class. Drama queens.
  6. E-rock


    "jerryaTrYx" You kill me drul!
  7. E-rock

    F/ 911

    Yup I'm sure all those whacky terrorists are sitting around the tube with popcorn and soda watching a bootleg DVD, hooting and laughing at their great fortune!
  8. E-rock

    F/ 911

    I can't figure out who's the bigger idiot, the left-wing non-thinkers who wanna suck Moore's fat, hairy cock or sailBOI, the libertarian know-nothing knowitall. Nice analysis fellas.
  9. E-rock

    The Second Civil War

    Yo jjd, that ain't my quote, don't "re" me.
  10. E-rock

    The Second Civil War

    Oh puhleeeeZE, sailBOI, your rant on the need for respect towards women is sanctimonious empty-headedness. Do you really believe that you have full understanding of gender politics in the United States, moreso even than the president himself? Calling a blowjob in the oval office, "abuse" is wrong for so many reasons. Most importantly because the woman Clinton supposedly abused was a consenting adult. Have you never received/given oral sex as an unreciprocated favor, from a girlfriend/spouse/lover/or even a girl you met at a party? Take your moral high ground to some other place, perhaps a feminist rally, and see how many people will support your views that consenting sexual acts performed by women are abuse turned upon them. Sounds like you have a shitty attitude about sex.
  11. E-rock


    It's "gyp" not "jip", which is why it's a derogatory term.
  12. E-rock

    Alaska is Suck!

    This is the best cc.com post in months!
  13. Wow, the summer is only 8 days young and I've already learned so much from our adjunct professor Griffin. 1. It is gross and inhumane to draw cartoons of babies dying. It is even worse to laugh at those cartoons. 2. In the old days we weren't so vulgar, shame on you. Our behavior on cc.com, our language, our morals, and our bad taste in film are so offensive to the Professer that well.... why the hell is he still here trying to educate our inferior, impenetrable, bigoted minds anyway? 3. Joking about people's heroes by calling them Nazis is insensitive to those who died during the holocaust. Nazis were bad in case you didn't know. Think Darth Vader... but meaner. 4. The phrase "in fact" has a specific meaning that you must adhere to. You can not use "in fact" to introduce a false statement that can be refuted merely by stating that the statement is false.
  14. "King of all Assumptions" That's a hefty insult. I wish I could read your posts out loud to you some time in the voice that your writing conveys. Merv, you're too old to be a disaffected teenager who's angry at the mean old jocks who pick on you becuase nobody really understands you.
  15. E-rock

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Agent 007 is fat?!!
  16. If it gets the Beck stamp of approval, you can rest assured that your work is NOT worthwhile spray.
  17. E-rock

    fahrenheit 9/11

    True enough, but he scares off the right the same way Anne Coulter scares off the left. I plan on seeing the film and enjoying it as entertainment, but not much more. I watched a "news" analysis of Farenheit911 last night on MSNBC. The conservative, news reporters were angry. Oh and Merv, you may find what I write to be "out of line" or "[in]articulate". Ditto.
  18. E-rock

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Michael Moore is the Anne Coulter of the Left.
  19. E-rock

    fahrenheit 9/11

    I've seen that response in another one of your asinine "pulpit" threads, babyfucker.
  20. E-rock

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Merv, you are a fucking Motarded Douche. Eat a fetus, windbag.
  21. E-rock

    June 15

    NOLSe that's a picture of a CD turntable, not a T1200
  22. E-rock

    Poop Thread

    I had the honor of looking at this first
  23. FuckedOverRebuiltDodge vroom
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