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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Offer's still open, I'm leaving in about half hour. Gotta get some tape first. And a CD for the drive. I'm super fun, and kinky, I swear.
  2. I'm looking for a partner at index tomorrow to do some 9's and 10's. Two weeks ago I fell on Libra and want another try. I also wanna do Breakfast of Champions, and the 10d pitch above Princely Ambitions. I'll probably flail like hell, but I might get lucky. Anyone looking to share in misery and swap leads? PM or email me. However, I may not check this till tomorrow morning.
  3. E-rock

    Just wondering

    quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by E-rock: I agree with you trask. It's a lot like the question my friends and I used to ask as kids, "why are there so few black ice-hockey players". You mean aside from Brashear, Carter, Fuhr, laRoque, Braithwaite, ummm... The Oilers had 7 black players on their team last year. But yeah, not so many as a kid, huh. How many black Canadians, Swedes, Russians, Finns were there at the time? I wasn't talking about professional hockey players. I lived in Southeastern PA which has a much higher black population than the NW. Regardless of what rink we played at we always played against other white, American kids. But I'm sorry Hockey is strictly a Canadian topic so I'll leave it alone.
  4. E-rock

    Just wondering

    I agree with you trask. It's a lot like the question my friends and I used to ask as kids, "why are there so few black ice-hockey players".
  5. I had a bad experience there last winter. I called asking them if they carried the telemark binding that I needed and they said they did, I asked if they would mount them and they said certainly. But when I went in and asked for the binding that I was looking for, the service personel just pointed me in the direction of their display and said, "there they are". They did not have said binding. Then they informed me that they couldn't mount bindings for two weeks or more because their tech was out of town. When I asked why I wasn't given this imformation on the phone, I was given an explanation that didn't make any sense. The whole time I felt like the guy was really irritated with me, and he was outright unhelpful from the start. I haven't gone there since. And I was friendly the whole time.
  6. Grad student: You get paid to do nothing and it comes with benefits. My office-mate is on his 4th year as a Master's student.
  7. quote: Originally posted by ehmmic: Godzilla feels sandbagged to me, but that's just because I still struggle leading the off angle wide stuff. I just did Princely ambitions and Godzilla today for the first time, and Godzilla scared all fuck out of me compared to PA. But I was also placing crappy little hexes in the smaller crack on the upper section. For the perpetual 5.9 climber like myself Godzilla felt a hard as it gets. And what's up with the jar of giant Horse-cocks in the Index general store? Anyone know if they're yummy?
  8. Sounds cheaper than hall health, thanks you saved me.
  9. I know I'm going to hall health for counseling this afternoon. Ya gotta admit thought, Win sure does make it easy to learn, eh. OH, GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME
  10. Goddamn my October birthday! I can't make up my fucking mind about anything. Why do I always feel like I'm cheating on a lover when I go climbing? Like I really have anything better to do with my life. I got on I-5 and started heading to Index about an hour and a half ago, Christ, I could be there already. But next to me in the passenger seat was "Stress and Strain: principles of continuum mechanics for geologists", and suddenly I'm being tempted by this paperback version of rock porn. And I'm thinking since I don't have a partner (although two days ago I had no trouble finding one once I got there) I can better spend my time reading about rocks than climbing them. So I turn my car around into Seattle's finest traffic Jam and sweat my ass back to capitol hill at 15 miles an hour. I should just buy some spandex and get into biking or somthing. Then I never have to leave the city and I never have to deal with traffic. I can just ride the Burke-Gillman trail from end to end every sunday and wish I hadn't sold my climbing gear instead of torturing myself like I did today.
  11. I know, I know crack o' noon and all. I'm leaving seattle in 5 minutes to go climb a few cracks. Anyone game to either meet here or there?
  12. I wanna get some big cams and I noticed some good deals on DMM's. How do they compare to camalots, are they prone to walking, do the triggers get bunged up, etc?
  13. Hey Chap, I ran off with your yellow alien yesterday. I called ya too but thought I'd have some fun with the website while I'm at it.
  14. Suppose that the Gumby had survived. And suppose that the Gumby was sued, or charged with a criminal offense. What has the climbing community or society-at-large gained from this outcome? What have the hypothetical victim's families gained from this outcome? Personal responsibility is just this: You live with your mistakes and you change because of them. I don't think that climbing mistakes, regardless of how fatal, are sociopathic behavior that needs to be eliminated through laws and litigation. Winter, sorry about the avatar, guess I'll change it.
  15. Yeah, I'm looking for bigger than 4's, Price and weight ain't worth sacrificing performance. I want something that works like a dream in an off-width.
  16. Thanks, ya'll been a big help. Weight's not the big issue for me, I just want something that I don't get pissed off at for less than camalot prices. Maybe Friends would work better?
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