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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Bad First Dates

    When your car stinks as much like ass as mine does, you need every edge you can muster.
  2. This one time, I unclipped from the anchors before I was on rappel accidentally, but I realized it and then clipped back in real quick. Boy, was I scared!
  3. E-rock

    Bad First Dates

    I got lucky. Apparently my gf's family has a "door test". The first time I picked her up at the airport (mail order bride) I locked my car doors. The lock is busted on the drivers side which I always manage to forget. So I go to unlock the driver's side, then realize I can't, and so I walked back around the car and unlocked the passenger side to let her in first. I passed the "door test" because my lock is busted!
  4. E-rock

    Bad First Dates

    I wasn't ANGRY! I just... was, you know... DISAPPOINTED! There's a difference, sheesh!
  5. E-rock

    Belaying Expedition

    Chaps "15 minutes" is a pop culture reference to Andy Warhol. Nice try attempting to retort to a joke you don't understand. By the way, I hear 'sotan's ain't to good at sarcasm. For a first attempt yours is commendable.
  6. Eric, I guarantee you that if you go to the creek you'll be leading 5.10 even if you aren't leading it anywhere else. For one simple reason, almost everything there is 5.10 or harder. Your first couple days though, you'll get spanked so hard you'll wonder why you even drove all the way to the desert.
  7. E-rock

    Japanese Gardens

    IS this the "Let's all sound smart about something it's easy to sound smart about" thread?
  8. Tell me which one is the number 5, before I start arguing with you and make a fool of myself.
  9. I don't fucking miss any of you and the SO gives plenty of SUCKY SUCKY. I just hate fucking HEXES!!! OKAY!!????
  10. Obviously you use them!
  11. Hey guys, I have this opinion that is controversial and I bet none of you have ever put much thought into it before: "Hexes are stupid" What do you think? Is that altering your little narrow-minded climbing paradigm. I sure hope so, cuz I hate seeing all you stupid wool-sock wearing, lederhosen donning, jingle-jangle walkin', know nothin', mountaineer baitin' motherfuckers in my mountains.
  12. How about upside-down on the front of my shirt so I don't have to take it off or ask someone else to read it for me. I can read the helpful reminder to look down for footholds while I'm actually on a route, you know, looking down for footholds.
  13. Hey Eddie, Could you send me a copy of that article. I'd like a hard-copy with me at the crags at all times.
  14. No, the difference between a flash and an onsight is pretty widely understood and well defined. You either got the beta from someone else by talking to them or watching them climb the route, or you didn't. Period. Footnote. Your definition may help YOU decide if you flashed or onsighted iff you have no mental defects. How does it help ME pigeonhole your style? Can I look under the lid? I am a trained neurophysiologist. My understanding is that your understanding of wide understanding is flawed. Actually, this is an endnote. But what do I know? I'm an untrained neurophysiologist without a windshirt. Actually it could be either. Footnotes are at the end of a page. Endnotes are at the end of a document. Both apply here.
  15. Oh my god this is SOOOO fucking classic. Catbirdseat arguing that OS is 5.10! Could there be any thread that further approaches a parody of itself. OUTERSPACE IS 5.9 NOT 5.9 HARD not 5.9 EASY just FUCKING 5.9. If it feels harder to you than 5.9 than you ain't a 5.9 climber, PERIOD. Just because you can do ONE 5.9 EASY route and another 5.8 that is PURE HAND JAMMING and only SLIGHTLY difficult cuz of the grease (classic crack). DOesn't make you a 5.9 climber. A 5.9 climber CONSISTENTLY ONSIGHTS 5.9 EVERYWHERE. PERIOD. CAPICHE. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!
  16. Dude how can you GPS yourself on a cliff? You stay in one place.
  17. It's better than those other two pieces of shit Lucas put out recently. But the script and the acting still suck.
  18. And you have the gall to wonder why you're NOT a security gaurd anymore.
  19. Reblicans don't like condoms because they slip off their winkies.
  20. I don't know what's funniest about glassgowkiss's threads, his spelling, his grammar, or the responses he incites. Bob
  21. Hey KocksuckKojack. Gary's original post was superior to yours because: 1. It was a true story (you may assume otherwise if you like) 2. He used cunning and wit to foil his opponents. There was no need to go off on a dry, classist diatribe because an insult was implied in Gary's response. Furthermore it had the added bonus of turning their response into a cleverly crafted ironic retort of their original demand. 3. If YOU used YOUR diatribe in a similar situation, you may have a fist in your face before you complete it. 4. If you do NOT receive a blow, you'll instead be viewed by everyone who witnesses the event as the bad-guy in the situation and a neo-conservative misanthrope. 5. The vast majority of people I know (even the rude ones) would NEVER say the things you just wrote given a similar situation because well, it's just dumb. 6. The vast majority of people I know would WISH they said what Gary had said given a similar situation because it was, you know, clever.
  22. Actually I believe the correct substance to roll her in while searching for the wet spot is "flour".
  23. E-rock

    I got deleted....

    Oh I don't know... "your mother sucks cocks in hell" or something like that, who can really remember exactly what one says when it comes to your mother (collectively), sucking, and cocks.
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