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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    American Idol!

    Thanks, that was awesome.
  2. E-rock


    Somebody help, my binding broke, has this ever happened to any of you?! Somebody help, I can't control my back ski, what am I doing wrong, I'll post video? Hey guys check out my new rad personal upgrade to my bindings, it essentially renders the whole point of buying these bindings in the first place moot! I know we've gone into this before but what makes an active binding "active" is it the location of the pivot or the strength of the spring or both, or something so completely mystical and indescribable it can only be explained as the force that many people use the word "God" to describe? If telemark didn't exist, God would have invented it so that she could paint brushstrokes on the canvas of Her Creation, the Colorado Rockies.
  3. E-rock


    You jest, but that's a valid topic for discussion over there. I invite you to start the thread next fall (it's obviously a troll this late in the season)
  4. E-rock


    The helis were there before any of you, you're just one of those squeeky wheels that wants your own private playground at the exclusion of anyone with a beergut, a platinum card, and sick Stein Technique.
  5. It doesn't matter how you treat them in public as long as you tie them up and fuck them in the ass during private time.
  6. COPULATE! Take this lame copulating topic over to telemarkTWATS.com
  7. E-rock


    Holy fucking shit, LMAO
  8. E-rock


    That's all you got, you fucking pot-smoking, fat eskimo-fucking, praying mantis stylin', poorly disguised excuse for a telemarkTwats infiltrant. Clearly our thread has been "linked" to the souless void beyond the ad-whoring front page. Did you guys ever determine from your "Poll" if the cover photo can be enlarged, or will that diminish the stature of the Black Diamond banner? STFU, n00b
  9. for almost single-handedly keeping spray alive as the attrition rate around here accelerates.
  10. E-rock


    Uhhh, hey guys, this isn't the "pick on E-rock's" preferred mode of sexual stimulation thread, this is the "pick on telemarktips preferred mode of sexual stimulation thread". My orientation, though similar (i.e. fucking GAY), has nothing to do with theirs.
  11. E-rock


    Telemark: Norwegian for "WAIT UP!"
  12. E-rock


    Suck a dick you cum-guzzling whore.
  13. E-rock


    Ohhh the Telemarktips sticker thread was just delightful. Full of all sorts of humorous suggestions, such as Telemark, catch the feeling and my personal favorite, because I hadn't heard it before and it's so clever, If it were easy, it would be called snowboarding. Hee!
  14. E-rock


    CODE RED is an excellent soft drink. Goes down easy when you're leaving your telemark on the world. Just more vitriolic negativity, as we've come to expect, from the likes of you. This is NOT that type of forum, please take your bad attitude and foul language over to the TGR website where your brand of "humor" is more appreciated.
  15. E-rock


    OMFG, how could I forget this one? Can't ski / might as well GARDEN which includes a link to a thread JUST LIKE IT from last year. BooYAH!
  16. E-rock


    Posted by a chick from Alaska, a state where a friend of mine who lives there claims "You have to fuck fat eskimos around here to get laid"
  17. E-rock


    A random sampling of today's hot topics: "No Morality Above 8000 m?" "[ Poll ] Bigger cover page photo possible?" "[ Poll ] Are aggressive posters better posters?" an apparent and hilarious spoof of: "[ Poll ] Are aggressive skiers better skiers?" "Yosemite in July" Guess what this one's about, I'll give you a hint, it's not climbing. "Okee Dokee TR- 05-06 Winter observations from the Wasatch" 115 pages and counting of douche-bags bragging about where all of the recently broken skin tracks are, and which 3000' coulour isn't QUITE skied out yet. "Starting over... Dog Pics" Let's all find closure on the internet with our "community" "OT: This footage is awesome" I'm sure it sucks. "Trimming skins to size" In case you didn't manage to read the FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS that come with your skins. "OT: Stealing Peace In Central VT" Is this the name of some hippy jammy-jammy chicken-clucking retard band? I can't bear to look and find out. "Primative Car Camping in VT or NH?" Let's post the locations of the last few secret morsels of freedom, peace and quiet on the whole fucking coast.
  18. E-rock


    What the FUCK is up with that website? It's populated by people who spray, spray, spray the day away, but instead of posting inane, thoughtless shit they actually spend time incessanty posting "thoughtful" responses in the name of civil discourse over topics that only boring people should have opinions about. Furthermore, half of the "twits" say "copulate" instead of FUCK. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCK!!!!!!!!!
  19. Fucker, you edited right before I could rip on you. I was confused for a second.
  20. E-rock

    $100 a Barrel

    I blame it on male-models and SUVs
  21. Put your dicks back in your pants. Neither the indictment, nor the resignation have occurred.... yet.
  22. That may all be true, catbirdseat, but it does not change the fact that stares us in the eye so unflinchingly as we examine this near tragedy: MORMONS SUCK!
  23. Those fucking numbskulls look, sound, and act like a typical mormon. I got dibs on mormonism as their "guiding light". Anyone else care to venture a guess as to the faith of our lucky protaganists?
  24. Don't know what eric8 is talking about. The lower gorge at Smith is the closest thing you'll see to sandstone splitters in the Northwest. Try fingerlocking in one of those motherfuckers versus some sweet-ass Squamish finger crack. In general, the steeper the climbing, the more important it is to have good footwork. For straight in jamming, like the kind we all MEAN when we're talking about pure crack climbing, footwork is a bit less of an issue than it is when face climbing.
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