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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Holy SHIT! I thought at first this must be parody, but it's posted by GARY YNGVE MALMSTEIN, that pussy fucking engineer who BEGS for public humiliation by merely walking out the door in the morning. Congrats on another BRILLIANT FUCKING POST, Gary! By the way, from one 5.9 climber to another, only 5.9 climbers distinguish between 5.9 and 10a.
  2. Not just homeless people dumpster dive. Did you see the establishments that are located on that map? The person that this map is meant to appeal to (and probably created by) is none other than your garden variety, black carhart hoody wearing, dirty fingernail biting, shit-talking about things you don't know anything about, Northwest Anarchist. I lived with those dicks once, they LOVE dumpsters. It's like a statement of how REAL they are and how wasteful mainstream society is.
  3. You guys actually BELIEVE what that article says?! Sheesh, maybe Fairweather IS right.
  4. I am in new york and climbing season is about to take off with the weather finally getting nice. Next summer we'll climb together in the 'Daks when you come out for the wedding.
  5. The talking heads are currently putting their psychotically fucked-up, old-boys-club, apologist spin to a RAPE CASE! If I hear one more fucking white male "intellectual" argue ridiculous semantics about the lack of evidence supporting the accusations made at Duke (the defense attorney today called her "that complaining woman") I'm gonna butt-rape a lacrosse player.
  6. I find this offensive. Haven't you been watching the news, insensitive b00b.
  7. Are you originally from Philly. And for yall's knowledge My rant was induced by Brett's fucking lame website where he takes pictures of himself and tells the "world" about how special he is. His unplanned troll forced me to click on his profile and he proceeded to OFFEND me with his OFFENSIVE English.
  8. Starting to feel left out, E?
  9. Not "wouldn't OF" Sheesh people. Fucking n00bs.
  10. E-rock

    Video Rotation

    Why's it matter if your amatuer porn is rotated, it's all closeups anyway, right?
  11. Once again KocksuckKojak spends an entire thread displaying a lack of wit, grace, originality and joy. Life sucks in the cube farm doesn't it tough guy? By the way we all keep hearing about how we'd all shut our mouths real quick and shit if we ever met you in person (this isn't the first time you followed that line of argument, hence the lack of originality that lingers like a slime left behind by you lack of joy) but it remains to be seen if you would ever show your face and make anyone "shut up". Toodles, old man.
  12. Spoken like a dirtbag, nihilist who don't got neither.
  13. I finally did my mission! I went to Venezuela and brought many people closer to Jesus.
  14. E-rock

    martial arts

    There goes wirlwind, chasing after the older women.
  15. Dear Muffy, Normal life ain't so bad. Take me for instance... I see my family regularly now, I help my sisters with school and job searches and I'm generally there to be a big brother. They missed me all these years, and now I really understand how important they always were. I make money for my employer, and I save money, and I'm rewarded with more money for making lots of money for my employer and I save more money. Soon I will buy a beautiful house. I cook better Pad Thai than the shitty Thai restaurants around here. I get regular sucky sucky from a woman I love very much. When I called her from a ridgeline in Utard while skiing powder on vacation (which I can easily afford) several weeks ago, she asked me if I missed her, and I said.... "well, i AM skiing powder". She said, "YOU CAN'T FUCK POWDER, E-ROCK!" and you know what, I can't, and I don't want to. I want to fuck wet pussy (yeah that's right all you "homophobes" who crave my red-hot cock in your ass, I'm actually NOT queer). When I get a chance to sit down, relax, have a beer and watch a movie, I appreciate the free time, rather than self-flagellating for missing out on a sunny day to climb. I LOVE 5.6! LOVE IT! Sincerely, E-rock
  16. E-rock

    Mike Layton

    and shake that nasty butt!
  17. E-rock

    Geek magnet

    Oh my fucking lord...! Do you set yourself up for beatings on purpose? Are you really waxing philosphic about your pathetic inability to get laid after the abuse you just took last week?!!!! You are too funny. Note to gary: The reason you are attracted to bohemian chicks is because they appear "cool" and "mysterious" to right-brain troglodites like yourself. Furthermore, the reason you are conflicted about having children versus chasing after an independent, carefree woman is that you are still an idealistic boy sheltered under the nuzzling teat of academic complacency. The way to a woman's heart is not through her computer screen. Get out there a try getting some.
  18. Did wirlwind force you to pay out any penalty slack? He's good at that.
  19. Dear catbirdseat, Your post merely needed to read: "My weekend was so boring - Catbirdseat".... and we would have gotten the point.
  20. PMS is the first place I ever saw TLG's fine legs!
  21. E-rock

    Women over 20

    What's even worse is that when we were 18 we could bust 5 nuts in a single night but we couldn't stay on for more than a coupla minutes each time.
  22. E-rock

    Women over 20

    Can't even get any with women in your own age group, can you , E?
  23. E-rock

    Women over 20

    You know what would be funny is if every time a woman in the presence of an overly critical male in the middle of a tirade simply said: "You have a pancake ass, too much body hair, and a growing belly and I bet you have a tiny little dick to go with those other problems" Mr. Trask would think twice before saying mean things about others.
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