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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Oooh and fairweather wins the close runner-up position for [deep echoing voice/}"PARODY OF HIMSELF AWAAAAAAARD"[deep echoing voice]. Are you going to cry and leave the board again or do I need to directly insult your erectile function for that to happen?
  2. Congratulations Catturd, You just won the "Parody of Yourself" Annual Award. What is it, 3 years straight now?
  3. Hey you fucking arrogant douche! Nobody cares about your goddamn ideals. Come back so we can make you look like a stupid asshole again. Masshole.
  4. 47-17 (35-0 at the half) E A G L E S
  5. Cheese heads will be weeping on sunday evening. Supa Bowl here we come suckas.
  6. For those who think that split boards aren't viable backcountry tools, go to the Wasatch, see the kind of vert those guys are getting, and THEN make your judgment. For long slogs they're not as good though.
  7. Last summer I climbed regularly with a woman who was leading at the same level as me (though she was a WAY better climber than me). She was the best climbing partner I've ever had.
  8. BTW, thanks again for your well-researched, cutting-edge information sources, Pete. You're a beacon of sanity in a world of lunatics.
  9. Looks like a HOAX to me, just a mirror image of THIS CONFIRMED HOAX
  10. This thread is so number 1!
  11. E-rock


    I don't even remember this night, but it sure was fun
  12. E-rock

    A cry for help

    Jesus Christ Fern!!! Where's Dwayner when you need the baby porn police?!!!!?????!@!!!!
  13. hmm ... really miss that last summer! i did some of my best leads up there in squish with erock at the other end of the rope. er ... i hope he was still holding onto the rope when that shot was taken! [miss you, erock!!!] some day i'll climb again ... I'm not climbing anymore either, though I'm only a few hours from the gunks. And I'm even closer to the southern Adirondacks. And I miss you too.
  14. Hey Wirlwind, that card you got about your mental-retardation being cured..... it was just a joke, so shut up already.
  15. E-rock

    Wazzup Ya'll

    Yo Wirlwind, Things are good here. Going to philly tomorrow with the fam-damily to get drunk and watch the Eagles kick the shit out of the Panthers. I see you posted on October 16th, so you shoulda seen the CAKE next to my name. That means it's my BIRTHDAY, so represent.
  16. E-rock

    Wazzup Ya'll

    Just wanted to say hello to mis amigos in the PNW. wirlwind TLG erik paco figger8 special_ed Drul Fern Skuzzy Muffy I know there are others who I've missed. I'm just saying a quick hello, and wanted you all to know that I miss ya and miss climbing and skiing with ya. E
  17. Supercrack is 10 Generic crack is 10 Chocolate corner is 9
  18. Guidebook? If it's hands and fists it's 5.10. If it's fingers or offwidth it's 5.11. If it's thin fingers it's 5.12.
  19. E-rock

    If it's true...

    Both of you clearly had early signs of anti-social personality disorder. Thankfully you discovered climbing in time to curtail your psychotic urges.
  20. bunglehead, as you've already probably decided, it may be IT band friction syndrome, which is a knee problem that develops when you overtrain to quickly in running or hiking (like when you go out on 15 mile canyoneering day trips after sitting on your ass for a month, which is what happened to me a few years ago). Does the pain begin as a barely perceptible warmth on the outside of the knee, and steadily grow until it's unbearable? Then it's probably IT band friction syndrome. When I had it I did the stretches that are prescribed for it before, during and after exercise, I cut down on long hiking approaches for the entire summer (a bummer I know but the pain fucking sucked on the hike out), and I started riding my bike alot more. All three things helped and three years later I still don't have any problems with my IT Band. Good luck
  21. E-rock


    OSHA training starts monday
  22. E-rock


    CONGRATULATIONS, FERN!!!!! Now get a fucking job, willya?
  23. How about the inability to piss or shit for 2 - 5 years!
  24. Umm, can none of you numbskulls think of a reason why this story is untrue?
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