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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. drytool thursday kind sounds to me like "buttfuck friday"
  2. Don't fuck with the Dan you pussy Fag Canadian.
  3. I'm sorry for all those times I belayed you wrong. I took a belay test at the local gym last week and got failed by a 16-year-old part-timer. Apparently I'm supposed to belay UNDERHAND with my thumb AWAY from the belay device on the brake hand. No harm no foul right? At least you know I DEFINITELY won't kill you from here on out.
  5. I've had one since I was 17 and as long as I don't spend the weekend watching football and eating wings, it doesn't itch or bleed.
  6. Reply posts to photos on RC.com. That website is poplulated by the largest user group of numbskulls outside of 'bilers. It's a wonder more climbers dont' die.
  7. Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai, and Randy Rhodes.
  8. Layton you fucking stooge. No wonder you can't get laid, you don't even know how to cook! In case you didn't get the hint, inviting the ladies over for Annies mac and cheese isn't a gourmet, romantic meal. I dook on your culinary gaperdom.
  9. E-rock

    My stepfather....

    now that's seriously fucked up... Totally, that's why I listed it first!
  10. E-rock

    My stepfather....

  11. E-rock

    My stepfather....

    What the fuck does he care about jesus? He's Irish Catholic. I've suggested therapy to my mom. She's not receptive and not honest with herself about her situation. My step father will only benefit from the sweet relief of death, something he's been rapidly advancing towards through self-inflicted poisoning (drinking, cigarettes and lousy diet, as well as a few near-death accidents like falling out of tree that he tried to trim himself to save money). Unfortunately his father (who made him look like a fucking saint) did all the same and lived into his '80s.
  12. E-rock

    My stepfather....

    Unfortunately my mom is simultaneously loyal and depressed. Even if she chose to leave him, she doesn't have the confidence or the energy to do it anymore.
  13. E-rock

    My stepfather....

    Let's see, he's an alcoholic whose preferred method of inebriation is white wine. He's more interested in the television set than the world around him. He opted to ignore warnings from a gas utility service-person that the current pipe configuration poses a potential CO hazard to save a few bucks at the risk of his family's health. He spends 12 hours a day at a dead end job in order to procrastinate his inevitable chore of ignoring the rest of the world in front of the television set for 4 hours before bed. He has a negative comment for every meal my mother ever makes. He doesn't help her with the horses and she's been forced to give them away because she has nowhere to board them anymore and he's never bothered to work with her to develop a plan for purchasing land. (Did I mention that the horses are wild mustangs adopted from the BLM?) He breaks his glasses and wears prescription safety goggles for months on end because he's too lazy to go buy new frames. His home falls apart around his ears but he won't let anyone else work on it because he doesn't trust them to repair things properly. Then when he does get around to making repairs he pulls half-assed bullshit like replacing the flooring of the porch (that rotted out because he did a shit job the first time) and then allowing the new boards to rot unpainted through the winter. Should I go on?
  14. yeah, much better to hear middle class white guys spout off on racism and posture and its effects - they are definitely experts on that subject. I ESPECIALLY like it when middle-class white conservatives spout off their expert opinions about the lack of real racist obstacles in the U.S. and that minorities need ONLY pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop whining to realized they are holding themselves back.
  15. E-rock

    My stepfather....

    ... is a worthless bag-o-shit douche who ruined my mother's life. Just thought I'd share.
  16. He reminds me of cultish self-help/religious programs, that tell you what's wrong with your life and then promise they can fix it, but they never explain how they're going to do it. They just ask for your money and your faith.
  17. If it's got a 4/4 beat from a kick and snare, and a pretty person singing rhyming lyrics, it's rock and roll. Anyone who says the beetles aren't rock and roll doesn't know anything about the history of rock and roll. A bunch a wet-pantied teenage girls screaming their lungs out and fainting at the airport for a mere glimpse of the band... all the while pissing off their parents for listening to "that trashy old noise" is the EPITOME of rock and roll.
  18. Oly, If all of your threads that begin with a title and an emoticon in the text count as spray, I'm sure all the lurkers don't have much catching up to do. Your spray is drunken.
  19. Fairweather, Nice try there on "cadence" next time perhaps you'll look it up first. A broad chasm exists between typos and deplorable writing. I know which rim I stand on. I got more style in my pinky than you got in your hunt-and-peck, old man.
  20. Name calling is a part of spray and by resorting to name calling I merely stooped to your level of spray. Your writing is poorly spelled and grammatically incorrect. And even if you did spell correctly and use proper grammar, the cadence and style of your writing are so lacking that I don't believe you're capable of communicating a coherent thought. In conclusion, you're dumb. Enjoy your righteous indignation at the suffering, I'm sure it wins you lots of friends.
  21. E-rock

    Let them eat cake

    This thread is about the former first lady and the classist example she sets for her entire family!... Not a fucking rim-job or whatever you people are talking about.
  22. Clap your hands say yeah! Just copy and paste the above statment into your Mozilla URL bar.
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