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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Really? I better get me some videos then.... All the big lines skied out by saturday, huh. It snowed on Thursday, and all the RIPPERS made it out on friday because every ski-bum knows that Friday is THE day to RIP cuz it snows on thursday, and the chute under chair 1 ain't waitin' for no Saturday ridin' warren miller fan.
  2. Suggesting that someone "go to vail" voids you of any credibility of opinion.
  3. PS if'n ya'll wanna rib me for not skiing on a saturday, I'm working a ten day drilling shift so that I can ski for the rest of the year.
  4. I had no idea a tongue-in-cheek comment could get such "heated debate" started in the freshie zone. But then again you guys love to get it started, so here's some more vitriolic fodder for you to choke on your bong hits about: 1. None of you single plank tools could keep up with me or any of my friends so STFU. I have friends who've been doing it SINCE THE BEGINNING, and they manage to keep up, but that's all. 2. Ever see the boarder-cross? BWAHHAHAHAHAH, you call that a race? 3. I see you "sick" mother-fuckers ripping those "sick lines" EVERYWHERE, you know... like those big rocks "under the chair" that you side-slip to the top of in choo-choo-train formation, with the cushie landings that you can't stick anyway. It's the alpine sliding equivalent of bouldering. 4. I have a good friend who snowboards and teles and is better at both of them than most of you fucking twits in cammo. He was riding a 170 back when you douche-bags had a 30" stance mounted to your 142 and did "skateboard" tricks with your feet strapped in... that is IF you were even riding back then when it was cooler than jesus to be a snowboarder (which it fucking ain't anymore). 5. Boarding is better for some things than skiing, worse for others, and just as goddamn common, so while you guys are all worried about how "core" your brethren are, and how often skiers wiggle their butts, me and my friends are off skiing big descents in untracked snow that you'll likely never see. And btw, I don't really give a fuck about any of what I just wrote so if this pisses you off, it's even funnier to me.
  5. How come knuckle-draggers can only turn one way? How do they get anywhere? No wonder I almost get nailed by them every time I go to Baker.
  6. So, in other words you couldn't puck handle or skate?
  7. I predict a threatened blackout by the NFL because the Seahawks won't be able to sell out the stadium before their first playoff game.
  8. I predict a playoff loss in the first round.
  9. Titanium. At least he root is anyways. Maybe I'll post a before and after if I come up with some suitable photos.
  10. I got a job and with it I bought a tooth. Just in case summya wanted to know. My image is tarnished.
  11. Pale Ales are not "Light" beers
  12. E-rock

    Is it too soon?

    Mediocre???!!! You know what? I always wanted to says this to you.... Destro is the real brains in the organization.
  13. E-rock

    Is it too soon?

    man, you must be incredibly bored to be reading it then. You really should have known better! Well the title was just a little too provocative for my dirty mind: Is it too soon... to take the deep-dick in the shitter? Is it too soon... to go down on my new puppy?
  14. E-rock

    Is it too soon?

    Another Knotzen thread....
  15. Hear Hear. Bring rock shoes, you'll just be disappointed if you bring crapons. At worst you can BOULDER in the cottonwoods and not drive all the way to Joe's. There's plenty of BETTER bouldering in utah than Joe's valley.
  16. Those aren't lazers, those are real projectile-firing armor-piercing, flesh-ripping bullets. I know on the pussified cartoon version of GI Joe they used the "less offensive" laser and noone ever actually got shot (rememeber all the cobra troops being taken prisoner at the end of each episode?) but in the REAL world of HARD-CORE GI-JOE people really got shot and really died and bled real blood and stuff, MMMMMKAAAY? I know that they showed blood when Serpentor threw his snake cum spear at Duke's heart but c'mon, even the cartoon had jumped the shark by then... I mean SERPENTOR!!!??? what a stupid fucking character.
  17. From wikepedia: Some believe that the approval of aspartame was influenced by conflict of interest. Donald Rumsfeld, a friend and political ally of Ronald Reagan, was chairman of Searle at the time when Reagan appointed defense department contractor Arthur Hull Hayes, the FDA commissioner who eventually approved aspartame. Hayes left the FDA in 1983 under fire for accepting corporate gifts and joined Searle's public relations firm as senior medical advisor. Chronyism is so pervasive it affects what we eat.
  18. I feel your pain brutha, I hates that shit too. I read the ingredients on everything packaged that i buy, and it's so hard to avoid either HFCS or MSG that I wind up making things like vegetable stock from scratch.
  19. Oh, sorry. Didn't realize that was my goal. In that case, kindly pretend I did't make that lame post. No need to get all sensitive and stuff. Catbox was responding to Drul.
  20. Dude, I look like Osama in my picture. I never realized that before.
  21. E-rock

    Math Problem

    One time he bailed on a ride I offered to give him to the airport. I woke up at 5 am and his van was gone. Bailer
  22. did you ask him if that thumb position also applies to masturbation? maybe belaying isn't the only thing you've been doing wrong. If I masturbate with my thumb AWAY from the base of my penis, how the hell am I supposed to wrap my hand around it? It's not comfortable to make a ring with your PINKY and your thumb!!! SHeesh. I suppose you do EVERYTHING underhanded huh?
  23. E-rock

    Random PM insults

    WTF? everyone's inboxes are so full due to the bandwidth crackdown that most of my random PM insults get bounced!
  24. Don't fuck with the Dan you pussy Fag Canadian. Wonder why he didn't mention Celine Dion and Alanis Morrisette? Cuz he's a pussy fag canadian who doesn't love the Dan.
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