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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bill. You have too much time on your hands. Need a new hobby? Or are you intentionally encouraging KB?
  2. No seriously. Let's come to a concensus on how far you have to travel, how high you have to climb, what gear you have to use, and who your sponsor is before you get to post in the TR forum.
  3. Way to go!! That is a lot to lose. Remember that the more you loose, the harder it gets to loose more. Do not get discouraged if the number drops. Dude. That is really great.
  4. Bug

    WHAT?! Poor kid...

    Good idea. Pellet gun not included.
  5. Bug

    Obama is #1!

    Be careful guys. You are going to hurt kkk's feeling and he'll put you on ignore. He did it to me and didn't even give me a carebear. Now that is a double standard. He is "cruisin for a carebear" but won't pass any out. Typical doublespeak from a right wing fanatic. You just can't trust republicans.
  6. It was if you're Laotian.
  7. Politics. Anyone who wants the job should be automatically disqualified.
  8. Before people needed to be sponsored there were taxes.
  9. I know lots of people who have been given gear to climb with. It does not matter how good they are as long as they are active and social. The gear pretty much speaks for itself. So sponsorship is probably similar. As with all marketing, a specific demographic is targeted. Same goes for the "bullshit". Just look at the demographic being targeted and count your blessings.
  10. All climbing gear companies should be banned from marketing. That'll stop em from pullin all this shit!
  11. Bug

    The Barkley Marathons

    If its like Asgard pass you could just rapell it.
  12. Preparation-H suppositories. Work like magic. Not for the faint of heart.
  13. Bug

    Caption Plz....

    I farted once but now it's stuck.
  14. Idaho doesn't count. If it isn't raining there its freekin cold. Enjoy the applesauce!
  15. Cool. I have gawked at that a few times and thought, "Now that looks dirty."
  16. Thanks for the tip. The Phillips will be just what I need.
  17. Bug

    Bill Coe come back

    Well, nice hat anyway.
  18. Bug


    Manly, smelly men.
  19. Get the one with the glow-in-the-dark halo. It gives me goosebumps.
  20. Colchuck Lake Sat at 8PM was 22 F. At 7AM Sunday AM it was 31 F. I don't know what time the warm air moved in.
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