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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. That is a ballsy route dudes underneath those calving seracs. Next up, why don't you try The Traverse of Angels (underneath the seracs right at the top of the Willis Wall).
  2. great video you guys. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Many of you have responses and passion about grades like some people have responses and passion about speed climbing or hiking.
  4. Yes. Trails need maintenance. Forest Service has less money to support trails. Mountain bikers would be one additional avenue for trail support and maintenance. Get them in the loop!
  5. Becuase playing with your best friend is easier than getting the wife to be a hole. So being late when she is asleep is okay.
  6. IMO: You are getting older and finding the value how your time is spent. But mainly you are getting older. For me I still have to push the car to car. I got two kids under 5 and a wife that hates my hobby. I dream of taking it easy.
  7. Stefan


    When I fell from a rappel and broke both my ankles, during the fall, I thought: "Shit, my wife is going to be pissed off."
  8. You know I NEVER take a camera!
  9. Salomon hiking boots. Everytime I forget they eat my heals. Everytime I forget!
  10. If people are chucking them, then they are being quiet about it. The NCNP has stopped taking summit registers. They used to eliminate them if they were found. I know one person who has been putting up registers every time she gets to a new summit or one that deserves one. She amazes me.
  11. I have seen a grizzly in WA state. May 1997. My wife and I saw it with its cub in a meadow. It really did scare me at the time when I saw it. Saw the damned hump on the back of its neck--that's what alerted me....and then we saw the cub. This bear was also noticeably larger than the black bears I see frequently. The bear ran off with its cub becuase we frightened it just as much as it frightened us upon this chance encounter. Where did we see it? In the eastern Pesayten. About two miles up the Iron Gate trailhead outside of Loomis. No pictures, too scared. Took off. I did have a video camera in my backpack though.
  12. http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1552233,00.html
  13. Thanks for letting me know the conditions there. I will remove that area from my list of places to go.
  14. thanks for sharing! I repeated the route this morning before work.
  15. Pink Flamingos. I can't get enough of that movie. Definitely a hidden gem.
  16. Stefan


    War is not bad for many companies.
  17. Fear is a great motivator. The US has to fear somebody. That way the US Government can run up huge deficits and the business that run the military machine can profit. Think I am foolin' you? Check out the US annual budget deficits and see when the Cold War ended and this Terrorism thing started.
  18. Now that is a great trip. I like how you thought it was the end of the trip at the small tarn. And then the shit got nasty on the way down. Kewl.
  19. Religion plays a larger role in poverished areas. True. Europe has one of the least people considered "religious". Why? Most of the government has taken up the socialist causes to take care of people whereas it used to be the church. Can't answer why dissent is going on now in MidEast. Poverty has always been a staple in Africa, and yet you did not hear much "terrorist" acts in previous years. There has always, always been fighting in Africa. One band against another. Even before British, French, and Belgium influence. Maybe it is the images they see. When I was in Pakistan several years ago. I was confronted by the Baltis in their typical banter. They loved to sit around and talk. They kept asking me, "Why is that we are so poor and yet we work so hard?"
  20. How many Islamic fundamentalists are considered monetarily wealthy? I read an underlying tone of jealousy.
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