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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. only 5648? He must be all the way up to Lurker status
  2. Watch out for Cougars! They hide just below the notch.
  3. Aren't sport climbers comfortable with 50ft runouts? I thought Dreamer was a great sport route.
  4. Ok, just as long as you understand the climbing world revolves are the trad world and that those who place gear are god's chosen ones and that when the end times come all stick clippers will burn in a pit of boiling gu being constantly eaten by rabid snafflehounds while HC is shoved into every orafice of their bodies.
  5. Maybe I'll start a few sites . . . . www.reishoppers.net www.cascademallwalkers.com
  6. Double ropes have their uses but I am still into one big fatty.
  7. Wow, and this whole time I thought those things were alpine dental floss.
  8. Unlike mr Richy Nogg, I will not bow to any lycra clad sporty. I climb it all sport, trad, alpine, etc. Anyone is good at only one thing is limited to that endeavor. Although I have incorporated a few "sporty" words into my vernacular I pity those who only know that sport. Even your hero, wolfgang gullich did alot of sick trad. I like both trad and sport. I tend to gravitate towards trad because I seem to have the "juevos" that it requires to climb on gear but I enjoy getting up a challenging sport route as well. They are not the same and in some senses uncomparable despite what is posted on this site. If Dr. Flash Annoying continues to spray out the holier than thou sport propaganda I will do my part to spout about the virtues of "true" and clean climbing. Not trying to troll blatently but your an cocky sob Flash.
  9. I personnaly have the naked lady silouette on my helmet. She my lady luck and might come in handy someday when I'm bivying at the chains on bunnyface.
  10. texplorer


    That pic of wolfy soloing in yosemite is one of my favs. Fred is still the shit though
  11. Don't forget the cell phone just in case your stuck in high winds and just want to check in with the local Natl Guard helicopter pilots.
  12. It was sunday morning when I started reading this crap and now its sunday afternoon. For future reference: CC.comers don't read posts over 3 lines long.
  13. Thanks bm, I'll have to look into those places.
  14. Come on sk, we are talking reality here. Everyone knows there is no such thing as a "blow up hardman." Oh and there are female jedi. You need to watch episode 2 again or talk to your kids.
  15. No go forth and wank, my son. Notice the addition of a comma to emphasize a break in speaking. "My son" is an endearing term. I could have just as easily have said grasshopper, gumbie, etc. I have no son and wouldn't want anyone to wank one if I had one. Go wank your own horsecocks. Sometimes I wonder about that Dan Larson guy. Maybe he's been putting in too much time in that Muir hut.
  16. whaz up beeottches! Sorry I couldn't resist
  17. I was thinking the other day about what the ultimate CC.com post would contain. Perhaps we could award a large Horsecock trophy to the winner. Here are some key words you might want to include in your post: Horsecock, Alpine hookers, Fred Beckey, Muir hut, Snafflehounds, Wanker, Lycra, Bolt-chopping, Spray, Obvious gully, Larry th tool, and Rescue choppers. Judges will be looking for a post of 500 words or less displaying the quintessetial character that has become the CC.com lifestyle. Vulgarity and slander is encouraged and you will be expected to show skill in chest beating and degradation of other posters. Topics may include but are not limited to: bolting issues, rank of sport climbers in the climbing community, use of reefer and its effects, cat fights amoung female posters and avatar female posters, environmental topics, trail fees, alcoholic beverage consumption, sex in the mountians, what constitutes as spray, validity of slideshows at local TNF stores, and "experienced" climber rescues. All entries must be in before the glaciers entirely melt in the NW. Good luck.
  18. With a few exceptions climbing is always fun for me. Here are my favs: Cooper Spur, Mt Hood -fun route, saw northern lights, first mtn with Highlander North Face, Grand Teton -first long alpine route, fun partners (warped ward), big commitment, 41 hours of no sleep Castleton Tower, Kor Ingalls route -fun partners, awesome climb, views Ancient Art, - exposure Yankee Clipper, Potrero Chico -can you say 15 pitch sport route North Six Shooter, Indian Creek -the classic desert tower Epinepherine, Red Rocks- Chimney galore Salathe Wall, El Cap -nothing like your first el cap route Steck/Salathe route, The Sentinal -The best rock climb I've ever done, great friends, classic yosemite
  19. texplorer


    And Fred is man who introduced us to Horsecock. I don't know if I could have done half of my climbs without it. Thank you Fred Beckey.
  20. Damn, that'll buy alot of cams!!!!
  21. Oh, wait that's every post where sk's around.
  22. This could be the most ideal thread I have ever seen on CC.com. How often do you see WOMEN talking about HORSECOCK and then BITCHSLAPPING each other on the same thread.
  23. You have become wankified. Now go forth and wank my son.
  24. quote: Originally posted by richard noggin: Lady's get a Conceled Weapons Permit and erradicate this scum.[/QB] To respond to Nogoodin, If you were referring to me as scum I think you should think otherwise. On the other hand if you are speaking catagorically about the losers that prey upon the weak then I agree. If I was a weak woman I would always carry a green lightsaber with me. It is an elegant weapon from a more civilized time you know. Not a red one though, because that is what darth vader uses and you might think I was a bad guy. It is small and would fit in my purse nicely or maybe I could hook my keys onto it. Then when the mall stalker attacked I would cut his arm off. Of course I would first try the non-violent approach, "You do not want to rape me. I am not the victum you are looking for." But the mind trick doesn't always work on heathen so you gotta get medieval on the muthafukas (that was for you Erik). Just a few thoughts.
  25. ah Mtn High, Can you give me directions. . . I can't remember how to find that REI with the cool climbing in it.
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