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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Wow, I think I entered an alternate universe. Is this cascadecookers.com
  2. And for all of you who drove SUV's to work on nothing but highways this week, you caused a several meter square ozone hole to open up this week. I took the bus all week but next time you need to use less gas. Your vehicle was cleary labeled "ANWAR DRILLER". Whatever happened to carpooling? Next time you should pay more attention to what you are doing.
  3. Maybe its us Oregon and BC climbers that you see in the mountains and not the so called "washington climbers." Not to be too snotty Jens but be careful how you define a real "climber". I get into trouble with this all the time. You realize under your def I could go toproping on 5.5's for two weekends and call myself a climber. I hear what your saying though. Every time I ask a serious question (like about how much horsecock a certain climb needs) it seems the same people have info on routes. Makes you wonder how many wankers there are out there.
  4. Pulled a watermelon size limestone piece off while pulling our rope. It whizzed by and sailed about 300ft before exploding on the rock below. Luckily no casualties. Scary!!
  5. How about this weekend. I want to do something worthy of alot of horsecock. I could be in Seattle by Thurs evening!
  6. Now that your listening. I was all set to climb Slesse this weekend but found out my partner injured himself this week. I am still up for doing Slesse in a day or Liberty Crack or some other big, sick climb. I am just off a roadtrip and can lead all the aid and hard stuff. Just looking for a partner to climb fast on easier stuff and can haul their share of horsecock. If you are interested email or pm me today!!!!
  7. I have done both epinepherine and the stanely/burger route in the last 4 months. The chimneys on epi seemed kind of wide in places and definetely a little runout. The one chimney on the south face is protectable the entire way. You can stick in gear at any point on the chimney. The climbing itself is different than the epi chimneys in that it is tighter and more of a thrutch. I found it quite enjoyable and secure but just slow going for a bit. It is not a death chimney but you might find yourself wishing you had a little extra horsecock. It is a great pitch as well as the pitch behind the chockstone and the last pitch. I would call the last pitch 5.9+ to 5.10. I thought the last pitch was harder to protect than the chimney. Oh but you'll still die in the chimneys!
  8. I am not a diabetic but I am addicted to sugar!
  9. I must admit I had similar beliefs to Mr. Mtn. Being from TX and the land of oil and cattle we I didn't really believe the whole "were destroying the environment thing." I have since changed my mind. There have been some compelling studies (ask senor Xenolith for more details). In fact some people are even saying we will see dramatic affects in our lifetime. It is troubling to think about. Even if were to be able stop all pollution right now the effects would continue to degrade for some years. I hope someday we will learn but it doesn't seem anytime soon.
  10. Thanks Matt, Do you know if Andy is the rep for oregon too? I was thinking about getting involved down here in Eugene and am just wondering who to talk to. Sounds like my access dollars are actually working.
  11. Damn I guess your right. Actually I really would like to learn to drill this summer. I would mainly be putting up anchors on new climbs though. I have never put up a first ascent but think it would be really exciting. This weekend I did some scouting and may have found a new "secret spot." Anyway, if anyone really has knowledge on placing bolts where they belong then I am interested.
  12. Oh wait you guys are right. How silly of me. DRILL ANWAR NOW!!!
  13. I have a tity pot. He's got lots of experience, not like those fresh off the shelf. He has been to the top of Stuart, El Cap, Mexico, and even up to the snaffle infested cashmere crags. Unfortunetly he is being held for ransom by the devious poster known as "highlander." He is a light grey with a slight blackening on bottom and was last seen with Mrs. Tikka. He is a 3 year old MSR and though may be a little beat up still works hard. If you spot this little guy at your local circle K or hitchhiking to Canada please call the lost gear hotline 1-800-MY BOOTY or contact me here on CC.com. Thanks for your concerns. [ 07-16-2002, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  14. What has the access fund done up here in the NW lately? I don't hear much about them up here. Do we have any active climbers from the NW? Who are our reps or whatever for our region?
  15. I don't think you hate the environment. If your a climber you probably at least on some level enjoy nature and the beauty of natural diversity. The question I have to ask is - Do we have to have proof that the environment is fucked up before you start trying to take care of it. I mean most people would agree that the exhaust from our cars is at the least unhealthy for us to breath and MAY have an effect on the world as a whole. So. . why don't we try to find alternatives anyway?
  16. I am interested in learning to bolt. I have been climbing alot of routes lately that are kinda runout, especially those ones with cracks in them. I guess those old school guys just were so poor they had to climb a long ways without protection but today things shouldn't be that way. I noticed alot of unbolted routes in the main area at leavenworth a couple of weeks ago that weren't bolted. I bet those cracks would be fun to climb if they had a bolt every 6ft. Anyway, if an older climber would like to show me how to drill I would be stoked. Then I can start placing these couple of hundred new hangers I just bought. Serious replies only please.
  17. Its a good thing I am diversified into Coug-R's-us, Horsecock and Fitch, and a small mutual fund. My 51% share of SnaffeInc. dropped by by over 6 points! I hope my sleeper stock in Scotteryx pays off.
  18. I know its lamer than what you guys did but I once aided off a shoestring off a fixed rurp.
  19. I think climbings allure to me exists on many levels. I could go into all of them but mainly I would say that it fits me and my lifestyle. For me I know it is not just a phase it is my life now. I plan my life around it to a large extent and hope to be climbing into my 100's.
  20. free for all 5.8 free for some 5.11 beacon rock
  21. I learned some new vocabulary today. Chickenbolt is a good one. Have you ever heard of a potty-jam?
  22. shade from what . . from the squeltering 75 degree temps. wow, now that is hot!
  23. What do I win Joe! Are you yet another poster with Snaffle-envy. Up to this point your posts have been insightful but . . you just passed the 100 posts mark. That means you are entering the land of spray. Now it is time for me to bring you down to my level and then beat you with experience.
  24. I don't know what is more funny, the people making jokes or the people giving real advice.
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