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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. A few Q's about Slesse: About how long does it take to get from summit back to the road. How long in distance is it from the road back to the car (start of climb). Is the road traveled that often? In other words, could I catch a ride back to the car or am I going to be walking for miles.
  2. Come on trask, I already heard that one
  3. Well, a BB gun is not a firearm because there is no fire. It works on springs or air pressure. Not to say that they are any less dangerous though. A few warnings DFA left out: -Do not use Napalm as replacement for KY-Jelly -Napalm and Peanut butter sandwiches are not for human consumption
  4. So what is your stance Erik? Your just doggin DFA what do you think should happen?
  5. huh huh sk said, "mow. . . the lawn" huh huh
  6. Thanks DRB, Actually the pig and I made it up the Salathe Wall and Washingtons Column quite nicely. He started squealling like a .. . well . . you know, right before I made him lead the hollow flake. After throwin down a big King Cobra though he sent it. We hope to return to climb the Nose in 3 weeks. Suuuuuueeeeeeeet
  7. I must agree with the changing partners bit. After having sex with a new partner you feel like a great conqueror and one of the two great needs in life have been fufilled (sex and climbing). After that you can focus on climbing and not think about the runnout. I don't know how I deal with fear. I just feel like the guy in "Apocalype Now" when all the explosions and bullets are everywhere he is more concerned about the surfing. In my screwed up brain I guess I realized that being scared never makes the situation in actuallity any more dangerous or not. Therefore, being scared is an unreasonable response. If I think I can't do a climb for some reason I just don't get on it. When I do feel a little tension from exposure or runnout or whatever I get really excited. I alway want to lead those pitches on a climb. I don't guess this really helps you guys though. I like spicy climbs and spicy food. ymmmmm
  8. I must admit I agree with DFA. And. . . luckily I don't want to usually climb the routes that routehogs take up but if I did I just might pull their rope and get on the route. If they have a fit well then I'll pull some puffed up chest beating shit about how bad ass I am and how they should be kissing my draws. PS. Godzilla please, your a good climb but no sandbag.
  9. OK, I'll agree with uncle tricky that Free For All is a testpiece for the grade. If there was such a thing as 5.8d I guess it would be one.
  10. quote: Originally posted by Thinker: I personally would rather face a terrorist with an aerosol can and a lighter than one with a molotov cocktails made from a MSR fuel bottle...think shrapnel and burning kerosene! A molotov cocktail has to be in a glass bottle so that when it is thrown it can break and spread burning gas everywhere. I think the worst you could expect from a MSR bottle would be getting knocked out when the thing hits you on the head.
  11. Greetings RM and ScottP. I learned to aid climb this last year. It's not that its all that hard usually your just painfully slow. I know cause I was. Anyway, I think it's kind of fun sometimes. I mean hey, what other kind of climbing can you be way sketched out while sitting down. Good luck. If your interested in drivin down to Smith or portland I could help ya this weekend or in the future.
  12. Some of my fav sandbags: Free for all 5.8 -Beacon Rock Stanley Burger route- Prussik Classic Crack 5.9 (My Ass) Broughton Bluff Steck Salathe 5.9 or 5.9A2 -Yosemite FYI ehmic: Godzilla isn't that wide.
  13. Have only used a few DMM's but I think they would work just fine. I still like having my camalots but. . . . WC are IMO the best large size (>#4). I would like to get a couple of 5's and a 6. Matt dude, not to diss but the big BD's are wobley and unstable and you don't need a #5 on the Kor Ingals either.
  14. True origins of the name are somewhat unclear. Early english manuscripts contains accounts of small furry mountain creatures called "snaphla hundis". Lewis and Clark reported encounters with small rodent-like animals eating their rations of "buffalo-cock" and generally causing a nuisance. It is believed that Lewis used the indian word "sanaflow" and added the english "hound" to describe his vermin.
  15. Fred probably doesn't give a shit about his member status.
  16. Maybe you can feed all those starvin kids rations of HC
  17. Unlesss. . . .they add a 30 page "Women of Alpinism" spread of hot alpine girls cranking M10 in bikinis.
  18. Maybe you should head down to Potrero Chico this winter. 15 pitch sport routes of 5.10! Oh, and the ratings are soft so you can spray us with recounts of your first 5.12!
  19. texplorer

    bolt gun

    Really , how much does she cost?
  20. I wonder if in 50 years from now well still be posting on here. Probably start talking about all the old hardman sprayers and how all the new posters have lost the ancient spray arts. Maybe we'll speak of the old legends of spraylore and how they were able to turn an informational site into the sprayfest it is today. Yes, well look back on the this time as the Golden Age of Spray. Here's one to all the old school members
  21. Hey look dru, I'm just 5 members after you but only have a tenth of the posts. Maybe I should eat my Horsecock so I can become a big sprayer like you someday. Probably should add some beer too
  22. Aaaaaah Drew, you learn in time, grasshopper.
  23. Mounatin Boarding- Are you tired of racking your nutz on the same old handrails. Come join the ever growing sport of mountain boarding where you'll be able to attain speeds far greater than any overpass and ram your gonads on a plethora of new and exciting objects. Best of all EMS is miles and hours away so you get to enjoy your suffering for ever longer periods and experiment with death. It's fun, its hip, it's not bouldering. http://www.mountainboarder.com/
  24. Lame attempts to keep this post on topic will not work drew.
  25. No, I am resisting the urge to totally spray out why your fav mag went the way of the dodo.
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