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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. The other day I saw a wall from the top of Flagstone. I dreamed of a wall of immaculate rock. If I developed a wall around there I would name it Fagstone. Then all the routes would have gay names like:the Fairy, buttplugger, gay and proud, rainbow route. I have also thought it would be fun to have a porno-wall somewhere with lots of routes under that idea. I guess my favorite real route name is Rad Bad Duality Crack at Indian Creek.
  2. Hey spiderman, What experience do you have? There is a vast difference between Liberty crack and Dreamer.
  3. First of all, I have nothing to do with that prick-the tool. In fact I once lost one of my favorite snafflehounds to that monger. He kept preaching about something like snaffle's should be eradicated from the wild. I personnally saw him take Gandalf (a six year old yellow-bellied snaffle) and break his neck right there in front of me. Also I am personnally fond of many alpine hookers. They perform a service that not many women can. I mean surely erik you have been up on a wall for 3 days and thought, "I wish one of those goddesses would rap down here to my little portaledge." I hope you remember what you've done when the next time you have to spoon with your smelly partner on some crappy bivy. Its people like your that have driven Alpine hookers out of the NW. Please leave the patrons of "the oldest profession" in peace.
  4. I will not respond to your accusations. That tabloid filth is full of lies. . all lies. Ever since you did that story on alpine hookers I have boycotted your "publication." If you need information of about PETS contact your Washington reprsentative -Mr Gregw.
  5. Ah yes, Fred pioneered early breeding of snaffles in the wild. Truly a legend. I think he backed away from the snaffle industry because he thought it was getting to political. Word has it he keeps detailed records of snaffle sitings in fedex folders. I even have reason to believe he is monitoring their numbers in the wild for the govt. Do you ever notice how he doesn't ever quite say what it is that he does for work. hmmmmmm........
  6. When your such an enigma in the world of snafflehounds like me there are always those out to ruin your character. That one was an agentinian farmer who's andean snaffles continually can't match my snaffle's champion size and ferocity. (Andean snaffles are very docile and shy)
  7. You may have been thinking about the part in Chapter 6 where I attribute the size increase of my genitalia to a diet rich in snaffle meat. If you need collaboration on this talk to Cavey. He is one of the great NW snafflehound tasters at the annual snaffle cookoff.
  8. quote: Originally posted by erik: "da snaffle chewed my nutz right off!" In my book there is no such quote. Clearly Erik I don't use such words as "da" and "nutz" in my bestselling book. I am also a member of PETS and am a proponent of the reintroduction of the Denali Snafflehound Project going on right now. [ 07-11-2002, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  9. The chinese have their own breeding program at some secret site at the base of the himalayas. I actually only sell them a small amount of snaffles comparitively. I am not sure exactly what they do but I assume they are using them in their breeding programs. They always pay top dollar and in cash. I plan on taking an exploratory trip to their breeding facilities this fall. I have heard good things about their programs and that they treat the snaffles humanely. These are only rumors though.
  10. To climb is human, to trad divine
  11. Anything goes down in Mexico. Besides you can't be too careful with this breed. They have sharp claws and sharp pointy teeth. You have to have respect for something the locals call "El grande raton de diablo."
  12. One of my prize snaffles just gave birth to 16 fine looking little guys. Yes, they are a yellow bellied cashmere/ darrington cross. The grandfather of these guys actually won the horsecock and cheese race last year in Yakima. I'm letting these guys go for just $120.00 a head right now to a good home. Will include handling training and a weeks' supply of Tex's blend Horsecock.
  13. Sorry not a snaffle Jon, but the Chinese might be interested in him. See the snafflepost for details.
  14. Do you remember what Tatooine looks like in Star Wars? That i where I grew up. Before I moved here I had no idea what a snafflehound even was.
  15. All great comments here. Yes, I have a fine batch of snaffles coming up this season. Contrary to what you might have heard SH's breed and multiply quickly especially on my secret specially formulated horsecock. Despite this my inventory is always being bought up by SE asian pharmaceutical companies. It seems that the chinese deem eating Snafflehound testicles as an aphrodisiac. I have many breeds of snaffles but my specialty is the show snaffles. My favorite are the rare albino valhalla snaffles. Much less aggresive than their cousins, the Valhalla rock snaffles, these small cudly creatures are great for pets. Ancient indians believed seeing one of these in the wild meant you would have good luck. Dru, your pic is actually a red-footed Bugaboo snaffle. This one is a juvenile. They have been reported to grow to 80lbs in captivity. In your other pic it is hard to tell exactly if it is a Valhalla snaffle. He definetly has the characteristic black ears and grey nose. Some people have claimed that this species can squirt venom from glands near its eyes. Don't forget to watch my one hour special on The Learning Channel - Snafflehound: Rodent of Legend. In it I go in search of the elusive Mexican desert snafflehound.
  16. PS Don't try to use your posts to attract women. The women here are extremely gulible and swoon to even the slightest show of masculinity (sk not included). Why can't we all be civilized on here?
  17. Dennis, I can't believe you have defamed this website with this kind of post. I only come onto this site to get route beta and talk about climbing issues. Whatever were you thinking posting something like this?
  18. And so with the joy climbing brings so it sometimes brings sorrow. Be careful friends as I will be also. It is sad when any climber dies.
  19. Small rack = AA Medium rack = C Large rack = DD Most people wear slings on their racks but some just let their racks hang free.
  20. I think there are special stores that sell condoms here. You could wear one of those and call yourself the pope.
  21. Sorry guys, I have a big test tommorrow and will be studying all damn day today. Ok, maybe I'll stop by, but only for a climb or two.
  22. Did the S/Burgner route with Highlander and thought it was stellar. Be a solid .9 leader though! Lots of fun pitches on it. Next time up I'll do the beckey route due to high acclaim by the Caveman. PS. bring extra horsecock.
  23. A friend and myself camped under the icefall last year on the route. I awoke to really big chunks of ice coming off but it all sluffed away. There were some nice bivy sites up there when we were there but I have heard they are gone due to icefall now. If you feel comfortable frontpointing you can skirt the icecliff to the left of camp hazard and not have to downclimb around a rock outcrop. A second tool would come in handy there but we did it without one.
  24. That's ok Klenke, Although I have a special place in my heart for all snafflehounds, the ones I breed are not your run of the mill alpine rat. No, no mine are some of the finest varmits you'll ever see. The encounter your friend had was the equivalent of meeting up with trailer trash in humans. May the Horsecock be with you. K-dog
  25. texplorer


    A step up from the 86ed thread. Yeaaa baby. Word out to my snaffles. HC in the Hizzouse!
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