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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. It's the cougars you need to watch out for dude.
  2. Hmmmmm it seems someone has penetrated the my alais and posted some crap for me. Let me expound on this post. I do not even own a tent, I never want to do the south side of hood ever again and I eat horsecock, not beanie-weanies. But, if any little hottie wants to climb some sick trad alpine I'm your snafflehound.
  3. Where are all of you guys going to be climbing? I want to head out to the marsupials as it's the only place I haven't climbed everything 6 times or more. (under 5.11) But. .. . if I have to get on magic light for the 20th time I guess I'll just have to do it.
  4. I would say most climbers forget to include opposing muscle group exercises in their routines. Everyone seems to want to do more pullups and work the flexors of the hand and fingers. More emphasis should be given to opposing groups to balance your body and help prevent injury. On the other hand most of climbing is technique and not power. I just got back from a trip in which I was climbing harder than I ever have to find that my overall strength in the weightroom was down by about 1/2 from 6months before when I was lifting regularly. As far as cardiovascular training goes; the more you do the greater the benefit you will see. However, your body can only take so much and your performance will start to drop if you do not allow for ample rest time. A typical program is to train every other day or train six days a week alternating intense session with easy sessions. Texplorer - not a CSCS
  5. -you pretend to attend college to get student loans to fund your next climbing trip out of the country -you laugh at those people who have jobs and have to get all their climbing in on weekends or in that one week a year -you can easily find the "obvious descent gully" -you own a burgerking cup that has seen 100's of refills at more than a few different locations -if everything on your rack should be replaced and your pack has numberous duct-taped snaffle-holes in it -the girls in camp 4 actually start to look good -you start talking about "easy" .14's -you count on snafflehound filets as an alpine meal
  6. - your so accustom to powdered milk you drink now even when you have access to a fridge - you rarely surf this site and then only at public internet facilities on the road -your name is fred beckey -more to come -I've got to go to class
  7. Yep, the O crew (Oregonians for you wankers) will be at smiff rocks where despite highlanders remarks also has some fine basalt cracks to flail on and yes the wonderful tuft. It's been awhile since I clipped bolts so I figure I'll give it the old college try again and dawn the lycra for some gay sport action this weekend. (ride depending)
  8. texplorer


    Yos the shit. Fun climbs, cool people, and the beer is cheaper than water.
  9. texplorer


    Chepe has is on post #69
  10. Dear mr. Shredder The National Carhart Wearers Association cordially requests permission to use pics from the CC.com website in a new ad campaign promoting our organization to the climbing community. We recently noticed two studly gentlemen in a photo posted on the site. We are willing to pay you 10,000 dollars for your photo which we believe captures the essence of which Carhart stands. We would also like to use the people in your photo in another shoot we are doing with a group of supermodels in Thailand. Thanks again, Billy Carhart
  11. Yea, and RGH neon is so out this year. It's all about earthtones this season.
  12. What many of you may not understand is that Trask has undergone a rigorous "clockwork orange" type rehab process. When he says or types a message having to do with lude behavior he feels an intense pain to his groin area much the same as a swift kick to the region. Since his graduation from the program a week ago things have been hard for him. After rolling around for 3 days on the floor in what appeared to be extreme pain he used the sharp edge of a CD to castrate himself. Little did he know that his pain comes from programming in his brain that occurs whether he has testicles or not. Please, Trask needs your help. Every time you see one of his snide posts just think of the pain he is enduring to maintain his status as "forum perv" on this site. Please do not taunt him. He is in a very sensitive time right now. Tex, Snafflehound Rescue Agency Chairman
  13. So . . soloing in the dark, on a climb you have never been on before, after you have had a few beers, and no headlamp, might be dangerous. Well, I never would have guessed?
  14. We can bill the movie,"Vertical limit meets Requim for a dream with a suprise twist like in Aspen Extreme."
  15. Oh no, I posted to the wrong address. Ah well, Scotteryx and I have formed a new alliance. I am now going to be a breeder of the famous Cashmere cougars. It turns out that my snafflehound farm will provide a perfect food supply for my new endeavor. PS Dear Gu Industries, I hearby resign my post as chief Gu-sucker. Your operations have been a joke for some time. I cannot seriously endorse a product that uses snafflehound semen for a performance enhancing product.
  16. Dear Gu, The new vanilla gu-nuts work great. I was actually able to send a beckey 5.8 without bonking. I also found that extra residue worked well in holding the nuts in place. Unfortunately the 3 cases you sent me were destroyed by cougars and snafflehounds in the parking lot. Next week hope to get you a report on the new gu-draws as I am heading to the land of lycra and DFA. PS I believe a powerbar spy got off some shots of me using the new gu-nuts. There are even rumors these may have found their way to the internet. I will go through the usual protocols of debunking the photos with wild lies and general stupidity.
  17. ...which I was very happy to see when I showed up under the branch lookin' for a MANLY-GIRL!! I thought to myself, "Those snafflehounds are kinda cute". So I dressed them up in leather, gave them a crew cut and began a hoe-down complete with beanie-weenies and square dancing. Later, I took those little critters into the woods and one by one I gave them all a...
  18. HEY BOYZ!! Come to mama!!! You guys think I'm joking. I am as serious as a (formerly) male lesbian on estrogen can be. I NEED A MANLY-GIRL. If I can't find one then any man who will act like a girl will do. I want a girl with chest hair and a deep voice to help me punch my cows. All of you people who climb with me are ON MY LIST! I will share my Coleman tent with you and we can snuggle. Kisses!
  19. Lookie here Dave. Good men are hard to find. Especially if you are as studly as I was before I got on the drugs. Men seem to like women better so here I am, playin' the other side of the barbwire so to speak, lookin' for any kind of lover I can find. Dave, you like eclipses? Mee too! Let's meet! Warm hugs for you all.
  20. 'scuuuse me boyz!!!! don't drift my thread. I am out lookin' for a manly-girl and you are talking about EEEEEEE!!!! I am so frustrated i could spit! This is a serious thread about my dire need for love. Please get your gutter talk out of my little area!
  21. ...come to me baby. I need a partner to share my Coleman tent while we do a three day siege on the south side of Mt Hood. We will eat beanie-weenies and corn bread. If you are good I'll let you jangle my spurs and ride my donkey.
  22. I think it's a good idea really. I am looking for a manly-girl and if I can git her out into the woods, all the better!!
  23. No. Karsten is a girly name already. Don't you think? You lookin' for a rowdy bronco dru-baby?
  24. For those of you who know me I have made some changes. I am now a lesbian. Don't ask how this is possible, just trust me sweeties. I have always been the best climber on this board, but now that I am taking estrogen I have better flexibility and look better in short shorts. If you see me at the crags, just whistle and hoot. I like that kind of thing. I am looking for a manly girl to teach to be the second best climber on this board. If you are a manly girl, or just look good in a crew cut, please post a message to me. Love ya.
  25. JK, be sure and make sure SK's chastity harness is doubled back before she leaves.
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