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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Snafflehoundevous starts tonight and will proceed into full force tommorrow morning. Patrons promise fun, booze, hard music, hard climbing, and yes even women.
  2. To those of you saying this weekend at leavenworth is going to be a sausagefest. You are sadly mistaken . Texplorer will be there, so it's going to be a horsecockfest.
  3. Just another shamless promotion of a similar business. Singles looking for love and convenience can get a two for one trips organized by the Eugene based Snafflehound Equipment Inc. (SEI) and Cascadeclimbers.com. The two companies have teamed up to offer fast and easy hookups while in the backcountry. "The interactive activities are a great, low pressure way to get some in the backcountry without having to hear the usual bitching that bringing a girlfriend along would usually incur." says Trask. The company can provide companionship and eliminate the need of the dreaded same sex spooning common with cc.com posters. Even if clients that don't make a love connection more than 3 times on the trip say they, "would do it again in a heartbeat." Maybe climbers finally can ease their sexual tensions while away from civilization.
  4. Yes, just changed my sig
  5. I would fly more but I am scared of the the flying cougars. Every now and then you also hear of a snafflehound getting sucked into the the intake too. Flying is just too risky these days.
  6. I also have a Yates adjustable daisy w/ screamer that I use instead of the traditional fifi. It makes for moving into delicate placements smoother and faster on easier aid.
  7. texplorer


    Have you seen my red stapler?
  8. texplorer


    silly canadian, Ford tuff is an extremely difficult stream crossing.
  9. I don't read so I recommend you all go climbing. Much more stimulating than vegetating in front of a book. Sure you'll be more educated, intellectual, blah blah blah, but I'll be a better climber. come on: 5 pages?
  10. Yea, ya know hacky sack. No, SK your mind is in the usual place. he he. Sadly she has a boyfriend but hey I can buy the calender
  11. Oh I forgot to mention the other day SK that I met two of the girls from the the stone nudes calender in Yos. One was kinda blah the other. . . well. . yummy. She even played a little hack with me.
  12. I once thought about walking around Smith like those guys at the baseball games selling stuff GET YOUR REDBULL!!! GU!!! VEGIE-BURGERS!!! I'll bet I could've made a fortune
  13. Red rocks or Potrero would both be great. Potrero is not hard. You can give the taxi driver a map or something from the internet and they'll drive you all the way out for about 35 bucks. Avacadoes 10 for a dollar too! Once your there you never speak spanish. It is busy around christmas and new years though.
  14. Ok, you got me, I only have a cameo role in this film though, my directing is turning out to be alot more difficult than expected. Stallone is really getting into his part and is drunk all the time, richard simmons keeps grabbing "trask's" ass and just yesterday the snafflehounds went on strike. They all got in a fit when one of them got accidentally hit with a 10ft long HC and plunged 1200ft to his death. It looks like the execs are going to work out a deal with the American Union of Snafflehounds soon but we can only wait. I have been talking to LucasArts however and we may be able to use the latest in animation technology to create realistic looking snaffles. In the meantime I am going to be shooting some other scenes down in the valley. We hope to have the trailer out by the end of the month!
  15. I heard someone say once that people who use profanity often do so because of a lack of vocabulary. Not that I care what a fucking clown punching brownshirt would have to say anyway.
  16. heard last night on -Entertainment Tonight The much anticipated CC.com movie is reported to have begun somewhere just north of the border this last weekend in the Chilliwack area. The filmmakers have been trying to avoid the media blitz that would like occur here in the U.S. The reports are unsubstantiated as of yet but climbers on the NE buttress of Mt. Slesse reported seeing two nude climbers and a film crew on some new route to the north. The climbers reported what seemed to be a large yellow cat being eatan alive by snafflehounds. They also said they saw the climbers weilding long cylindrical maroon devices as protection. The studios in Hollywood would not comment on the reports.
  17. You'll be eaten by Cougars so the time is arbitrary.
  18. I have met and would generally say I know Mr. Kurt Smith. In fact he loaned me $100 earlier this year in a time of need for me. I would say that in general the "general" is a nice guy that is trying to help climbing. Like everyone he is a man of contradictions. He has bolted many lines in my opinion maybe should have been left as hard trad routes or aid lines but yet he has done a tremendous amount of good for climbing with the access fund. I can say he's climbed some hard shit in the past. More recently he has been climbing little. I guess after climbing for several decades you have the right to take a break. As for you hosers talking about who's the stronger climber. . . well why don't we see who can solo darkness at noon and then you can call Kurty whatever you want. The Snaffle has spoken
  19. From the man who brought you the HC and snafflehound Graemlins- The award winning director of "Fred -Documentary of a NW Hardman" and the blockbuster hit "Silence of the Snaffles" brings you a thrilling drama of cunning and deceit in the mountains. Siskel and Caldwell give it a thumb and severed index up The new york times raves "its been too long since we have had a flick with malt liquor , offset aliens , and Horsecock together." Coming this fall. . . .
  20. Does this mean my North Face MET 5 jacket is obselete?
  21. Sless-E, Sless-E, Sless-E I can hardly wait. Do you ever get so worked up your slobbering at the mouth. Probably not ya sporty wankers. Breakin the law, breakin the law
  22. His slide show used to be a shameless promotion of El Potrero where he just happened to make a killing in cash around every new years. I wonder if the slide shows changed since he got booted by ol' Mel.
  23. about 135/day in portland for a sub
  24. Smith -Vomit Launch .11b -Heinous Cling .12a -moons of Pluto .10d Red Rocks -Prince of Darkness (want to do) El Potrero Chico -Snott Girlz .10 -El Sendero Diablo .11 -Spaceboyz .10 Potash Road -twittin shinkies .11something
  25. I am going down to climb the nose on el cap and need a pig. I'll take good care of her. Actually I really need one and will even rent one at a reasonable rate if someone is willing. Thanks-
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