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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Damn Highlander, You sure have aged since I saw you last. Must be the light. They say a rack adds 20 years of wisdom to your face in pics.
  2. mmmm Kay. Me and Mr. Hanky would be into a carpool
  3. two words: Wan Ker
  4. I'm dawning my lycra for a weekend of clippin bolts like a frenchie euro wanker at Smith. Don't be too envious boys.
  5. Maybe I'll make it up there Ian. Oh, and another thing. Twight is the shit at what he does. If your into slow alpinism thats ok too. I guess everybody needs their own genre. Kind of like the trekies and the people who call riding around in go-karts on groomed grass a "sport"
  6. Geees, I guess cavey doesn't like this Hauling character.
  7. Have you been reading Cosmo again trasky?
  8. actually the only time I've gotten penalty slack was on M9 ice routes.
  9. Mtn High, I personnally know texplorita. Her post was very serious in manner and she mentioned nothing of panties and the like.
  10. The gendarme only has two tough sections as far as soloing. One is in climbing a 5.9ish dihedral to the ledge and then the real crux is traversing out and up a short offwidth section. Probably a 5.9 offwidth but 5.9 offwidths are none too easy.
  11. texplorer


    I own a set of RP's because I got a good deal on them but I have used the HB offset's and they are the shit. Definetly worth the extra money, especially for the valley. Lawgoddess, I thought you were more of a sport climber?
  12. The best place to prussik would be from 50ft down inside a really deep glacier. Then if you find your not a good prussiker we can just cut the rope and your body will never be found. Ok, it might be found many years from now when the glaciers receed from Mtn man's SUV exhaust and all those cow farts releasing gases into the atmoshere. By then though I'll be an old man however and will be so revered as a climber in the NW no one will believe I would have killed you unless you deserved it.
  13. mmmmmm kay
  14. Tele skiers are the shit on the mountain. When you see a good tele skier you think, "man that dude/chick is a bad ass." But for reasons mentioned above I am a randonee skier.
  15. I sense a sequel to Bridge on the River Quai.
  16. I can show a form of the Texas Prussik. . . .
  17. texplorer

    Dennis H.

    Is Dennis is sk's bitch now.
  18. While we were negotiating the shrund on Sat an oven sized block fell from right below my partner on the snow bridge. When we went up there were not signs of climber in the coulouir until we descended those nice cut steps kicked by 3 parties after us. Norman or MMan, were either of you guys the ones camped under a tarp up on the glacier on sat night?
  19. As for the trail maintenance didn't you see my team of snafflehounds gnawing down those trees. Unfortunetly they got ambitious and ate my t-shirt and backpack.
  20. Ha ha, No forest pass, no camping permit - no problem. Another poached trip in the backcountry this weekend. If you camp up on the glacier the rangers are too lazy to stomp up the snow to check for your permits.
  21. This rare photo of the a swimming snafflehound was captured by a hiker at an undisclosed alpine lake. There have been more and more sitings of these elusive swimming snaffles. Top people in the snaffle world tend to think this photo is a hoax but the photo was analyzed and showed no signs of tampering or trickery. Be on the lookout for these rare animals.
  22. As a member of the Sensitive Climbers Against Trundling (SCAT) I am appalled at your behaviors. It is one thing to accidentally knock off rocks and boulders but quite a different matter to intentionally knock off xenoliths which have been perched on the abyss for millenia. Who are you to decide when a rock is to fall? Are you God? The next thing you know we will be trying to create kids in a test tube. Personnally I find a monolith sitting on the edge of the nothingness one of nature's most beautiful phenomenons. Thanks to our members dollars we are educating students across the country about the destruction, dangers, and stupidity of the insiduous act of trundling. I can see from the posts here we have a long way to go. So remember to hug a rock and not shove it.
  23. In my mind there are people who climb and climbers. In the "people who climb" category I put everyone from a first time beginner all the way up to the weekend warrior. They can even be very skilled. To be a "climber" however means you live and breathe climbing. Your job, if you have one, allows you to climb extensively and you probably work only seasonally. You always want to talk abou t climbing and are planning your next road trip. In other words climbing is your life. It may not be everything in your life but your life revolves around climbing. Not everyone wants to do this. It seems to be a romantic idea to call yourself a "climber" but there is nothing wrong with not being this dedicated to climbing. You can't tell by looking at someone or even asking how hard they climb. It is quite simply a state of mind.
  24. Climbing is play. I like to play.
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