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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Thanks for all the beta everyone. It seems to fit along with everything else I've heard -some say its choss only realistic when covered with ryme, others have done it in summer. I was planning on heading up later in the winter maybe as early as thanksgiving if conditions look good. I am also intesested in some of the north side routes but I am not sure if those are in season this time of year.
  2. If you anticipate getting out of the park after dark you can request a pass that lets you stay longer. You just have to ask for it the day before I believe. I have done Johnny Vegas, and Olive Oil and can reccommend both of them as well. If your feeling a bit stronger though head to the black velvet canyon. Ohhh baby, some fun stuff in there.
  3. Hog?? I think you have me confused with someone from Arkansas. In texas we eat beef. Ya know, real food for real people.
  4. I checked DFA, and to my estimations that is an anatomical impossibility for me. It seems a pair of large objects are in the way to hinder the aforementioned activity.
  5. That is something for me to ponder on TG. Very efficient sounding.
  6. Who is this Karsten fucker? I am Gladiator!
  7. texplorer

    phuck yeah!

    I would like to see that pic Cavebro
  8. texplorer

    phuck yeah!

    . . . . your future's in an oblong box
  9. texplorer


    I've been sharpening up my Rages' for just such an occasion
  10. Ouray is the dihedrals of Smith rock of ice climbing.
  11. sorry carolyn, I don't know much about insurance except that I don't have any. I figure I'll just tough it out or bend over and take it if I get hurt. I have been climbing alot and have seen only two accidents in which injuries occured that were not climber error. i guess I just figure as long as I do what I'm supposed to things will go well.
  12. Greetings hardboys/girls, I am looking for a solid partner to get on the Yoakum ridge this next winter. If your into climbing frozen choss then give me a pm or reply here.
  13. I place biners on all my cams despite having to sometimes clip long runners in quite regularly. My reason is simple. If your on a 5.9 or easier where you can stand there all day and fiddle with your placement things are fine. Hell, I guess you coud even girth-hitch slings together and use only one biner per piece. However, if I'm climbing something at the upper end of my abilities I don't always have the strength to hand out on a pinkie jam and smeared feet and place gear. By having biners on the cams already you can eliminate one or sometimes two steps and in the process save lots of energy. I also found that when I put runners over my shoulder inevitably that hand was in the crack and I would have to find some way to switch hands to remove a runner.
  14. texplorer


    Saw a guy at Smiff this last weekend with a "moondance expeditions" hat on. Hmmm......
  15. Greg Crouch puts a pretty picture on the last page of the new rock and ice and now even boulderers wil be hikin pads up there.
  16. quote: Originally posted by scot'teryx: quote:Originally posted by Dru: I thought you downclimbed N side, what is rappel route, optional or what? Downclimbing the North Side would suck, and we had to do that inbetween one rap station but that was it. There were a few goat trails but I think they were for goats only I guess going up and down the "sucky North Side" in running shoes would be kinda stupid then .
  17. Yea, but do your classmates fuckin riot in the streets?
  18. Jens, is there anything you haven't done?
  19. There will most definetely be alot of chossy rock at the top. When I did it in late summer a few years back we were able to traverse right to a snow slope to the summit. Oh and watch out for Cougars.
  20. All of a sudden a flurry of lcyra and antipersperant chalk flew in my face and I was taken down. Not since the snaffles back at the farm rioted on me had I been subject to such raw brutality. The events of the next couple of hours are blurry. I seem to remember clinging to micro edges, climbing faces with not a trace of a crack, and connecting into the rock by these silvery bent washer-looking thingies. Just as the sun was setting I managed to crawl back up the trail back to the Outback parking lot. I attribute my being alive to my trusty Carharts and a bit of sheer luck. Later in the evening my spirits returned and I was even visited by some crack fairies from yosemite by the light of the campfire. My spirits were up but my body was still week. Luckily I dug through my pack and discovered the delicacy of the gods-Yes, I had brought horsecock (or DD to you old schoolers). With each bite I felt stonger and stonger. I knew the next day I would be back on the cracks of the lower gorge. At first the jams hard but by the end of the day that familiar Marley tune was in my head and I was sending. It was a momentous day. Other CC.comers were there to support me. There was quite a show of the north people. Though I have had few experiences with these hard and mysterious people I think through careful negotiations we will have many partnerships. They lived up to their noble image and the peace pipe was passed many times that day. My southern folk also displayed fine character. yes, it was a good weekend despite my abduction by the sporto horde. We had a bast and all you gapers who missed it . . well so what if granite is better. Adieu
  21. Well, another outstanding show of wankism this weekend at sporto land. Raw tips, crowds, cc.com groupies- yes we had it all. Still a tad bit warm but some were baked all day.
  22. texplorer


    What has happened to the term once used as fluently as snafflehound and horsecock?
  23. the worst partner I ever had was a Iranian dude from florida. You think I might have known better.
  24. I think I used to be a bold trad leader really running it out. It allowed me to climber harder grades but at the expense of safety. Now I still run it out but I'm a much better climber so the risk is more reasonable now. In another note: Some of my first "climbing" experiences were as an adventurous backpacker soloing up short sections of rock probably even as hard as 5.9. After I started climbing I became more conservative and would always rope up for such climbing but now I seem to have come full circle and am drawn to solo things now that I wouldn't have dreamed of before. Go figure?
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