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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. The size cordelette you use is inversely proportional to the size of your horsecock or ehhumm... snakecock, whatever you may be.
  2. Was viewing the story in another post about Galen Rowell's death and found this story. "another tragedy occurred over the weekend as our fellow videographer friend Mark McNally died while skateboarding on Forest Trail up in Mammoth. Truly a terrible weekend, makes one want to enjoy the day a little more since life is always so damn fleeting...." WTF is this? I didn't know you skateboard on forest trails?
  3. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: What kind of jiggy Canadian poser bullshit is this? I'm cracking up Greg.
  4. I am resiting the urge to respond to your last post DFA.
  5. His photos really are inspiring. Always a sad thing to see someone so alive go away.
  6. In honor of trask: You could hollow out your horsecock and fill it with gu. That way you could gnaw on your cock and squirt yourself with your own gu! Hey maybe I could even sell and market them. I think Jizzers would be a good name.
  7. Yea, I like trask's posts too. He's kind of like fred beckey only he's younger, hasn't done alot of first ascents, and doesn't have his pic up in the MEC. This HC's for you
  8. Somehow I get the feeling all this "gate flutter" and "gate Lashing" are things contrived by the gear manufactures to sell you a biner for a couple of bucks more. I mean hell- beckey, robbins, and all those other hardmen climbed on ovals for years. For the record though I have wiregates on both ends. Guess I was a sucker to the hype.
  9. The stupidist thing I ever did was start posting on CC.com
  10. You people are all sketch. I'm never climbing with any of you unsafe wankers.
  11. 12:43 8/9/02 Texplorer becomes a Zen Spray Master
  12. Damn you people are old.
  13. I once belayed a partner up with a figure 8 using it like an atc at Beacon Rock. The only problem was that I used the big opening. Of all people a Mazama guy griped me out right there at the belay and told me I shouldn't be on this route. I knew I was wrong but from that day on I hated Mazamas for the holier than thou attitude that dude had. We ended up doing a harder climb that he did and my partner didn't fall so all was ok. Trials of a newbie. Oops.
  14. Time for lust- Time for lies- Time to kiss you life goodbye-
  15. The Classic: So you have one of them bolt guns?
  16. You better bring the stick clip if your doing the Monkey face via the A0 route. I pulled one of the bolts out about a month ago as I aided past it. Quite exhilarating to look down and see the bolt you were just standing on just pull right out when you have 20 ft of runnout! Whoever put those fat bolts in? It's a great route, now maybe an A0 with a hook move.
  17. Holy crap belle, You are a rope marking guru!
  18. texplorer

    New Graemlin

    :Thank you oh great moderators. I feel like I'm at the cashmere crags! I like your HC too Iceguy. Perhaps the mods will bless us with it as well. :snaffle
  19. Amazing what just 20 posts will do to some peoples heads isn't it.
  20. Watch out flash, your starting to seem reasonable. Do you really want to seem like an intelligent poster?
  21. texplorer

    New Graemlin

    Hey moderators, do you think you could find a Horsecock eating graemlin and a snafflehound graemlin?
  22. Another climber succumbs to the numbers game. . . .
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